4 research outputs found

    Mutasd a hangod – automatikus jeltolmács

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    A Tolmácskesztyű projektben egy olyan segédeszközt alkotunk, mellyel a beszéd- és halláskárosult emberek kézmozgását, vagyis gesztusokat használva képesek a mindennapi életben kapcsolatot teremteni ép embertársaikkal. A kifejlesztett segédeszköz egy innovatív hardver-szoftver-rendszer, amely kézmozgást érzékelő kesztyűből valamint kézjeleket felismerő és nyelvi feldolgozást végző szoftverből áll. A Tolmácskesztyű eszközrendszer jelnyelvi szinkrontolmácsként működik, segítségével a fogyatékkal élők anyanyelvükön – vagyis jelnyelven – kommunikálhatnak az épekkel. A Tolmácskesztyű applikáció a jelelt szöveget hangosan felolvassa, így a sérültek és a (jelnyelvet nem ismerő) épek között folytonos kommunikáció jön létre

    An assistive interpreter tool using glove-based hand gesture recognition

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    An assistive tool (InterpreterGlove) for hearing- and speech impaired people is created, enabling them to easily communicate with the non-disabled using hand gestures and sign language. An integrated hardware and software solution is built to improve their standard of living, consisting of sensor network based motion-capture gloves, a low-level signal processing unit and a mobile application for high-level natural language processing. This paper introduces the overall system architecture and describes our automatic sign language interpreter software solution that processes the gesture descriptor stream of the motion-capture gloves, produces understandable text and reads it out as audible speech. The main logic of our automatic sign language interpreter consists of two algorithms: sign descriptor stream segmentation and text auto-correction. The software architecture of this time-sensitive complex application and the semantics of the developed hand gesture descriptor are described. We also present how the beta tester’s feedback from the deaf community influenced our work and achievements

    Can semirigid fixation of the rostral instrumented segments prevent proximal junctional kyphosis in the case of long thoracolumbar fusions? A finite element study

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    OBJECTIVE Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) is a relatively common complication following long instrumented pos- terior spinal fusion. Although several risk factors have been identified in the literature, previous biomechanical studies suggest that one of the leading causes is the sudden change in mobility between the instrumented and noninstrumented segments. The current study aims to assess the biomechanical effect of 1 rigid and 2 semirigid fixation techniques (SFTs) on developing PJK. METHODS Four T7–L5 finite element (FE) models were developed: 1) intact spine; 2) 5.5-mm titanium rod from T8 to L5 (titanium rod fixation [TRF]); 3) multiple rods from T8 to T9 connected with titanium rod from T9 to L5 (multiple-rod fixa- tion [MRF]); and 4) polyetheretherketone rod from T8 to T9 connected with titanium rod from T9 to L5 (PEEK rod fixation [PRF]). A modified multidirectional hybrid test protocol was used. First, a pure bending moment of 5 Nm was applied to measure the intervertebral rotation angles. Second, the TRF technique’s displacement from the first loading step was ap- plied to the instrumented FE models to compare the pedicle screw stress values in the upper instrumented vertebra (UIV). RESULTS In the load-controlled step, at the upper instrumented segment, the intervertebral rotation values relative to TRF increased by 46.8% and 99.2% for flexion, by 43.2% and 87.7% for extension, by 90.1% and 137% for lateral bending, and by 407.1% and 585.2% for axial rotation, in the case of MRF and PRF, respectively. In the displacement- controlled step, maximum pedicle screw stress values at the UIV level were highest in the case of TRF (37.26 MPa, 42.13 MPa, 44.4 MPa, and 44.59 MPa for flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation, respectively). Compared to TRF, in the case of MRF and PRF, the screw stress values were reduced by 17.3% and 27.7% for flexion, by 26.6% and 36.7% for extension, by 6.8% and 34.3% for lateral bending, and by 49.1% and 59.8% for axial rotation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS FE analysis has shown that the SFTs increase the mobility at the upper instrumented segment and therefore provide a more gradual transition in motion between the instrumented and rostral noninstrumented segments of the spine. In addition, SFTs decrease the screw loads at the UIV level and hence could help reduce the risk for PJK. However, further investigations are recommended to evaluate the long-term clinical usefulness of these techniques