883 research outputs found

    Razlamanje i tvorba čestica u duboko-neelastičnom raspršenju i fototvorbi

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    Charged particle production has been studied in deep inelastic scattering with the H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA. The evolution of scaled momentum distribution with respect to Q2 is shown in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame in the range from 10 to 40000 GeV2. Characteristics of the produced particle are presented for (anti)deuteron, (anti)protons, kaon pair production as well as (anti)lambda and K0.Istraživali smo tvorbu nabijenih čestica u duboko-neelastičnom raspršenju s detektorima H1 i ZEUS kod HERA-e. Pokazujemo razvoj sumjerne impulsne raspodjele u ovisnosti o Q2 u području strujnog razlamanja u Breitovom sustavu u području od 10 do 40000 GeV2 . Predstavljaju se značajke ovih proizvedenih čestica: (anti)deuterona, (anti)protona, parova kaona, (anti)lambda i K0


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    Tom zatytułowany Choroba - ciało - dusza w literaturze i kulturze jest monografią opracowaną przez literaturoznawców, kulturoznawców i filmoznawców z różnych ośrodków akademickich w Polsce. Stanowi on zbiór tekstów powiązanych wieloaspektowym omówieniem choroby, rozumianej dosłownie i metaforycznie, choroby somatycznej i psychicznej, choroby jednostki i społeczeństwa. Artykuły są, w znacznej większości, rezultatem pracy badawczej i dyskusji seminaryjnej autorów, którzy wygłosili referaty na ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej „Językowe / tekstualne / kulturowe praktyki choroby w literaturze”, zorganizowanej w Sosnowcu w dniach 12-13 maja 2012 r. przez Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Bezpośrednim bodźcem do powstania tej monografii była koncepcja wypracowana przez panią dr Violettę Mantajewską. [Fragm. tekstu

    Eto/biologia w dyskursie (zoo)semiotycznym

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    The following article is devoted to a symbiosis of biology and semiotics, which contributed to the establishment of various inter-disciplinary areas of knowledge and trends within broadly understood semiotics: ecosemiotics (cultural and biological), biosemiotics (endosemiotics / exosemiotics), biological semiotics / semiotic biology and zoosemiotics. The author focuses on the latter. She concentrates mainly on Yuri Lotman’s works wherein numerous connections between biology and ethology can be found. An eminent Estonian biosemiotics professor Kalevi Kull has analyzed these connections in an article. The author comes to the conclusion that Lotman largely contributed to the development of zoosemiotics in Russia and Estonia

    O zwrocie zwierzęcym we współczesnej Rosji. Альманах „Русский мiръ. Пространство и время русской культуры” Мiръ животных. Тематический выпуск «Русская культура», Санкт -Петербург 2015 (publikacja rosyjskojęzyczna, wydana w twardej oprawie, 379 stron) - recenzja

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    "Już od kilku lat ukazują się w Polsce wydania tematyczne periodyków poświęcone wyłącznie zwierzętom1. Prace z zakresu animal studies stały się w ostatnim czasie w naszym kraju modne, jednak do Rosji dopiero zaczynają docierać, m.in. za sprawą Tatiany Goriczewej2, co nie oznacza, że wcześniej w ojczyźnie Fiodora Dostojewskiego nie poruszano kwestii dotyczącej zwierząt3. O dużym wkładzie Goriczewej w rozwój studiów nad relacjami między ludźmi i zwierzętami w rosyjskojęzycznym kręgu naukowym świadczy najnowsza i – o ile mi wiadomo – pierwsza monograficzna edycja petersburskiego almanachu „Русский мiръ. Пространство и время русской культуры”4, poświęcona wyłącznie zwierzętom"

    O nowelach włoskich Dmitrija Mierieżkowskiego

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    The article is devoted to the Italian short stories by Dmitrij Mierie¿kowski. In her considerations, the author starts from the problem of stylization, but having analysed given works, she comes to a conclusion that they cannot be treated as Renaissance Italian short story stylised ones because they are just an imitation, paraphrase or a free translation of Italian short stories. Besides, the works by Mierie¿kowski lack an internal rift between the model and the primary system of thought due to the absence of the latter. According to the author, the short stories by Mierie¿kowski are worth paying attention to for many reasons. First, they mark a direction of the writer s cultural interests. Second, they are a rare genre among his works, and third, they constitute a loose literary series which will become a dominating literary form at the turn of his whole literary output (mainly the novel-like trilogies)

    Literatura rosyjska wobec upodmiotowienia zwierząt : w kręgu zagadnień ekofilozoficznych

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    The research is devoted to the selected problems related to eco‑philosophical issues analysed on the basis of Russian literature of the last two centuries — issues so far absent in literary studies discourse of the contemporary Polish and European Russian studies. The author searches and analyses philosophical problem concerning relation and interaction between people and animated nature represented mainly by animals, with consideration of assessment and moral qualification of human actions resulting from this relation (eco‑ethics). The purpose of the thesis is to determine and understand quality of human existence and coexistence with other species on the basis of selected literary works (prose and poetry) as well as journalism. This interdisciplinary thesis combining the disciplines of literary studies and natural history, is an attempt to contribute to the studies called the Third Culture (term introduced by John Brockman) which includes various disciplines of natural science (and exact sciences) and humanities. The lecture given by Charles Snow at the end the fifties considerably contributed to the rapid development of these disciplines. Snow distinguished and described growing split between two cultures: traditional humanities and sciences. At present these sciences and humanities create one current in culture — the Third Culture. Its representatives synthetically combine in their work various disciplines depending on current needs. In Brockman’s opinion in humanistic science, whose representatives have hermetic and marginal disputes, old ideas are only transformed while in natural sciences creative questions are put, new information appears and problems are formulated anew. Nowadays, according to Brockman, the Third Culture strongly attracts the representatives of humanities who think that ideas should be verified in compliance with empirical facts, and everything humanities are concerned with (e.g. literary studies) should take account of achievements of natural sciences. The author takes into consideration achievements of socio‑biology, zoosemiotics and cognitive ethology — sciences exploited by eco‑philosophy. The thesis presents the relation ‘human being – animal’ in a historical process against the background of the development of philosophical and natural sciences. Therefore, an arrangement of the material is determined by non‑literary phenomena, e.g. Darwin’s theory of evolution. The thesis consists of four chapters. In the first chapter — Individual and species subjectivity of animals. Moral status of animals against the background of the development of eco‑philosophical thought (not only Russian) — the author attempts to describe animals as a subject, taking into consideration various concepts of subjectivity of animals, to determine the place of an animal in philosophy of nature over the centuries, and to analyse an attitude towards animals in Russian philosophy (e.g. Vladimir Solovyov, Vasily Rozanov, Pyotr Kropotkin). The second chapter — Animal as a person / thing / inferior existence in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century. Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and others — is devoted to the review of the relation ‘human being – animal’ in the works of the title corypheuses and writes such as Nikolay Shcherbina, Ivan Turgenev, Vladimir Sollogoub, Anton Chekhov, Vsevolod Garshin, Vladimir Chertkov. The third chapter — Russian literature of the first half of 20th century about “younger brothers”. From Velimir Khlebnikov to Daniil Andreyev — describes problems concerning overcoming anthropocentrism in relations between people and animals, hunting, vegetarianism and cruelty to animals. The starting point for the discussion are works of the writers: Khlebnikov and Andreyev. The above issues are also analysed on the basis of the works of Mikhail Artsybashev, Sergei Yesenin, Andrei Platonov, Alexander Dobrolubov, Nikolaj Zablocki, Lidija Zinov’eva‑Annibal, Jelena Guro, Aleksandr Kuprin, Mikhail Prishvin and others. In the fourth, the most extensive chapter — Influence of the 20th century experiences on the eco‑ ethical tendencies in the post‑war and contemporary Russian literature. From genocide to bioethics — the author makes attempts to show an animal as a victim of war, gulag, starvation, collective farming and civilization development in the works of Viktor Afanasyev, Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Varlam Shalamov, Vladimir Tendryakov, Valentin Rasputin. The last chapter is devoted to the interpretation of the complex relation ‘human being – animal’ not only in extreme conditions but also in ordinary, unexceptional ones, e.g. in the works of Chyngyz Aitmatov, Andrei Bitov, Svetlana Vasilenko. The thesis reflects human attitude towards animals in the works in which an animal has not been presented as a mask, symbol, allegory but as an animal in the literary sense. Therefore, the works presenting images of animals which have nothing to do with ethological truth (e.g. fable) have not been taken into account in this thesis. It represents modern trend of posthumanities. Posthumanities is an ethical and intellectual attitude which among others supports scientifically and legitimizes actions aimed at protecting various species, and which promotes studies in ‘human being — animal’ relations called in short animal studies. The studies originated in the western intellectual thought long time ago and nowadays they are defined as interdisciplinary studies and institutional academic discipline in the academic process. The thesis is aimed at propagation of the studies in Poland. The author tries to prove that in the Russian literary works an animal is not merely a pretext for exploring extensive implications of the ideology which rejects both instrumental, purely utilitarian attitude towards animals and primitive or sentimental anthropomorphism and introduces instead thinking which is rational, scientifically justified and ontologically and ethically prolific

    Wokół tajemnic zwierzęcego umysłu. Clive D.L. Wynne, Monique A.R. Udell: „Tajemnice umysłów zwierząt. Ewolucja, zachowanie i procesy poznawcze”. Tłum. P. Leszczyński, B. Leszczyńska, A. Kłosiński. Kraków 2015 (publikacja przetłumaczona na język polski, wydana w miękkiej oprawie, 359 strony) - recenzja

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    "Pozycja pt. Tajemnice umysłów zwierząt. Ewolucja, zachowanie i procesy poznawcze (tytuł oryginału: Animal Cognition. Evolution, Behavior and Cognition) to profesjonalny i rzeczowy podręcznik/kompendium najnowszej wiedzy o procesach umysłowych zwierząt, autorstwa Clive’a Wynne`a – profesora Wydziału Psychologii Uniwersytetu Stanowego w Arizonie, oraz Monique Udell – badaczki z Wydziału Nauk o Zwierzętach Uniwersytetu Stanowego w Oregonie. Ich zamiarem było napisanie dobrego podręcznika dla studentów, którzy zgłębiają procesy myślowe zwierząt. Cel autorów został osiągnięty. Warto podkreślić, że amerykańscy psycholodzy napisali go z myślą o wszystkich, którzy interesują się procesami psychicznymi zwierząt"

    Podmiotowość człowieka w cieniu technokracji. Rozważania wokół utworów fantastycznych Walerija Briusowa

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    Dystopian futuristic visions in the science fiction prose and dramaturgy of Valery Bryusov, who created civilizational anti-worlds in them, are presented in the article. The author puts forward a thesis that the technocratic system in writer’s works leads to objectification of human being, on which existence technology has a disastrous influence. In particular, the researcher focuses on writer’s unfinished narratives Powstanie maszyn and Bunt maszyn