274 research outputs found

    Sambandet i tallungskog mellan skötselmetod och Àlgbetesskador

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    Moose cause major problems in our young pine forest stands. This study is trying to investigate the casual reactions of damages to stands and to individual trees caused by moose. The study is based on data from 16 objects in VemhĂ„ns Moose Management Area. The results show that stands that were commercially thinned had lesser damages than stands that were not commercially thinned. The results also show that the most frequent damages to individual trees are caused by top browsing.Älgen Ă€r ett hjortdjur som orsakar stora betesskador pĂ„ vĂ„ra tallungskogar. PĂ„ vintern nĂ€r födotillgĂ„ngen begrĂ€nsas blir skadorna som allra störst. Toppskottsbete, stambrott och barkgnag Ă€r de Ă€lgbetesskador som förekommer och som orsakar stora ekonomiska förluster för skogsĂ€gare till följd av att stockarna fĂ„r sĂ€mre virkeskvalitĂ©er, sĂ„vĂ€l ytligt som invĂ€ndigt. Vid en Ă€lgbetesskada gĂ„r trĂ€det in i en lĂ€kningsprocess för att reparera och övervinna skadan som har uppstĂ„tt. Detta kan ge olika följdeffekter pĂ„ trĂ€det i form av stamkrök, lyra, sprötkvist eller dubbelstam. Följden blir att stocken klassas ner till en sĂ€mre kvalitetsklass som ger sĂ€mre betalt. Arbetsmetoden för detta arbete grundar sig pĂ„ en Ă€lgbetesinventering dĂ€r man inom varje provyta rĂ€knar fram en procentsats av betestrycket pĂ„ tallstammarna som har en höjd av en till fyra meter. Totalt har 16 objekt med tallungskog, etablerade och skötta pĂ„ lite olika sĂ€tt, inventerats och jĂ€mförts. De utvalda objekten ligger samtliga i VemhĂ„ns ÄSO. Resultatet visar att de naturligt föryngrade bestĂ„nden som var röjda var minst drabbade av Ă€lgbetesskador. I dessa bestĂ„nd lĂ„g skadenivĂ„n pĂ„ 49 procent. Mest drabbat av Ă€lgbetesskador var bestĂ„nd som hade föryngrats naturligt och som dessutom var oröjda. SkadenivĂ„n i dessa bestĂ„nd lĂ„g pĂ„ hela 75 procent. Skadefrekvensen i de planterade bestĂ„nden som var röjda lĂ„g pĂ„ 67 procent och i de planterade oröjda bestĂ„nden pĂ„ 59 procent. Hypotesprövningar har gjorts som visar att betestrycket i det aktuella omrĂ„det Ă€r signifikant högre för de bestĂ„nd som Ă€r etablerade genom naturlig föryngring. LikasĂ„ gĂ€ller det för bestĂ„nd i studien som Ă€r oröjda, att betestrycket generellt ligger högre i dessa bestĂ„nd. NĂ€r de gĂ€ller de olika Ă€lgbetesskadorna sĂ„ var toppskottsbete den mest förekommande skadan. 81 procent av alla Ă€lgbetade tallstammar var toppskottsbetade. 16 procent hade stambrott och barkgnag stod för enbart tre procent av de skadade tallstammarna. NĂ„gon sĂ€ker slutsats om vad som orsakar Ă€lgens val av betesplats gĂ„r inte att dra. I det undersökta omrĂ„det i denna studie sĂ„ Ă€r betestrycket större i dels bestĂ„nd som Ă€r naturligt föryngrade och dels i bestĂ„nd som Ă€r oröjda. betestryck

    Site fertility and land location as factors of the price impact for clear cut forest land in the region Bohus-Dal

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how two variables affect the value of forest land by doing a linear regression analysis. The two variables that are studied are the site fertility of forest land and the distance between the forest land and a major city. It also studies what price buyers of forest estates have been willing to pay for the clear cut forest land. The survey is based upon selling statistics of 29 forest estates that had been sold between 2016 and 2017. The data was made available by LRF Konsult and concern their area of business Bohus-Dal in the southwestern Sweden. The conclusion from these tests is that the price for clear cut forest land varies a lot. The distance between the forest land and a major city can explain almost 72 percent of the price. The site fertility of forest land can only explain about 9 percent of the price. There are many other variables that also affect the price of forest land

    Immediate newborn care practices delay thermoregulation and breastfeeding initiation

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    Aim: A deadly nosocomial outbreak in a Philippine hospital drew nationwide attention to neonatal sepsis. Together with specific infection control measures, interventions that protect newborns against infection-related mortality include drying, skin-to-skin contact, delayed cord clamping, breastfeeding initiation and delayed bathing. This evaluation characterized hospital care in the first hours of life with the intent to drive policy change, strategic planning and hospital reform. Methods: Trained physicians observed 481 consecutive deliveries in 51 hospitals using a standardized tool to record practices and timing of immediate newborn care procedures. Results: Drying, weighing, eye care and vitamin K injections were performed in more than 90% of newborns. Only 9.6% were allowed skin-to-skin contact. Interventions were inappropriately sequenced, e. g. immediate cord clamping (median 12 sec), delayed drying (96.5%) and early bathing (90.0%). While 68.2% were put to the breast, they were separated two minutes later. Unnecessary suctioning was performed in 94.9%. Doctors trained in neonatal resuscitation were 2.5 (1.1-5.7) times more likely to unnecessarily suction vigorous newborns. Two per cent died and 5.7% developed sepsis/pneumonia. Conclusions: This minute-by-minute observational assessment revealed that performance and timing of immediate newborn care interventions are below WHO standards and deprive newborns of basic protections against infection and death

    Quantitative study of the effects of long-term denervation on the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat

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    Background In order to understand the cellular basis underlying the progressively poorer restorative capacity of long-term denervated muscle, we determined the effects of long-term denervation on the muscle fibers and satellite cell population of the rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Methods In 36 male rats, the right hind legs were denervated, and EDL muscles were removed 2, 4, 7, 12, and 18 months later. Muscles were either fixed for electron microscopic analysis or were dissociated into individual muscle fibers for direct fiber counting or for confocal microscopic analysis. Results The percentage of satellite cells rose from the 2.8% control value to 9.1% at 2 months of denervation; thereafter the percentage decreased to 1.1% at 18 months of denervation. The number of myonuclei per muscle fiber steadily declined from 410 in 4 month control muscle to 158 in 7 month denervated muscle. Up to 7 months of denervation, the total number of muscle fibers per muscle remained relatively constant at somewhat over 5,000. The calculated total satellite cell population in 4 month denervated EDL muscle was the same as that of controls at 65,000, but by 7 months of denervation it had declined to 21,000. With increasing time of denervation, the number of cross-sectional profiles of muscle fibers not containing nuclei rose from 14% in control muscle to 49% in 12 month denervated muscle. This was correlated with a pronounced regular clumping of the nuclei, with pronounced nonnucleated segments between nuclear clumps. Conclusions Increasing times of denervation are accompanied by a pronounced decline in the number of myonuclei per muscle fiber and an initial rise and subsequent fall in satellite cell number. These changes are correlated with a decreasing restorative ability of these muscles over the same periods of denervation. Further work on the proliferative capacity of the remaining satellite cells is necessary before firm quantitative conclusions can be made. Anat. Rec. 248:346-354 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34280/1/7_ftp.pd

    The Dalton quantum chemistry program system

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    Dalton is a powerful general\u2010purpose program system for the study of molecular electronic structure at the Hartree\u2013Fock, Kohn\u2013Sham, multiconfigurational self\u2010consistent\u2010field, M\uf8ller\u2013Plesset, configuration\u2010interaction, and coupled\u2010cluster levels of theory. Apart from the total energy, a wide variety of molecular properties may be calculated using these electronic\u2010structure models. Molecular gradients and Hessians are available for geometry optimizations, molecular dynamics, and vibrational studies, whereas magnetic resonance and optical activity can be studied in a gauge\u2010origin\u2010invariant manner. Frequency\u2010dependent molecular properties can be calculated using linear, quadratic, and cubic response theory. A large number of singlet and triplet perturbation operators are available for the study of one\u2010, two\u2010, and three\u2010photon processes. Environmental effects may be included using various dielectric\u2010medium and quantum\u2010mechanics/molecular\u2010mechanics models. Large molecules may be studied using linear\u2010scaling and massively parallel algorithms. Dalton is distributed at no cost from http://www.daltonprogram.org for a number of UNIX platform
