61 research outputs found

    Two new plant nutrient nanocomposites based on urea coated hydroxyapatite: Efficacy and plant uptake

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    Macronutrient delivery to plants, particularly nitrogen, is problematic because of losses occurring during fertilization. Currently, nanotechnology is being considered as a solution to improving nutrient use efficiency. In this study, we report the synthesis and plant uptake of two plant nutrient nanocomposites based on urea coated hydroxyapatite (UHA) and potassium encapsulated into (i) a nanoclay, montmorillonite (MMT) or (ii) cavities present in Gliricidia sepium stem resulting in a wood chip containing macronutrients. Soil leaching behaviour, efficacy and plant uptake of the nutrients were tested in a pot experiment using Festuca arundinacea during a period of 60 weeks. Two nanocomposites displayed slow release behaviour particularly for nitrogen, in soil leaching tests compared to the conventional formulations. Both nanoformulations displayed efficient plant nutrient uptake highlighting the improved nutrient use efficiency. These data clearly revealed that urea fabricated into its nanoscale provide platform for development of efficient fertilizer formulations

    High dietary diversity is associated with obesity in Sri Lankan adults: An evaluation of three dietary scores.

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    Background: Dietary diversity is recognized as a key element of a high quality diet. However, diets that offer a greater variety of energy-dense foods could increase food intake and body weight. The aim of this study was to explore association of diet diversity with obesity in Sri Lankan adults. Methods: Six hundred adults aged > 18 years were randomly selected by using multi-stage stratified sample. Dietary intake assessment was undertaken by a 24 hour dietary recall. Three dietary scores, Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), Dietary Diversity Score with Portions (DDSP) and Food Variety Score (FVS) were calculated. Body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg.m−2 is defined as obese and Asian waist circumference cut-offs were used diagnosed abdominal obesity. Results: Mean of DDS for men and women were 6.23 and 6.50 (p=0.06), while DDSP was 3.26 and 3.17 respectively (p=0.24). FVS values were significantly different between men and women 9.55 and 10.24 (p=0.002). Dietary diversity among Sri Lankan adults was significantly associated with gender, residency, ethnicity, education level but not with diabetes status. As dietary scores increased, the percentage consumption was increased in most of food groups except starches. Obese and abdominal obese adults had the highest DDS compared to non-obese groups (p<0.05). With increased dietary diversity the level of BMI, waist circumference and energy consumption was significantly increased in this population. Conclusion: Our data suggests that dietary diversity is positively associated with several socio-demographic characteristics and obesity among Sri Lankan adults. Although high dietary diversity is widely recommended, public health messages should emphasize to improve dietary diversity in selective food items

    The Two-Photon Exchange Experiment at DESY

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    We propose a new measurement of the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering at DESY. The purpose is to determine the contributions beyond single-photon exchange, which are essential for the Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) description of the most fundamental process in hadronic physics. By utilizing a 20 cm long liquid hydrogen target in conjunction with the extracted beam from the DESY synchrotron, we can achieve an average luminosity of 2.12×10352.12\times10^{35} cm2^{-2}\cdots1^{-1}\cdotsr1^{-1} (200\approx200 times the luminosity achieved by OLYMPUS). The proposed TPEX experiment entails a commissioning run at 2 GeV, followed by measurements at 3 GeV, thereby providing new data up to Q2=4.6Q^2=4.6 (GeV/cc)2^2 (twice the range of current measurements). We present and discuss the proposed experimental setup, run plan, and expectations.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0470

    Determinants of intra-household food allocation between adults in South Asia - a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Nutrition interventions, often delivered at the household level, could increase their efficiency by channelling resources towards pregnant or lactating women, instead of leaving resources to be disproportionately allocated to traditionally favoured men. However, understanding of how to design targeted nutrition programs is limited by a lack of understanding of the factors affecting the intra-household allocation of food. METHODS: We systematically reviewed literature on the factors affecting the allocation of food to adults in South Asian households (in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) and developed a framework of food allocation determinants. Two reviewers independently searched and filtered results from PubMed, Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases by using pre-defined search terms and hand-searching the references from selected papers. Determinants were extracted, categorised into a framework, and narratively described. We used adapted Downs and Black and Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklists to assess the quality of evidence. RESULTS: Out of 6928 retrieved studies we found 60 relevant results. Recent, high quality evidence was limited and mainly from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. There were no results from Iran, Afghanistan, Maldives, or Bhutan. At the intra-household level, food allocation was determined by relative differences in household members' income, bargaining power, food behaviours, social status, tastes and preferences, and interpersonal relationships. Household-level determinants included wealth, food security, occupation, land ownership, household size, religion / ethnicity / caste, education, and nutrition knowledge. In general, the highest inequity occurred in households experiencing severe or unexpected food insecurity, and also in better-off, high caste households, whereas poorer, low caste but not severely food insecure households were more equitable. Food allocation also varied regionally and seasonally. CONCLUSION: Program benefits may be differentially distributed within households of different socioeconomic status, and targeting of nutrition programs might be improved by influencing determinants that are amenable to change, such as food security, women's employment, or nutrition knowledge. Longitudinal studies in different settings could unravel causal effects. Conclusions are not generalizable to the whole South Asian region, and research is needed in many countries

    Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab

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    This document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights from a series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. With a track record of over 25 years in delivering the world's most intense and precise multi-GeV electron beams, CEBAF's potential for a higher energy upgrade presents a unique opportunity for an innovative nuclear physics program, which seamlessly integrates a rich historical background with a promising future. The proposed physics program encompass a diverse range of investigations centered around the nonperturbative dynamics inherent in hadron structure and the exploration of strongly interacting systems. It builds upon the exceptional capabilities of CEBAF in high-luminosity operations, the availability of existing or planned Hall equipment, and recent advancements in accelerator technology. The proposed program cover various scientific topics, including Hadron Spectroscopy, Partonic Structure and Spin, Hadronization and Transverse Momentum, Spatial Structure, Mechanical Properties, Form Factors and Emergent Hadron Mass, Hadron-Quark Transition, and Nuclear Dynamics at Extreme Conditions, as well as QCD Confinement and Fundamental Symmetries. Each topic highlights the key measurements achievable at a 22 GeV CEBAF accelerator. Furthermore, this document outlines the significant physics outcomes and unique aspects of these programs that distinguish them from other existing or planned facilities. In summary, this document provides an exciting rationale for the energy upgrade of CEBAF to 22 GeV, outlining the transformative scientific potential that lies within reach, and the remarkable opportunities it offers for advancing our understanding of hadron physics and related fundamental phenomena.Comment: Updates to the list of authors; Preprint number changed from theory to experiment; Updates to sections 4 and 6, including additional figure

    The two-photon exchange experiment at DESY

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    We propose a new measurement of the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering at DESY. The purpose is to determine the contributions beyond single-photon exchange, which are essential for the Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) description of the most fundamental process in hadronic physics. By utilizing a 20 cm long liquid hydrogen target in conjunction with the extracted beam from the DESY synchrotron, we can achieve an average luminosity of 2.12×1035 cm-2·s-1 (≈200 times the luminosity achieved by OLYMPUS). The proposed two-photon exchange experiment (TPEX) entails a commissioning run at a beam energy of 2 GeV, followed by measurements at 3 GeV, thereby providing new data up to Q2=4.6 (GeV/c)2 (twice the range of current measurements). We present and discuss the proposed experimental setup, run plan, and expectations

    Under-reporting of construction accidents in Sri Lanka

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    Generally the work environment in the construction industry is more hazardous than in other industries, mainly due to the potential nature for serious accidents and health hazards by heavy use of large equipment, dangerous tools, and hazardous materials. Thus, the number of annual construction accidents are reported high and among them 50-60 are fatal. Moreover, these numbers are under reported and hence the actual number of construction accidents could be several times higher than the reported. Hence, this research attempts to investigate the most significant reasons behind underreported construction accidents and identify the loopholes of the existing reporting systems to recommend efficient mechanisms for occupational accident recording in construction industry. Accordingly, the research problem was approached through a pre study survey and an expert survey which followed by semi structured interviews. Various stakeholders including management, technical staff and workers in construction sites were interviewed. The findings revealed that safety representatives of most of the construction organizations reluctant to report to the Labour Department through the district factory inspecting engineer when incidents occur, due to unawareness of legal provisions and burden of paper work. Moreover, lack of knowledge, awareness, systems, management commitments and other facilities exaggerated the situation. Additionally, a strong leadership towards inculcating occupational safety and health was identified as a deliberating need. Therefore, the study propose to appoint qualified safety representatives for each construction site of construction organisations, continuous monitoring of following up the legal provision on notification of accidents, introduction of a prescribed information sheet for all organisations who are involved in a case of an industrial accident and after an accident or development of an online portal and increase the awareness programmes on importance of maintaining records and reporting of industrial accidents

    Estimation of recreational value of Horton Plains National Park in Sri Lanka: A decision making strategy for natural resourcemanagement

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    <p>Horton Plains National Park (HPNP) is an area of high biodiversity and exceptional endemism receiving high visitation (166,613 visitors in 2009), both by local and foreigners. Although, tourism causes negative impacts on the environment, environmental valuation could be used for taking decisions on natural resources management. The study shows that the recreational value of HPNP is Rs. 51.68 million rupees per year, but the total economic value could be many times higher than this. Calculations showed the maximum revenue from the park could be obtained if the entrance fee is raised to Rs. 472.00. This may however reduce the present visitor number by 65%, but it will improve the total revenue of the park by 314 %.  These differences strengthen the common argument by both officials and the public regarding insufficient allocation of man power and funds for natural resources management.</p><p>Key words: wildlife, recreational value, travel cost method</p

    Dynamic data analysis in obstructive sleep apnea

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious disease caused by the collapse of upper airways during sleep. The present method of measuring the severity of OSA is the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI). The AHI is defined as the average number of Obstructive events (Apnea and Hypopnea, OAH-events) during the total sleep period. The number of occurrence of OAH events during each hour of sleep is a random variable with an unknown probability density function. Thus the measure AHI alone is insufficient to describe its true nature. We propose a new measure Dynamic Apnea Hypopnea Index Time Series (DAHI), which captures the temporal density of Apnea event over shorter time intervals, and use its higher moments to obtain a dynamic characterization of OSA