24 research outputs found

    A Complete Analysis for Pump Controlled Single Rod Actuators

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    In the current study a variable speed pump controlled hydrostatic circuit where an underlapped shuttle valve is utilized to compensate the unequal flow rate of a single rod actuator is analyzed. Parameters of the shuttle valve are included in the system analysis, rather than treating it as an ideal switching element as handled in literature. A linearized model of the system is obtained. An inverse kinematic model, which calculates the required pump drive speed for a desired actuator speed and given pilot pressure input, is formed. A numerical stability analysis program is developed, and the stability of all possible shuttle valve spool positons is determined. The theoretical findings are validated by non-linear simulation model responses

    Jeopolitik Risklerin Makroekonomik Göstergeler Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği

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    Çalışmanın amacı jeopolitik risklerin Türkiye’deki makroekonomik değişkenler üzerindeki etkisini 1994 Ocak ile 2022 Nisan dönemi için aylık veriler kullanarak incelemektir. Jeopolitik risk göstergesi olarak Caldara ve Iacoviello (2022) tarafından hesaplanan küresel endeks kullanılmıştır. Makroekonomik göstergeler olarak sanayi üretim endeksi, enflasyon oranı ve reel efektif döviz kuru kullanılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler Breitung ve Candelon (2009) tarafından geliştirilen frekans alanında nedensellik testi ile araştırmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, enflasyon oranı ve reel efektif döviz kurunun orta ve uzun dönemde jeopolitik risklerden etkilendiğini göstermektedir

    Investigation on Effects of Schiff Base Complex to Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Schiff base metal complex on the bio-compatible hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics. The reason for that was to produce, as the final product, the HAp in powder form, with extraordinary features like analgesic, antibacterial properties. This effect was provided by doping HAp powder with some Schiff base complexes during the powder extraction process. Schiff base complex used in the study was synthesized by condensation of primary amines with carbonyl compounds. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by means of infrared (IR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Characterizations of the extracted HAp powders were carried out by using scanning electron microscopy for surface analysis and EDS analysis, X-ray diffraction for phase determination and grain size distribution. The bactericide effects of Zn SAE-added pure HAp were tested on E.Coli bacteria for the content range of 0-7 wt.% of Zn-SAE. Consequently, bacterial activity of the calcium phosphate resulting powders was evolved by adding the Zn SAE Schiff base complex

    Investigation on Effects of Schiff Base Complex to Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Schiff base metal complex on the bio-compatible hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramics. The reason for that was to produce, as the final product, the HAp in powder form, with extraordinary features like analgesic, antibacterial properties. This effect was provided by doping HAp powder with some Schiff base complexes during the powder extraction process. Schiff base complex used in the study was synthesized by condensation of primary amines with carbonyl compounds. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by means of infrared (IR) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Characterizations of the extracted HAp powders were carried out by using scanning electron microscopy for surface analysis and EDS analysis, X-ray diffraction for phase determination and grain size distribution. The bactericide effects of Zn SAE-added pure HAp were tested on E.Coli bacteria for the content range of 0-7 wt.% of Zn-SAE. Consequently, bacterial activity of the calcium phosphate resulting powders was evolved by adding the Zn SAE Schiff base complex

    Birinci basamak sağlık hizmeti sunumunu geliştirmeye yönelik görme keskinliği muayenesi, kulak muayenesi ve işitmenin değerlendirilmesi konulu eğitim programının değerlendirilmesi

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    ntroduction and Aim: This study aims to present the results of the “Visual acuity examination, otoscopic examination and evaluation of hearing” course which was conducted as a Continuing Medical Education activity. Method:Learning objectives of the course were defined in accordance with the needs of primary health care physicians. To achieve these objectives, theoretical content were prepared by the field expert faculty members. A total of four case stories were created from the ophthalmology (two cases) and otorhinolaryngology (two cases) fields in order to assess physicians’ examination skills and to give feedback on their performance. These case stories were converted into two simulated / standardized patient case scenarios and standardized patients were trained using these scenarios.The draft course program was piloted with the participation of two family physicians. The program was finalized in the light of the physicians’ feedback. A 15 (ophthalmology five, otorhinolaryngology 10) item written test was prepared to assess the physicians’ knowledge at the end of the course. The course program was conducted with the participation of 14 physicians. At the end of the course, participants were asked to complete a structured feedback form containing 12 questions on a 9-point scale. Results: Eight (61,5%) physicians’ performance on the ophthalmology case and 9 (69,2%) physicians’ performance on the otorhinolaryngology case were found stasifactory in terms of correct clinical desicion making. Written test correct answer mean scores were ophthalmology = 4,69 (SD = ;plusmn; 0,63), ENT= 5,64 (SD = ;plusmn; 3,2) respectively. Physicians’ feedback showed that they were highly satisfied from both ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology parts of the course (Meanmin.= 8.18,Meanmax.= 9.00). Conclusion:This course, which focuses on skills training in addition to theoretical content, was reflected positively in the participants' knowledge, skills and the levels of appreciation. This program is being planned to implement in two separate and more comprehensive courses which are “Visual acuity examination” and “Evaluation of hearing” as continuing medical education activitiesGiriş ve Amaç:Bu çalışmada; Sürekli Mesleki Gelişim etkinliği olarak gerçekleştirilen “Görme keskinliği muayenesi, kulak muayenesi ve işitmenin değerlendirilmesi” kursuna ilişkin bulgu ve sonuçların sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri kapsamında hekimlerin gereksinimleri doğrultusunda kursun öğrenme hedefleri belirlendi. Bu öğrenme hedeflerine ulaşmak için konu alanı uzmanı öğretim üyesi hekimler tarafından kuramsal içerik hazırlandı. Hekimlerin, muayene becerilerini değerlendirmek ve performanslarına ilişkin geribildirim vermek için göz hastalıkları (iki olgu) ve kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları (iki olgu) alanlarından toplam dört hasta öyküsü hazırlandı. Bu hasta öyküleri iki ayrı simüle / standardize hasta senaryosuna dönüştürülerek standardize hastalara rol eğitimi verildi. Kurs taslak programı, iki aile hekiminin katılımıyla pilot olarak uygulandı. Hekimlerin geribildirimleri ışığında kurs programına son biçimi verildi. Hekimlerin kurs sonundaki bilgilerini ölçmeye yönelik 15 soruluk (göz hastalıkları beş, kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları 10) olgu yazılı sınavı hazırlandı. Kurs, 14 hekimin katılımı ile uygulandı. Kurs sonunda katılımcılardan, 12 soruluk yapılandırılmış geribildirim formunu dokuzlu değerlendirme ölçeğine göre yanıtlamaları istendi. Bulgular: Hekimlerin sekizinin (%61,5) göz hastalıkları ve dokuzunun (%69,2) kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları ile ilgili SH olgu çözümlemelerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu saptandı. Yazılı sınav doğru yanıt ortalamaları sırası ile göz hastalıkları = 4,69 (SS=±0,630), kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları = 5,64 (SS=±3,2) olarak saptandı. Katılımcı hekimlerin geribildirimlerinde, hem kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları hem de göz hastalıkları bölümlerine ilişkin beğenilerinin çok yüksek düzeyde olduğu belirlendi ( Ort.min.= 8,18, Ort.maks.= 9,00). Sonuç:Kuramsal eğitim yanında beceri eğitimine de ağırlık veren kurs programının, katılımcıların bilgi, beceri ve beğeni düzeylerine olumlu yönde yansıdığı saptanmıştır. Kurs programının, görme keskinliği ve işitmenin değerlendirilmesi biçiminde iki ayrı ve daha geniş kapsamlı sürekli mesleki gelişim etkinliği olarak uygulanması planlanmaktadı

    A Complete Analysis for Pump Controlled Single Rod Actuators

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    In the current study a variable speed pump controlled hydrostatic circuit where an underlapped shuttle valve is utilized to compensate the unequal flow rate of a single rod actuator is analyzed. Parameters of the shuttle valve are included in the system analysis, rather than treating it as an ideal switching element as handled in literature. A linearized model of the system is obtained. An inverse kinematic model, which calculates the required pump drive speed for a desired actuator speed and given pilot pressure input, is formed. A numerical stability analysis program is developed, and the stability of all possible shuttle valve spool positons is determined. The theoretical findings are validated by non-linear simulation model responses

    A Complete Analysis and a Novel Solution for Instability in Pump Controlled Asymmetric Actuators

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    This paper addresses the stability problem of pump controlled asymmetric hydraulic actuators and proposes a physical solution for it. The system under consideration utilizes a shuttle valve to compensate for unequal flow rates due to the asymmetry in the actuator. Possible hydraulic circuit configurations resulting from various valve positions are defined on the load pressure versus velocity plane and a generalized linear model of the system is derived. The investigation shows that there exists a critical load pressure region in which any equilibrium point requiring a partially open spool position is unstable during the retraction of the actuator. A particular valve underlap is proposed in order to avoid the instability and a shuttle valve selection guide is presented. Theoretical findings are validated by both numerical simulations and experimental tests. Results show that the undesired pressure oscillations are removed up to certain actuator velocities with the use of an underlapped shuttle valve.</jats:p

    A Complete Analysis for Pump Controlled Single Rod Actuators

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    In the current study a variable speed pump controlled hydrostatic circuit where an underlapped shuttle valve is utilized to compensate the unequal flow rate of a single rod actuator is analyzed. Parameters of the shuttle valve are included in the system analysis, rather than treating it as an ideal switching element as handled in literature. A linearized model of the system is obtained. An inverse kinematic model, which calculates the required pump drive speed for a desired actuator speed and given pilot pressure input, is formed. A numerical stability analysis program is developed, and the stability of all possible shuttle valve spool positons is determined. The theoretical findings are validated by non-linear simulation model responses


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    In this study, a valveless energy saving hydraulic position control servo system controlled by two pumps is investigated. In this system, two variable speed pumps driven by servomotors regulate the flow rate through a differential cylinder according to the needs of the system, thus eliminating the valve losses. The mathematical model of the system is developed in MATLAB Simulink environment. A Kalman filter is applied to reduce the noise in the position feedback signal. In the test set up developed, open loop and closed loop frequency response and step response tests are conducted by using MATLAB Real Time Windows Target (RTWT) module, and test results are compared with the model outputs