15,845 research outputs found

    Introduction to macroscale scenario switching – from refined fuels to hydrogen in personal transport [Chapter 3]

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    This chapter introduces the core scenario for which potential economic impacts of hydrogen and fuel cells in the UK are considered in this White Paper. This focuses on the replacement of petrol and diesel in cars with hydrogen, with some attention to the manufacture and uptake of hydrogen-ready cars and short-term investment in activities such as Research and Development and construction required to enable such as switch

    Employment [Chapter 6]

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    This chapter focuses on the employment embodied in the hydrogen supply chain activity implied by the headline input-output ‘multiplier’ values introduced in Chapter 3 and decomposed for output and total value-added (GDP) in Chapter 4. Here attention is on considering the composition of hydrogen supply chain multipliers in terms of the sectoral location of jobs and the associated generation of wage income. The latter gives some indication of the ‘quality of jobs’ associated with particular areas of the hydrogen economy. This is in so far as wage income is an element of value-added at the economy-wide level (GDP by an income measure) and to the individuals who receive earnings from paid employment. Given that jobs in the input-output framework are reported in full-time equivalent (FTE) units (for reasons of aggregation across sectors) it is not possible to consider the quality of jobs from a part-time vs. full-time perspective. However, Chapter 7 does go on to consider skills requirements, which is another important indicator of the quality of jobs/employment (and one that may, to some extent correlate with wage incomes)

    Modelling the impact over time - consumer transport [Chapter 9]

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    This chapter considers a few simple scenarios that introduce some potential scale to the input-output multiplier model analyses in Chapters 3, 4 and 6 in considering the potential wider economic impacts of a projected shift to a hydrogen economy. Again, focus is mainly on the case of private transportation and the shift from petrol/diesel (refined fossil fuels) to hydrogen, with the supply chain of the latter proxied by those of the existing UK gas and/or electricity supply sectors. The key characteristic of these proxies is the markedly stronger up-stream supply chain linkages within the UK economy as compared to the more import-intensive refined fuel supply industry. A central conclusion of the modelling work in this paper is that if a future hydrogen sector shares this characteristic, net positive impacts on the UK economy as whole are likely when/if private transportation transitions to the use of hydrogen as a fuel source

    Supply chain [Chapter 4]

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    The Supply Chain is critical to the establishment of a hydrogen fuel cell economy and indeed offers immense benefit to the economy. A range of Lifecycle Analysis studies conducted in EU FC Framework and EU FCH Joint Undertaking projects detailing HFC system inventories readily explains the widespread extent of potential interest showing that the physical bulk of any fuel cell system or application does not involve a great deal of new technology. Although the core fuel cell (or electrolysis) stack is fundamental to the technology – the physical bulk of any system or application is made up of regular engineering and fabricated components. And the greatest proportion of cost and value in such systems is entrained in their overall design and integration content (IP). For example in scoping out the prospects for a hydrogen ferry being built and operated in Scotland, around 200 local supply chain companies were identified which could have an interest in such a development

    Making a financial time machine:a multitouch application to enable interactive 3-D visualization of distant savings goals

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    Financial planning and decision making for the general public continues to vex and perplex in equal measure. Whilst the tools presented by a typical desktop computer should make the task easier, the recent financial crisis confirms the increasing difficulty that people have in calculating the benefits of deferring consumption for future gains (i.e. Saving). We present an interactive concept demonstration for Microsoft SurfaceTM that tackles two of the key barriers to saving decision making. Firstly we show an interface that avoid the laborious writing down or inputting of data and instead embodies the cognitive decision of allocation of resources in a physical gesture based interface, where the scale of the investment or expenditure correlates with the scale of the gesture. Second we show how a fast-forward based animation can demonstrate the impact of small increments in savings to a long term savings goal in a strategy game-based, interactive format. The platform uses custom software (XNATM format) as opposed to the more usual WPFTM format found on Surface applications. This enables dynamic 3-D graphical icons to be used to maximize the interactive appeal of the interface. Demonstration and test trial feedback indicates that this platform can be adapted to suit the narrative of individual purchasing decisions to inform educate diverse user groups about the long term consequences of small financial decisions

    Особливості зачину актів купівлі-продажу (на матеріалі Пирятинських міських книг)

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    У статті розглянуто особливості структурних компонентів початкового протоколу актів купівлі-продажу в українській мові кінця ХVІІ – другої третини ХVІІІ ст. На численних прикладах проілюстровано специфічні ознаки власне пирятинських актів, а також виявлено спільні риси, характерні для тогочасного діловодства взагалі

    Electron Scattering Cross-Section Calculations for Atomic and Molecular Iodine

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    Cross sections for electron scattering from atomic and molecular iodine are calculated based on the R-matrix (close-coupling) method. Elastic and electronic excitation cross sections are presented for both I and I2. The dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation cross sections of the iodine molecule are obtained using the local complex potential approximation. Ionization cross sections are also computed for I2 using the BEB mode

    Protogalactic Extension of the Parker Bound

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    We extend the Parker bound on the galactic flux F\cal F of magnetic monopoles. By requiring that a small initial seed field must survive the collapse of the protogalaxy, before any regenerative dynamo effects become significant, we develop a stronger bound. The survival and continued growth of an initial galactic seed field 109\leq 10^{-9}G demand that F5×1021(m/1017GeV)cm2sec1sr1{\cal F} \leq 5 \times 10^{-21} (m/10^{17} {GeV}) {cm}^{-2} {sec}^{-1} {sr}^{-1}. For a given monopole mass, this bound is four and a half orders of magnitude more stringent than the previous `extended Parker bound', but is more speculative as it depends on assumptions about the behavior of magnetic fields during protogalactic collapse. For monopoles which do not overclose the Universe (Ωm<1\Omega_m <1), the maximum flux allowed is now 8×10198 \times 10^{-19} cm^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}, a factor of 150 lower than the maximum flux allowed by the extended Parker bound.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps figur

    Microsatellite Markers for Red Drum, Sciaenops ocellatus

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    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers are reported for 68 nuclear-encoded microsatellites developed during the past several years from genomic libraries of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). All 68 microsatellites were tested for reproducibility and polymorphism on a sample of five to 12 red drum; 60 of the microsatellites were found to be polymorphic. Estimates of observed and expected heterozygosity (gene diversity) and tests of conformity of genotypes to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were carried out for a subset of 31 microsatellites on a larger sample of 45 adults provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Levels of allelic and gene diversity were average relative to values observed for marine and anadromous fishes. The set of genetic markers should be useful for a variety of studies, including monitoring and assessment of red drum stock enhancement