17 research outputs found

    Itinéraire et mémoire des lieux : l'espace visuel, mélancolique et historique dans Les anneaux de Saturne de W.G. Sebald

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    Littéralement fasciné par l'anéantissement accéléré de la mémoire individuelle et collective -d'une crise de la transmission provoquée par la modernité -, l'auteur des Anneaux de Saturne est avant tout un écrivain mélancolique persuadé que l'histoire elle-même disparaît. La littérature sébaldienne est un agencement de ruines: elle revisite la syntaxe de l'interprète qui, lui, sélectionne, organise et structure les matériaux du souvenir. Pour Sebald, se souvenir, c'est inévitablement chercher à interpréter: tout concourt à revisiter l'Histoire à travers une écriture qui tente de reconstituer le lieu des disparitions, à configurer la perte elle-même. Les Anneaux de Saturne est un journal de voyage où l'auteur, qui incame la figure du marcheur, du sujet qui s'éprouve dans différents lieux, a la volonté de décrire l'épaisseur de l'espace qui l'environne, ce qui lui permet de saisir une mémoire des lieux. Ce projet de restitution de la mémoire par l'écriture et l'image tente de combler certaines failles de l'histoire (notamment en faisant ressurgir différents documents d'archive), afin de raconter a posteriori l'histoire de la côte est de l'Angleterre. En retenant des bribes du passé par l'apport photographique, Sebald crée des effets de réel qui participent au déploiement de l'imaginaire du document. La densité signifiante de l'espace visuel, constamment en dialogue avec les séquences textuelles, provoque une accumulation de significations. L'archive ouvre ainsi au lecteur un espace d'interprétation. Si la mélancolie des ruines nous conduit à l'intérieur d'un « voyage analytique » qui vise à cerner les caractéristiques significatives agissant dans l'espace visuel, mélancolique et historique de ce récit, il est essentiel de formuler de quelle manière l'écriture de Sebald est traversée par ces espaces. Comment, finalement, les trois espaces se rencontrent, résonnent entre eux. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Sebald, Ruine, Histoire, Mélancolie, Espace, Photographie

    Gait evolution in a family with hereditary spastic paraplegia

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    The degree of disability in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia has been reported variable even in members of the same family (same gene mutation). Moreover, it has been established that patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia should be treated differently from cerebral palsy patients due to the progressive nature of this disease. However, the gait evolution of hereditary spastic paraplegia showing onset symptoms at an early age has been described as stable. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the walking ability and the influence of treatments on gait evolution in a family with hereditary spastic paraplegia

    Plasmonic sensing in crude biofluids with microhole arrays

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    présenté par Jean-François MassonInternational audienc

    Plasmonic sensing in crude biofluids with microhole arrays

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    présenté par Jean-François MassonInternational audienc

    Nor : idées du nord = Ideas of North

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    Nor is a portable exhibition in which twenty Canadian artists and eight writers are invited to embody their "ideas of north.

    In-sensor human gait analysis with machine learning in a wearable microfabricated accelerometer

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    Abstract In-sensor computing could become a fundamentally new approach to the deployment of machine learning in small devices that must operate securely with limited energy resources, such as wearable medical devices and devices for the Internet of Things. Progress in this field has been slowed by the difficulty to find appropriate computing devices that operate using physical degrees of freedom that can be coupled directly to degrees of freedom that perform sensing. Here we leverage reservoir computing as a natural framework to do machine learning with the degrees of freedom of a physical system, to show that a micro-electromechanical system can implement computing and the sensing of accelerations by coupling the displacement of suspended microstructures. We present a complete wearable system that can be attached to the foot to identify the gait patterns of human subjects in real-time. The computing efficiency and the power consumption of this in-sensor computing system is then compared to a conventional system with a separate sensor and digital computer. For similar computing capabilities, a much better power efficiency can be expected for the highly-integrated in-sensor computing devices, thus providing a path for the ubiquitous deployment of machine learning in edge computing devices

    Cross-Sectional Assessment of Achievement of Therapeutic Goals in a Canadian Multidisciplinary Clinic for Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Background: The implementation of advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) multidisciplinary clinics has now demonstrated their effectiveness in delaying and even avoiding dialysis for patients with CKD. However, very little has been documented on the management and achievement of targets for a number of parameters in this context. Objective: Our goal was to assess our multidisciplinary clinic therapy performance in relation to the targets for hypertension, anemia, and calcium phosphate assessment. Methods Design and setting: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with a cohort including all patients followed up in our multidisciplinary clinic in July 2014. Measurements: Comorbidity, laboratory, and clinical data were collected and compared with the recommendations of scientific organizations. Results: The cohort included 128 patients, 37.5% of whom were women. Mean follow-up time was 26.6 ± 25.1 months and mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 14.0 ± 4.7 mL/min/1.73 m 2 . A total of 24.2% of patients with diabetes achieved blood pressure targets of <130/80 mm Hg, while 56.5% of patients without diabetes achieved targets of <140/90 mm Hg. Hemoglobin of patients treated with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents was 100 to 110 g/L in 36.2% of the patients, below 100 for 39.7% of them, and above 110 for 24.1%, whereas 67.2% were within the acceptable limits of 95 to 115 g/L. In addition, 63.4% of patients had a serum phosphate of <1.5 mmol/L, and 90.9% of patients had total serum calcium <2.5 mmol/L. Limitations: Our study is a single center study with the majority of our patients being Caucasian. This limits the generalizability of our findings. Conclusion: The control rates of various parameters were satisfactory given the difficult clinical context, but could be optimized. We publish these data in the hope that they are helpful to others engaged in quality improvement in their own programs or more generally