14 research outputs found

    Functional Properties of Sago Grub Protein Concentrates With Different Initial Drying Methods

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of various initial drying methods on the functional properties of sago grub protein concentrates and characterize their functional properties. In this work, a block randomized design was employed to extract sago grub protein concentration using cabinet dryer, sun, and oven drying methods. The variables observed were the foaming capacity, foaming stability, water holding capacity, and fat absorption capacity of the protein concentrate. Results showed that different initial drying methods of sago grub did not affect the foaming capacity, foaming stability, or fat absorption capacity of the resulting protein concentrates. In contrast, the water holding capacity of the protein concentrates was significantly affected by different initial drying methods on sago grub. Various initial drying methods resulted in the protein concentrates having a foaming capacity of 7.5–12.5%, a foaming stability of 3.5-7.5%, a water holding capacity of 1.9–2.35 mL/g, and a fat absorption capacity of 299.12–306.75%


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    The increasing demand of minimally processed fruits and vegetables signify a challenge to make them stable and safe to be consumed. The processing of this type of product may contribute higher risks of food borne illnesses. One of the foodborne pathogens in minimally processed fruits and vegetables is Listeria monocytogenes. The importance of understanding the characteristics of L. monocytogenes will help to determine how this microorganism occurs, grows, and survives in minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Proper and suitable methods to reduce L. monocytogenes so that it can not pose a significant risk to cause disease therefore are able to be determined according to the model of the growth and survival of L. monocytogenes in minimally processed fruits and vegetables

    Effects of Coconut Milk Powder on The Characteristics of Tongka Langit Banana Ice cream

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of coconut milk powder on the characteristics of Tongka Langit Banana ice cream. A completely randomized experimental design was applied in this research with coconut milk powder concentrations based on the weight of full cream milk used as a control. Hence, the levels of treatment were as follows: control (full cream milk), 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% coconut milk powder. The results showed that Using coconut milk as a milk substitute in the preparation of Tongka Langit banana ice cream has affected its physicochemical and sensory properties but has no effect on vitamin C. With a fat content of 4.93%, a protein content of 0.77%, vitamin C content of 0.67%, total solids of 30.10%, and a melting time of 54'33', coconut milk at 100% by weight of milk was the appropriate concentration for producing ice cream with the best physicochemical and sensory properties

    Karakteristik Mufffin dengan Penambahan Puree Pisang Tongka Langit (Musa troglodytarum)

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    This research was aimed to determine the effect of different tongka langit banana puree concentration on the physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of muffin and determine the exact concentration of muffin with the best quality. A complete randomized experimental design with four levels of concentrations, i.e. 0% (control), 70%, 80%, and 90% was applied in this research. Results showed that the best physical, chemical, and sensory properties of muffins were obtained with the addition of 80% tongka langit banana puree.  A muffin with this respective concentration had an expansion volume of 118%, moisture, ash, vitamin, and total sugar contents of 26.09%, 1.56%, 0.60%, and 15.10%, subsequently. Based on its sensory characteristics, muffin with 80% banana puree was mostly preferred by panelists on aroma and overall likeness. The sensory characteristics of tongka langit banana were also maintained in the muffin. Keywords: muffin, physicochemical, sensory, tongka langit banana puree   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi puree pisang tongka langit terhadap karakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik muffin dan menentukan konsentrasi puree yang tepat yang menghasilkan muffin dengan karakteristik terbaik. Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan faktor tunggal konsentrasi puree pisang tongka langit dengan level 0% (kontrol), 70%, 80%, dan 90% digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa puree dengan konsentrasi 80% merupakan perlakuan yang tepat untuk menghasilkan muffin dengan karakteristik terbaik secara fisik, kimia dan organoleptik. Muffin dengan puree pisang tongka langit 80% memiliki volume pengembangan 118%, kadar air 26,09%, kadar abu 1,56%, kadar vitamin C 0,60%, total gula 15,10% dan lebih disukai panelis pada kategori aroma dan overall serta lebih mempertahankan karakteristik pisang tongka langit pada muffin. Kata Kunci: fisikokimia, muffin, organoleptik, puree pisang tongka langi

    Effect of Concentration of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa oleifera) on the Characteristics of Steamed Pumpkin (Cucirbita moschata) Sponge Cake

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    Steamed sponge cake is one of the foods made from wheat flour, which until now has been imported. The use of wheatflour in steamed sponge cakes can be reduced by using local foods such as pumpkin and moringa leaves, which also add nutrition al value to steamed sponge cakes. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of Moringa leaf extract that is right for producing pumpkin steamed sponge cake with the best characteristics. This study used CRD, which consisted of one factor, namely the concentration of Moringa leaf extract, with 5 levels of treatment as follows: K0 = 0%, K1 = 25%, K2 = 50%, K3 = 75%, and K4 = 100%. The results showed that K2 treatment (50% moringa leaf extract) can produce the best pumpkin steamed sponge cake. Based on its physicochemical characteristics, the addition of 50% moringa leaf extract resulted in a steamed sponge cake with a moisture content of 43.76%, an ash content of 0.30%, a protein content of 7.42%, a fat content of 2.70%, a carbohydrate content of 45.80%, and a specific volume of 2.31 mL/g. Based on its sensory characteristics, steamed pumpkin sponge cake with 50% moringa leaf extract was liked (3.6) forits slight green color (3.1), liked (3.8) forits slight moringa taste (3.2), liked (4.0) forits soft texture (3.9), liked (3.5) forits slight moringa aroma (2.9), and liked (3.7) on its overall characteristics

    Characteristics of Edible Film Made from Bitter Cassava Starch with Glycerol

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    The purpose of this study was to see how different glycerol concentrations affected the physical, mechanical, and barrier properties of an edible tapioca starch film. This study explored glycerol concentration using a completely randomized experimental design with four treatment levels, particularly regarding 10, 15, 20, and 25% (w/w). The tensile strength, elongation, solubility, and water vapor transmission rate of the films were all measured. Tensile strength has been 7.71 to 15.94 MPa, elongation was 13.33 to 20.00%, solubility was 15.81 to 24.81%, and water vapour transmission rate was 39.72 to 70.65 g/m2.h. Glycerol increased tensile strength whereas the decreasing elongation, solubility, and water vapour transmission rate

    Nutritional Status of Elementary School Children in Coastal and Mountains Areas in Kian Darat District, Eastern Seram Regency

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    is study aims to determine the nutritional status of elementary school-aged children in coastal and mountainous areas in Kian Darat District, East Seram Regency. Samples in coastal villages are Kilga, Kian, Rumfakar, and Kilaba villages, while mountain villages are Rumoga and Rumbou villages. In each village, 5 children were selected as respondents. The respondent's characteristic data were analyzed descriptively. Determination of nutritional status based on BMI/U anthropometry and determination of nutritional status based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 2 of 2020, namely the Child Anthropometry Standard. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the distribution of nutritional status of elementary school-aged children in coastal areas is as follows: Normal nutritional status is 50%, very thin 10%, lean 30%, and obese 10% while in mountainous areas are: Normal nutritional status as much as 80%, 10% thin and 10% very thin

    Physics Characteristics of Canarium Oil with Variations in Drying Methods

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    The goal of this study was to investigate the physic properties of canarium oil using various drying methods. This study used a randomized block design with three drying methods: sun drying (3 days), roasting dying (80°C for 1 hour), and oven dying (70°C for 1 hour) with two replications. The refractive index, specific gravity, yield of canarium oil were all measured. The results showed that canarium oil has a refractive index of 1.414-1.415, a specific gravity of 0.941-0.943 g/cm3,, a yield of 9.23-11.30%

    Chemical Properties of Sago Grub (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) Protein Concentrate With Different Initial Drying Method

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    The sago grub (Rhychophorus ferrugineus) is a kind of edible insect which can be utilized as an substitute source of protein in the form of concentrates. The extraction process of protein concentrate requires a proper drying technique for the starting material. This study was intended to determine the appropriate initial drying method for sago grub to produce protein concentrates with good chemical properties. In this study, cabinet dryer, sun, and oven drying methods were used to extract sago caterpillar protein concentrate with a block randomized design. The variables observed were the moisture, ash, protein, and fat contents of the sago grub protein concentrate. The results demonstrated that cabinet dryers are the most appropriate drying method for producing protein concentrate with the best chemical and functional characteristics. The drying method of the cabinet dryer produces a protein concentrate with a moisture content of 23%, an ash content of 11.26%, a protein content of 55.37%, and a fat content of 7.67%

    The Effect of Gelatin Concentration on the Characteristics of Nutmeg Jelly Candy (Myristica fragrans Houtt)

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    Jelly candy is a confection composed primarily of sugar or blended with hydrocolloid components such as agar, gum, gelatin, starch, and carrageenan to make the product's texture moldable. The objective of this research was to determine the optimal gelatin concentration for nutmeg jelly candy quality. The present research employed Completely Randomized Experimental Design with one factor, namely the gelatin concentration, and three levels of concentration treatment: P1 = 20%, P2 = 30%, and P3 = 40%. The results indicated that a gelatin concentration of 30% was optimal for manufacturing nutmeg jelly candy with desirable physicochemical and sensory properties. Nutmeg jelly candy with 30% gelatin concentration had 35.0% moisture content, 0.21% ash content, 0.65% reducing sugar content before inversion, 23.11 kg/cm2 elasticity, and was preferred for taste, texture, and overall characteristics due to its nutmeg taste, slight nutmeg aroma, chewy texture, slight sweetness, and slight transparenc