1,038 research outputs found

    AC-Conductance through an Interacting Quantum Dot

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    We investigate the linear ac-conductance for tunneling through an arbitrary interacting quantum dot in the presence of a finite dc-bias. In analogy to the well-known Meir-Wingreen formula for the dc case, we are able to derive a general formula for the ac-conductance. It can be expressed entirely in terms of local correlations on the quantum dot, in the form of a Keldysh block diagram with four external legs. We illustrate the use of this formula as a starting point for diagrammatic calculations by considering the ac-conductance of the noninteracting resonant level model and deriving the result for the lowest order of electron-phonon coupling. We show how known results are recovered in the appropriate limits.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement of mechanical oscillators coupled to a non-equilibrium environment

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    Recent experiments aim at cooling nanomechanical resonators to the ground state by coupling them to non-equilibrium environments in order to observe quantum effects such as entanglement. This raises the general question of how such environments affect entanglement. Here we show that there is an optimal dissipation strength for which the entanglement between two coupled oscillators is maximized. Our results are established with the help of a general framework of exact quantum Langevin equations valid for arbitrary bath spectra, in and out of equilibrium. We point out why the commonly employed Lindblad approach fails to give even a qualitatively correct picture

    Mesoscopic Spin-Boson Models of Trapped Ions

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    Trapped ions arranged in Coulomb crystals provide us with the elements to study the physics of a single spin coupled to a boson bath. In this work we show that optical forces allow us to realize a variety of spin-boson models, depending on the crystal geometry and the laser configuration. We study in detail the Ohmic case, which can be implemented by illuminating a single ion with a travelling wave. The mesoscopic character of the phonon bath in trapped ions induces new effects like the appearance of quantum revivals in the spin evolution.Comment: 4.4 pages, 5 figure

    Fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer subject to a quantum bath

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    We study fermions in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, subject to a quantum-mechanical environment leading to inelastic scattering, decoherence, renormalization effects, and time-dependent conductance fluctuations. Both the loss of interference contrast as well as the shot noise are calculated, using equations of motion and leading order perturbation theory. The full dependence of the shot-noise correction on setup parameters, voltage, temperature and the bath spectrum is presented. We find an interesting contribution due to correlations between the fluctuating renormalized phase shift and the output current, discuss the limiting behaviours at low and high voltages, and compare with simpler models of dephasing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Reduction of Guided Acoustic Wave Brillouin Scattering in Photonic Crystal Fibers

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    Guided Acoustic Wave Brillouin Scattering (GAWBS) generates phase and polarization noise of light propagating in glass fibers. This excess noise affects the performance of various experiments operating at the quantum noise limit. We experimentally demonstrate the reduction of GAWBS noise in a photonic crystal fiber in a broad frequency range using cavity sound dynamics. We compare the noise spectrum to the one of a standard fiber and observe a 10-fold noise reduction in the frequency range up to 200 MHz. Based on our measurement results as well as on numerical simulations we establish a model for the reduction of GAWBS noise in photonic crystal fibers.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures; added numerical simulations, added reference

    Naturally-phasematched second harmonic generation in a whispering gallery mode resonator

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    We demonstrate for the first time natural phase matching for optical frequency doubling in a high-Q whispering gallery mode resonator made of Lithium Niobate. A conversion efficiency of 9% is achieved at 30 micro Watt in-coupled continuous wave pump power. The observed saturation pump power of 3.2 mW is almost two orders of magnitude lower than the state-of-the-art. This suggests an application of our frequency doubler as a source of non-classical light requiring only a low-power pump, which easily can be quantum noise limited. Our theoretical analysis of the three-wave mixing in a whispering gallery mode resonator provides the relative conversion efficiencies for frequency doubling in various modes

    A many-fermion generalization of the Caldeira-Leggett model

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    We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a dissipative environment: The fermions are subject to a fluctuating force deriving from a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate one- and two-particle Green's functions of the fermions. We discuss the relaxation of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea, considering also dephasing of a particle added in a coherent superposition of states. The consequences of the separation of center-of-mass and relative motion, the Pauli principle, and the bath-induced effective interaction are discussed. Finally, we extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath, that results in complete thermalization of the system.Comment: v3: fixed pdf problem; v2: added exact formula (Eq. 42) for Green's function and discussion of equilibrium density matrix (new Fig. 2); 10 figures, 21 pages, see quant-ph/0305098 for brief version of some of these result
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