14 research outputs found

    Updating OMERACT core set of domains for ANCA-associated vasculitis: Patient perspective using the international classification of function, disability, and health

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    Objective: Aspects of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) prioritized by patients with AAV were described using the International Classification of Function, Disability, and Health. Methods: Items identified during 14 individual interviews were incorporated into ICF-based questionnaire administered to participants of 2 vasculitis patient symposia, 36 in UK and 63 in USA. Results: Categories identified as at least “moderately relevant” by ≥ 5% of subjects included 44 body functions, 14 body structures, 35 activities and participation, 31 environmental factors, and 38 personal factors. Conclusion: Identified categories differ from those captured by the current OMERACT core set and those prioritized by vasculitis experts

    Exploration, development, and validation of patient-reported outcomes in antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis using the OMERACT process

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    The Journal of Rheumatology Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. Objective. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) is a group of linked multisystem life- and organ-threatening diseases. The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) vasculitis working group has been at the forefront of outcome development in the field and has achieved OMERACT endorsement of a core set of outcomes for AAV. Patients with AAV report as important some manifestations of disease not routinely collected through physician-completed outcome tools; and they rate common manifestations differently from investigators. The core set includes the domain of patient-reported outcomes (PRO). However, PRO currently used in clinical trials of A AV do not fully characterize patients' perspectives on their burden of disease. The OMERACT vasculitis working group is addressing the unmet needs for PRO in AAV. Methods. Current activities of the working group include (1) evaluating the feasibility and construct validity of instruments within the PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System) to record components of the disease experience among patients with AAV; (2) creating a disease-specific PRO measure for AAV; and (3) applying The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to examine the scope of outcome measures used in AAV. Results. The working group has developed a comprehensive research strategy, organized an investigative team, included patient research partners, obtained peer-reviewed funding, and is using a considerable research infrastructure to complete these interrelated projects to develop evidence-based validated outcome instruments that meet the OMERACT filter of truth, discrimination, and feasibility. Conclusion. The OMERACT vasculitis working group is on schedule to achieve its goals of developing validated PRO for use in clinical trials of AAV

    The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE

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    A large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, especially in an era of wide-field optical and radio surveys and high resolution cosmic microwave background experiments. The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS), will lead to imaging data over 4000 sq. degrees at 250, 350, and 500 micron. Major Goals of HSLS are: (a) produce a catalog of 2.5 to 3 million galaxies down to 26, 27 and 33 mJy (50% completeness; 5 sigma confusion noise) at 250, 350 and 500 micron, respectively, in the southern hemisphere (3000 sq. degrees) and in an equatorial strip (1000 sq. degrees), areas which have extensive multi-wavelength coverage and are easily accessible from ALMA. Two thirds of the of the sources are expected to be at z > 1, one third at z > 2 and about a 1000 at z > 5. (b) Remove point source confusion in secondary anisotropy studies with Planck and ground-based CMB data. (c) Find at least 1200 strongly lensed bright sub-mm sources leading to a 2% test of general relativity. (d) Identify 200 proto-cluster regions at z of 2 and perform an unbiased study of the environmental dependence of star formation. (e) Perform an unbiased survey for star formation and dust at high Galactic latitude and make a census of debris disks and dust around AGB stars and white dwarfs

    The Sjögren's Working Group:The 2023 OMERACT meeting and provisional domain generation

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    Sjögren's disease (SjD) is a systemic autoimmune exocrinopathy with key features of dryness, pain, and fatigue. SjD can affect any organ system with a variety of presentations across individuals. This heterogeneity is one of the major barriers for developing effective disease modifying treatments. Defining core disease domains comprising both specific clinical features and incorporating the patient experience is a critical first step to define this complex disease. The OMERACT SjD Working Group held its first international collaborative hybrid meeting in 2023, applying the OMERACT 2.2 filter toward identification of core domains. We accomplished our first goal, a scoping literature review that was presented at the Special Interest Group held in May 2023. Building on the domains identified in the scoping review, we uniquely deployed multidisciplinary experts as part of our collaborative team to generate a provisional domain list that captures SjD heterogeneity.</p

    ACCF 2012 Health Policy Statement on Patient-Centered Care in Cardiovascular Medicine

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    The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE

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    White paper supplement to the proposal submitted by the HSLS science team to ESA for Herschel open-time programsA large sub-mm survey with Herschel will enable many exciting science opportunities, especially in an era of wide-field optical and radio surveys and high resolution cosmic microwave background experiments. The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS), will lead to imaging data over 4000 sq. degrees at 250, 350, and 500 micron. Major Goals of HSLS are: (a) produce a catalog of 2.5 to 3 million galaxies down to 26, 27 and 33 mJy (50% completeness; 5 sigma confusion noise) at 250, 350 and 500 micron, respectively, in the southern hemisphere (3000 sq. degrees) and in an equatorial strip (1000 sq. degrees), areas which have extensive multi-wavelength coverage and are easily accessible from ALMA. Two thirds of the of the sources are expected to be at z > 1, one third at z > 2 and about a 1000 at z > 5. (b) Remove point source confusion in secondary anisotropy studies with Planck and ground-based CMB data. (c) Find at least 1200 strongly lensed bright sub-mm sources leading to a 2% test of general relativity. (d) Identify 200 proto-cluster regions at z of 2 and perform an unbiased study of the environmental dependence of star formation. (e) Perform an unbiased survey for star formation and dust at high Galactic latitude and make a census of debris disks and dust around AGB stars and white dwarfs