258 research outputs found
Walka o prawdę jako jeden z głównych problemów polskiej polityki historycznej
Artykuł próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie są obecnie najważniejsze zadania polityki historycznej. Jej rolą nie jest wyłącznie i w dużej mierze upamiętnianie i kultywowanie prawdy historycznej – stawianie pomników i organizowanie obchodów rocznic ważnych wydarzeń, ale bardzo często obrona prawdy. Warto zastanowić się nad tym, jak dochodzi do tego, że prawda historyczna jest zniekształcana i jaką rolę odgrywają różne poglądy i koncepcje w badaniu historii
Historia kolekcji rękopisów romańskich z byłej Pruskiej Biblioteki Państwowej w Berlinie, przechowywanych w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie : studium ogólne = The history of the collection of Romance manuscripts from the former Preussische Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków : the overall study
In the city of Cusco, the urban road is framed in a serious problem of total absence of periodic actions directed to the maintenance of paved roads, resulting in the accelerated deterioration of the pavements until almost their destruction, so, urban paved roads of the city of Cusco demand a new way of dealing with road management.
Firstly, a situational analysis and diagnosis of the road maintenance processes used by the responsible entity was carried out. And then as a result of the investigation, a proposal for the implementation of the road maintenance management system for the urban roads of the city of Cusco is presented. Also as a case study is presented the management of the pavement of a road of the first order of the city of Cusco, the Av. de la Cultura, whose pavement was built in 1972, in its life cycle maintenance activities were carried out from from the year 1984, the year 1,999, the first functional and structural evaluation was carried out, the results of which required periodic maintenance. In 2012-2013, a new functional and structural assessment of the pavement was carried out to predict its behavior model, the results of which indicate that a second periodic maintenance should be carried out in the year 2020. With the results obtained, the analysis of the deterioration state of the life cycle of the pavement and the analysis of the life cycle cost for a period of 50 years was carried out in two scenarios: scenario 1 considering routine and periodic maintenance activities; Scenario 2 without considering maintenance. In the analysis of the state of deterioration, deterministic analysis and graph we find in scenario 2 a VPN of S/. 1, 003,829 more than scenario 1. This shows that the application of routine maintenance activities and especially newspaper in the Av. de la Cultura (scenario 1), has had results from the economic point of view much more advantageous than not having applied periodic maintenance activities and this increases more if we add the improvement of service quality and safety to users.Trabajo de investigaciónEn la ciudad del Cusco, la vialidad urbana está enmarcada en una grave problemática de ausencia total de acciones periódicas dirigidas al mantenimiento de vías pavimentadas, produciendo como resultado el deterioro acelerado de los pavimentos hasta casi su destrucción, por lo que, las vías urbanas pavimentadas de la ciudad del Cusco exigen una nueva manera de enfrentar la gestión vial.
Para ello primeramente se realizó un análisis y diagnóstico situacional de los procesos de mantenimiento vial utilizados por la entidad responsable. Y luego como resultado de la investigación se presenta una propuesta de implementación del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento vial para las vías urbanas de la ciudad del Cusco. Asimismo como caso de estudió se presenta la gestión del pavimento de una vía de primer orden de la ciudad del Cusco, la Av. de la Cultura, cuyo pavimento fue construido el año 1972, en su ciclo de vida se realizaron actividades de mantenimiento a partir del año 1984, el año 1,999 se realizó la primera evaluación funcional y estructural, cuyos resultados exigieron que se realice un mantenimiento periódico. El año 2012-2013 se realizó una nueva evaluación funcional y estructural del pavimento, para predecir su modelo de comportamiento cuyos resultados indican que máximo el año 2020 debe realizarse un segundo mantenimiento periódico. Con los resultados obtenidos se realizó el análisis del estado de deterioro del ciclo de vida del pavimento y el análisis del costo del ciclo de vida para un periodo de 50 años en dos escenarios: escenario 1 considerando las actividades de mantenimiento rutinario y periódicos; escenario 2 sin considerar mantenimiento. En el análisis del estado de deterioro, análisis determinístico y grafico encontramos en el escenario 2 un VPN de S/.1, 003,829 más que el escenario 1. Lo que demuestra que la aplicación de actividades de mantenimiento rutinario y sobre todo periódico en la Av. De La Cultura (escenario 1), ha tenido resultados desde el punto de vista económico mucho más ventajosos que el no haber aplicado actividades de mantenimiento periódico y esto aumenta más si sumamos la mejora de la calidad de servicio y seguridad a los usuarios
The Impact of Enabling School Structures on the Degree of Internal School Change as Measured by the Implementation of Professional Learning Communities
Abstract THE IMPACT OF ENABLING SCHOOL STRUCTURES ON THE DEGREE OF INTERNAL SCHOOL CHANGE AS MEASURED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES By Joseph D. Tylus, Ph.D. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2009 Major Director: Dr. William C. Bosher Distinguished Professor, G. Wilder School of Policy Adjunct Professor, VCU School of Education This non-experimental, correlational study looked at the relationship between bureaucratic structures in middle and high schools in bringing about change in individual teacher classroom instructional practices through the centralized directive of membership in a professional learning community. Using a continuum of bureaucratic structure, from enabling to hindering, designed by Hoy and Sweetland (2001), each teacher identified the type of bureaucratic structure they believed they operated within. The teacher participants responded to a questionnaire on how involved they were and to what degree they participated with colleagues in a professional learning community during the current school year. Further, they were asked how membership in a professional learning community influenced, if at all, their instructional practices. A regression analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between enabling bureaucratic structure and a higher degree of teacher personal professional growth. A regression analysis also demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between enabling bureaucratic structure and change in instructional practices in the classroom associated with membership in a professional learning community. However, while the analyses found statistical significance, the actual effect size was low, challenging the level of practical significance of the model. One interaction of interest related to teachers who teach courses where there is a state mandated end-of-course test that impacts the school’s adequate yearly progress (AYP) rating. Teachers in this group reported the highest level of change in their classroom instructional practices through membership in a professional learning community when they perceived a more enabling bureaucratic structure for the school in which they worked. Hopefully these results will help encourage future work that pertains to which bureaucratic structures are most effective in producing change in the classroom through the use of professional learning communities. The dissertation was created using Microsoft Word 2003
An examination of descriptive and injunctive norms as antecedents to psychological reactance
Designing messages that successfully produce behavior change is a central objective for many health communication scholars. However, many health campaigns fail to effectively produce desired behavioral behavior, and occasionally boomerang effects can result in audience members adopting behaviors opposite of the recommended action. Psychological reactance theory – which posits that individuals cherish their personal freedoms, and react negatively when their freedom is threatened – provides a theoretical account for why persuasive messages can fail. The current study extends the literature on psychological reactance theory in two primary ways. First, by examining the role of descriptive and injunctive norms messages as antecedents to freedom threat and reactance. Second, by examining message elaboration as an antecedent and moderator of the reactance process. In Study 1, college students (N = 405) were randomly assigned to view print ads using a 3 (norms message: descriptive norm vs. injunctive norm vs. control) X 2 (forceful language: high vs. low) X 2 (topic: alcohol consumption, regular exercise) between subjects posttest only design. In Study 2, adult Internet users (N = 655) were randomly assigned to view print ads using a 2 (descriptive norm: present vs. absent) X 2 (injunctive norm: present vs. absent) X 2 (forceful language: high vs. low) X 2 (topic: organ donation, energy conservation) between-subjects posttest only design posttest only design.
Four general conclusions are drawn from this investigation. First, descriptive and injunctive norms messages did not affect perceived descriptive or injunctive norms across all four topics and two populations. In other words, the norms message inductions consistently failed. This result is likely due to a confluence of factors, including the fact that the current studies made comparisons between two norms message frames, as well as a no-norm control message (rather than maximizing the variance with an artificially low and high norm condition as is more typical in the literature), the use of quite distal referent groups in the messages (“University students” and “Americans”), as well as the relatively short (~50 words) nature of the print messages. Second, despite following the two-step approach to modeling reactance in the current studies, modification indices for three of the four models suggested the addition of a direct path from an exogenous variable to state reactance. Given the lack of uniformity in the reactance literature in regards to how reactance is modeled vis-à-vi freedom threat, the current study holds implications for scholars interested in the operationalization of reactance. Third, the findings of the current investigation also have theoretical implications for theories of message processing such as the elaboration likelihood model. Across all four topics, greater message elaboration was associated with either diminished freedom threat (alcohol, organ donation) or diminished reactance (exercise, energy conservation), suggesting that reactance reduction is another persuasive benefit of greater message elaboration. Fourth, an interaction between message elaboration and forceful language was observed in the exercise sample. The interaction was such that under conditions of greater message elaboration and the presence of forceful language, freedom threat was diminished. Though this finding seems rather counterintuitive on its face, it may be the case that in some cases (i.e., under high elaboration) audience members appreciate forceful message for their frankness. Given, however, that this interaction was observed for only one topic (regular exercise), generalizing this finding to other topics is premature. Practical implications of the current findings are also discussed, as well as limitations and future directions for research
Co mówią stare rękopisy
Zamierzeniem autorów jest ukazanie sposobów badania starych ksiąg rękopiśmiennych, przedstawienie różnych przypadków, kiedy rękopis średniowieczny do nas przemawia, bo stare rękopisy mówią w sposób specyficzny, specjalnym językiem.
Ukazane tutaj rękopisy należą do grupy romańskich: francuskie i włoskie (ze względu na specyfikę pola badawczego obydwu autorów), z kolekcji „berlińskiej”, tzw. „Berlinki” przechowywanej obecnie w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej.Agnieszka Uziębł
Zakres pojęciowy ,,strony” w postępowaniu o naprawienie szkody powstałej na skutek wydania wadliwej decyzji administracyjnej oraz jego wpływ na sądownictwo powszechne. Rozważania interdyscyplinarne
Determining scope of term "party" in action for damage caused by issue of faulty administrative decision, regulated by Code of Administrative Procedure, has direct influence on common courts rulings. Lack of uniform stance on the interpretation of term "party", used in article 160 § 1 of Code of Administrative Procedure, created discrepancies in judicial rulings. This problem was ultimately resolved by Supreme Court's resolution of 21 June 2012, ref. no. III CZP 28/12, in which broad, pro-Constitutional definition of "party" was adopted.Wyznaczenie zakresu pojęcia ,,strona” w postępowaniu toczącym się na podstawie przepisów Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego, o naprawienie szkody powstałej na skutek wydania wadliwej decyzji administracyjnej ma bezpośredni wpływ na sądownictwo powszechne. Brak jednolitego stanowiska w przedmiocie wykładni pojęcia ,,strona” użytego w art. 160 § 1 Kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego spowodował rozbieżności w orzecznictwie. Problem ten został ostatecznie rozwiązany poprzez wydanie przez Sąd Najwyższy uchwały z dnia 21 czerwca 2012 roku, sygn. akt III CZP 28/12, w której przyjęto szeroką, prokonstytucyjną definicję pojęcia ,,strona”
Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy in macular oedema secondary to racemose haemangiomatosis of the retina
Racemose haemangiomatosis of the retina is a sporadic, mostly unilateral, congenital arteriovenous malformation (AVM), comprising abnormal junctions between arteries and veins that omit capillaries. Typically, vascular malformations are asymptomatic and incidentally discovered. Advanced changes may be related to the presence of subretinal fluid and exudates, even though these lesions are classified as benign. Many complications can lead to severe or permanent visual impairment. Direct methods of treatment of primary retinal vascular anomalies have not been developed yet. The aim of this case report is to present the anti-VEGF therapy in the treatment macular oedema secondary to racemose haemangioma
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