44 research outputs found

    Metapopulation dominance and genomic-island acquisition of Bradyrhizobium with superior catabolic capabilities

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    Root nodule-forming rhizobia exhibit a bipartite lifestyle, replicating in soil and also within plant cells where they fix nitrogen for legume hosts. Host control models posit that legume hosts act as a predominant selective force on rhizobia, but few studies have examined rhizobial fitness in natural populations. Here, we genotyped and phenotyped Bradyrhizobium isolates across more than 800 km of the native Acmispon strigosus host range. We sequenced chromosomal genes expressed under free-living conditions and accessory symbiosis loci expressed in planta and encoded on an integrated ‘symbiosis island’ (SI). We uncovered a massive clonal expansion restricted to the Bradyrhizobium chromosome, with a single chromosomal haplotype dominating populations, ranging more than 700 km, and acquiring 42 divergent SI haplotypes, none of which were spatially widespread. For focal genotypes, we quantified utilization of 190 sole-carbon sources relevant to soil fitness. Chromosomal haplotypes that were both widespread and dominant exhibited superior growth on diverse carbon sources, whereas these patterns were not mirrored among SI haplotypes. Abundance, spatial range and catabolic superiority of chromosomal, but not symbiosis genotypes suggests that fitness in the soil environment, rather than symbiosis with hosts, might be the key driver of Bradyrhizobium dominance

    Metapopulation dominance and genomic-island acquisition of Bradyrhizobium with superior catabolic capabilities

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    Root nodule-forming rhizobia exhibit a bipartite lifestyle, replicating in soil and also within plant cells where they fix nitrogen for legume hosts. Host control models posit that legume hosts act as a predominant selective force on rhizobia, but few studies have examined rhizobial fitness in natural populations. Here, we genotyped and phenotyped Bradyrhizobium isolates across more than 800 km of the native Acmispon strigosus host range. We sequenced chromosomal genes expressed under free-living conditions and accessory symbiosis loci expressed in planta and encoded on an integrated ‘symbiosis island’ (SI). We uncovered a massive clonal expansion restricted to the Bradyrhizobium chromosome, with a single chromosomal haplotype dominating populations, ranging more than 700 km, and acquiring 42 divergent SI haplotypes, none of which were spatially widespread. For focal genotypes, we quantified utilization of 190 sole-carbon sources relevant to soil fitness. Chromosomal haplotypes that were both widespread and dominant exhibited superior growth on diverse carbon sources, whereas these patterns were not mirrored among SI haplotypes. Abundance, spatial range and catabolic superiority of chromosomal, but not symbiosis genotypes suggests that fitness in the soil environment, rather than symbiosis with hosts, might be the key driver of Bradyrhizobium dominance

    A Locus in Drosophila sechellia Affecting Tolerance of a Host Plant Toxin

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    Many insects feed on only one or a few types of host. These host specialists often evolve a preference for chemical cues emanating from their host and develop mechanisms for circumventing their host’s defenses. Adaptations like these are central to evolutionary biology, yet our understanding of their genetics remains incomplete. Drosophila sechellia, an emerging model for the genetics of host specialization, is an island endemic that has adapted to chemical toxins present in the fruit of its host plant, Morinda citrifolia. Its sibling species, D. simulans, and many other Drosophila species do not tolerate these toxins and avoid the fruit. Earlier work found a region with a strong effect on tolerance to the major toxin, octanoic acid, on chromosome arm 3R. Using a novel assay, we narrowed this region to a small span near the centromere containing 18 genes, including three odorant binding proteins. It has been hypothesized that the evolution of host specialization is facilitated by genetic linkage between alleles contributing to host preference and alleles contributing to host usage, such as tolerance to secondary compounds. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the effect of this tolerance locus on host preference behavior. Our data were inconsistent with the linkage hypothesis, as flies bearing this tolerance region showed no increase in preference for media containing M. citrifolia toxins, which D. sechellia prefers. Thus, in contrast to some models for host preference, preference and tolerance are not tightly linked at this locus nor is increased tolerance per se sufficient to change preference. Our data are consistent with the previously proposed model that the evolution of D. sechellia as a M. citrifolia specialist occurred through a stepwise loss of aversion and gain of tolerance to M. citrifolia’s toxins

    Most introgressions are present at low frequencies.

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    <p>Frequencies of introgressed regions defined as inclusive sets of overlapping individual introgressions. <b>A)</b> <i>san</i>-into-<i>yak</i>. <b>B)</b> <i>yak</i>-into-<i>san</i>. <b>C)</b> <i>tei</i>-into-<i>yak</i>. <b>D)</b> <i>yak</i>-into-<i>tei</i>.</p

    Data from: Hybridization in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup: incomplete isolation among the three species of the yakuba complex

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    In the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup, the yakuba species complex, D. yakuba, D. santomea and D. teissieri have identical mitochondrial genomes in spite of nuclear differentiation. The first two species can be readily hybridized in the laboratory, and produce fertile females and sterile males. They also form hybrids in natural conditions. Nonetheless, the third species, D. teissieri, was thought to be unable to produce hybrids with either D. yakuba or D. santomea. This in turn posed the conundrum of why the three species shared a single mitochondrial genome. In this report we show that D. teissieri can indeed hybridize with both D. yakuba and D. santomea. The resulting female hybrids from both crosses are fertile, while the hybrid males are sterile. We also characterize six isolating mechanisms that might be involved in keeping the three species apart. Our results open the possibility of studying the history of introgression in the yakuba species complex and dissecting the genetic basis of interspecific differences between these three species by genetic mapping

    Fine scale mapping of genomic introgressions within the <i>Drosophila yakuba</i> clade

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    <div><p>The process of speciation involves populations diverging over time until they are genetically and reproductively isolated. Hybridization between nascent species was long thought to directly oppose speciation. However, the amount of interspecific genetic exchange (introgression) mediated by hybridization remains largely unknown, although recent progress in genome sequencing has made measuring introgression more tractable. A natural place to look for individuals with admixed ancestry (indicative of introgression) is in regions where species co-occur. In west Africa, <i>D</i>. <i>santomea</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>yakuba</i> hybridize on the island of São Tomé, while <i>D</i>. <i>yakuba</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>teissieri</i> hybridize on the nearby island of Bioko. In this report, we quantify the genomic extent of introgression between the three species of the <i>Drosophila yakuba</i> clade (<i>D</i>. <i>yakuba</i>, <i>D</i>. <i>santomea</i>), <i>D</i>. <i>teissieri</i>). We sequenced the genomes of 86 individuals from all three species. We also developed and applied a new statistical framework, using a hidden Markov approach, to identify introgression. We found that introgression has occurred between both species pairs but most introgressed segments are small (on the order of a few kilobases). After ruling out the retention of ancestral polymorphism as an explanation for these similar regions, we find that the sizes of introgressed haplotypes indicate that genetic exchange is not recent (>1,000 generations ago). We additionally show that in both cases, introgression was rarer on <i>X</i> chromosomes than on autosomes which is consistent with sex chromosomes playing a large role in reproductive isolation. Even though the two species pairs have stable contemporary hybrid zones, providing the opportunity for ongoing gene flow, our results indicate that genetic exchange between these species is currently rare.</p></div

    Introgression tracts are generally small.

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    <p>Distributions of tract sizes. Note that tracts smaller than 500bp were not included in the analysis. <b>A)</b> <i>san</i>-into-<i>yak</i>. The distribution has been truncated to exclude a single large 959kb tract shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006971#pgen.1006971.s005" target="_blank">S5 Fig</a>. <b>B)</b> <i>san</i>-into-<i>yak</i>. <b>C)</b> <i>tei</i>-into-<i>yak</i>. <b>D)</b> <i>yak</i>-into-<i>tei</i>.</p

    Proportion of correctly identified simulated introgressions by Int-HMM.

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    <p>The HMM successfully identified over 80% of introgressions longer than 10kb for all directions of introgression. It consistently performed better at identifying homozygous introgressions (homo) than heterozygous (het) ones. Additionally, it identified higher percentages of introgressions between <i>D</i>. <i>yakuba</i> (<i>yak</i>) and <i>D</i>. <i>teissieri</i> (<i>tei</i>) than those between <i>D</i>. <i>yakuba</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>santomea</i> (<i>san</i>).</p