548 research outputs found

    Socioeconophysics: Opinion Dynamics for number of transactions and price, a trader based model

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    Involving effects of media, opinion leader and other agents on the opinion of individuals of market society, a trader based model is developed and utilized to simulate price via supply and demand. Pronounced effects are considered with several weights and some personal differences between traders are taken into account. Resulting time series and probabilty distribution function involving a power law for price come out similar to the real ones.Comment: will be published in IJMPC 17 (2006

    Systematics on ground-state energies of nuclei within the neural networks

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    One of the fundamental ground-state properties of nuclei is binding energy. In this study, we have employed artificial neural networks (ANNs) to obtain binding energies based on the data calculated from Hartree-Fock-Bogolibov (HFB) method with the two SLy4 and SKP Skyrme forces. Also, ANNs have been employed to obtain two-neutron and two-proton separation energies of nuclei. Statistical modeling of nuclear data using ANNs has been seen as to be successful in this study. Such a statistical model can be possible tool for searching in systematics of nuclei beyond existing experimental nuclear data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Opinion dynamics driven by leaders, media, viruses and worms

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    A model on the effects of leader, media, viruses, and worms and other agents on the opinion of individuals is developed and utilized to simulate the formation of consensus in society and price in market via excess between supply and demand. Effects of some time varying drives, (harmonic and hyperbolic) are also investigated. Key words: Opinion; Leader; Media; Market; Buyers; Sellers; ExcessComment: 14 pages, 7 figures (14, total) Will be published in IJMP

    Genetic diversity of common toads (Bufo bufo) along the Norwegian coast : disjunct distribution of locally dominant haplotypes

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    Little is known about the phylogeographic history of amphibian populations along the western Fennoscandinavian coast. In the present study, we focus on the common toad (Bufo bufo) and document the spatial distribution of mitochondrial DNA (cytb) haplotypes at 20 localities along its coastal Norwegian range. Two common haplotypes (out of eight haplotypes in total) were represented by 142 out of the 154 (92%) investigated individuals. However, they were shared at only three localities and clustered at two separate geographic regions each. The most common haplotype (55% of individuals) has previously been found to be abundant across central and eastern Europe, whereas the second most common haplotype (37% of individuals) has so far only been recorded in Sweden. The disjunct distribution of genetic lineages is in line with an assumption that the Norwegian coastline was postglacially colonised both from the south as well as across mountain passes from the east. Our data support previous studies on the phylogeography of Fennoscandinavia that revealed that post-glacial recolonisation patterns led to a pronounced spatial structure of local populations

    Resolving the predicament of android custom permissions

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    Android leverages a set of system permissions to protect platform resources. At the same time, it allows untrusted third-party applications to declare their own custom permissions to regulate access to app components. However, Android treats custom permissions the same way as system permissions even though they are declared by entities of different trust levels. In this work, we describe two new classes of vulnerabilities that arise from the ‘predicament’ created by mixing system and custom permissions in Android. These have been acknowledged as serious security flaws by Google and we demonstrate how they can be exploited in practice to gain unauthorized access to platform resources and to compromise popular Android apps. To address the shortcomings of the system, we propose a new modular design called Cusper for the Android permission model. Cusper separates the management of system and custom permissions and introduces a backward-compatible naming convention for custom permissions to prevent custom permission spoofing. We validate the correctness of Cusper by 1) introducing the first formal model of Android runtime permissions, 2) extending it to describe Cusper, and 3) formally showing that key security properties that can be violated in the current permission model are always satisfied in Cusper. To demonstrate Cusper’s practicality, we implemented it in the Android platform and showed that it is both effective and efficient

    Small-Energy Analysis for the Selfadjoint Matrix Schroedinger Operator on the Half Line

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    The matrix Schroedinger equation with a selfadjoint matrix potential is considered on the half line with the most general selfadjoint boundary condition at the origin. When the matrix potential is integrable and has a first moment, it is shown that the corresponding scattering matrix is continuous at zero energy. An explicit formula is provided for the scattering matrix at zero energy. The small-energy asymptotics are established also for the corresponding Jost matrix, its inverse, and various other quantities relevant to the corresponding direct and inverse scattering problems.Comment: This published version has been edited to improve the presentation of the result


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    This paper deals with using an original and pure electronic method for low-frequency harmonic suppression with wide industrial realization and application, in place of the usually heavy inductive, low-frequency harmonic filters. One of the main applications was made for small land power supply units of onboard complexesin ground-based air navigation when preflight ground check-service is made. The transport management at thousands of small provincial airports in the former country is still unfortunate. The same situation is in Northern and central Central Asia, Northern Caucasian and Trans-Caucasian Mountains, oriented to small civil and agricultural services airports, etc. Everywhere the phaseand line voltage amplitude unbalance can reach between 10-15% at the settlement’s power tiny transformer or generator and there are thousands and thousands of such local «airports» [1, 6]. This paperhas been editing by a native speaker, Ms. Rachel Alcorn — our sincere thanks

    Exact Solutions to the Sine-Gordon Equation

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    A systematic method is presented to provide various equivalent solution formulas for exact solutions to the sine-Gordon equation. Such solutions are analytic in the spatial variable xx and the temporal variable t,t, and they are exponentially asymptotic to integer multiples of 2π2\pi as x±.x\to\pm\infty. The solution formulas are expressed explicitly in terms of a real triplet of constant matrices. The method presented is generalizable to other integrable evolution equations where the inverse scattering transform is applied via the use of a Marchenko integral equation. By expressing the kernel of that Marchenko equation as a matrix exponential in terms of the matrix triplet and by exploiting the separability of that kernel, an exact solution formula to the Marchenko equation is derived, yielding various equivalent exact solution formulas for the sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 43 page

    Monocytes Expose Factor XIII-A and Stabilize Thrombi against Fibrinolytic Degradation

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    Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the University of Aberdeen Microscopy and Histology Facility and the Iain Fraser Cytometry for use of facilities and advice. Funding: The work presented here was funded the University of Aberdeen Development Trust and by project grants from Friend of Anchor (RS2015 006), the British Heart Foundation (PG/15/82/31721), Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau (KFMCS74) and a British Heart Foundation Fellowship (FS/11/2/28579) awarded to N.J.M.Peer reviewedPublisher PD