27 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pemberian tepung kepala udang sebagai pengganti tepung ikan terhadap kenaikan berat badan, konsumsi dan konversi pakan ayam pedaging jantan

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Keuangan PT. Pegadaian (Persero)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan gambaran tentang kesehatan keuangan PT. Pegadaian (Persero) tahun 2013 sampai tahun 2017 dengan menggunakan metode analisis rasio keuangan menurut Keputusan Menteri BUMN Nomor : KEP-100/MBU/2002 dan analisis Common Size (analisis vertikal). Analisis rasio menilai aspek keuangan, aspek operasional, dan aspek administrasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualititatif, yang mengacu pada laporan keuangan perusahaan. Analisis common size dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data-data keuangan yang terdapat dalam sebuah laporan keuangan dengan total aset atau liabilitas pada laporan neraca atau dengan total pendapatan pada laporan laba-rugi. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian tersebut PT. Pegadaian (Persero) dalam analisis rasio laporan keuangan termasuk BUMN sehat, ini berdasarkan hasil penghitungan total skor rata-rata dari tahun 2013 - 2017 di atas 65, sehingga mendapatkan nilai A yaitu 65 < TS ≤ 80. Hasil dari analisis common size yang dilakukan di PT. Pegadaian (Persero) termasuk dalam kategori cukup hal ini berdasarkan hasil rata-rata penghitungan pada tahun 2013 - 2017 yang memiliki skor diatas 40, sehingga mendapatkan kategori cukup yaitu 41 < TS ≤ 6


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    Global warming leads to climate uncertainty that threats national food security, and thus the farmer education is required as an adaptation and mitigation strategy to cope with the negative impact. A climate field school is a technology to educate and empower farmers to increase the awareness and resilience on climate change. 0.5 hectare of farmland was cultivated by maize (hybrid variety of Pioneer-35). The land preparation, planting, and crop maintenance was totally organized by 24 farmers and 6 students of Universitas Sebelas Maret, (UNS) Indonesia. Also, daily weather components (air temperatures, rainfall, and relative air humidity) were observed by farmers according to a schedule prepared by farmers.  Every decadal (10 days), farmers and students met to observe and discuss the maize’s growth and farm ecosystem. During the decadal meeting, staffs from Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia (BMKG), lecturers from university (UNS) and farm extension workers from government monitored, guided and advised the discussion in turn (according to planned schedule). The results showed that farmers and students’ knowledge on climate change and eco-friendly farming system increase during the climate field school. Extreme rainfall (890 mm for 5 dry months) occurred which was double compared to proper water requirement for maize. Maize’s yield was 10% lower (10.7 t/ha) compared to the conventional system due to totally unused of pesticide, herbicide or other plant protection chemical substances. Farmers also observed that the use of organic fertilizer combined with inorganic fertilizer rather produced high yield which can reduce production cost and increase soil health, as well as food safety.

    Keynote Address: Changing Pedagogy in STEM Instruction: Contextualized instruction in STEM-related fields

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    Bio continued: Prior to joining the Biotechnology Department at Madison College in 2008, Dr. Tubon held a position at the University of Madison, Wisconsin in the department of Medical Genetics as an NIH-awarded research fellow. His interests focused on neurodegenerative diseases and aging-related disorders which resulted in several high profile peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Tubon holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics from Stony Brook University and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and a BS in Molecular Biology from San Diego State University

    Control, exclusion and repression of refugees from Spain in the southern camps in France : 1939-1944

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    En février 1939, un peu plus de 300 000 miliciens espagnols, ainsi que 8000 brigadistes internationaux, entrent en France par les Pyrénées-Orientales. Presque tous sont placés dans des camps. Ce travail interroge les différents outils de contrôle mis en place par les autorités (ministère de l’Intérieur ou militaires) et les différentes mesures d’exclusions prises à l’encontre des individus les plus suspects. La première partie se penche sur les mesures de surveillance, individuelles et collectives, dans camps de la Retirada. La deuxième s’intéresse au renforcement de ce dispositif suite à la déclaration de la guerre jusqu’à l’armistice de juin 1940. Enfin, la dernière partie interroge les reprises et les ruptures administratives et juridiques de ce dispositif de la IIIème République par Vichy jusqu’à la Libération dans les camps du sud de la France. En se focalisant sur les réfugiés venus d’Espagne, cette thèse se penche sur la modernisation des outils de contrôle de police des étrangers incarnés par le Fichier central de la Sûreté nationale dans les années 1930. A travers de nombreuses sources d’archives inédites, elle questionne aussi la trajectoire, depuis les origines républicaines jusqu’à Vichy des questions du contrôle, de l’exclusion et de la répression des étrangers indésirables dans les camps du sud de la France et de l’Afrique du Nord.In February 1939, about 300 000 Spanish militians and 8000 international brigades entered France by the Pyrenees-Orientales. Most of them are placed in camps. This work examines the different means of control instored by Ministry of Interior and military authorities and the various measures of exclusion taken against the most suspicious people. The first part deals with the individual and collective measures of surveillance in the camps of the Retirada. The second tellsabout the reinforcement of this system from the war declaration to the armistice of June 1940. Finally the last part questions the resumptions and disruptions of the system under 3rd republic in Vichy until the Liberation in Southern French camps. Through the story of these Spanish refugees, this thesis focuses on the modernization of police controls of foreigners registered in the National Security files of the 1930's. Through many sources of unpublished archives, from Republican origins to Vichy, the story of control, exclusion and repression of the unwanted foreigners is reconstituted in south of France and north Africa camps

    Carta de Armengol Tuban a Pedro Dorado Montero

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    Carta de D. Armengol Tuban, vicesecretario del III Congreso Penitenciario Español, a D. Pedro Dorado Montero, agradeciendo sus indicaciones para la confección del cuestionario de dicho congreso

    Bir alternatif turizm türü olarak yamaç paraşütü: Uçmakdere üzerine bir çalışma

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    Turizm faaliyetlerinin yılın diğer aylarına etki etmesi ve bundan dolayı, döviz girdilerinin veya turizmden elde edilen gelirlerin arttırılması için alternatif turizm faaliyetleri gündeme gelmiştir. Bir alternatif turizm türü olarak Tekirdağ ili Uçmakdere köyünde yapılan yamaç paraşütü potansiyelinden yeterince yararlanılamamış olması bu araştırma düşüncesinin doğuşuna sebep olmuştur. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen veriler ile SWOT analizi yapılmıştır. Bir alternatif turizm türü olarak yamaç paraşütünün, Tekirdağ Uçmakdere’deki faaliyetlerinin mevcut durumuna ilişkin, güçlü yönleri; yamaç paraşütü faaliyetleri yapılan bölgenin uçuş şartlarına uygun olması, bölgeye ulaşım kolaylığı ve İstanbul’a olan yakınlığı güçlü yönleridir. Zayıf yönleri ise; uçuş faaliyeti yapılan alanda konaklama, yeme içme, çevre düzeni, lavabo ve tuvalet ihtiyaçlarının yetersizliği zayıf yönleridir. Bunun yanında karşılaşılması muhtemel tehditler ise; yamaç paraşütü kalkış pistlerinde uçuş yapılmadan önce sporcuların sertifika kontrolü ve o an uçuşta kullanılacak paraşüt ekipman kontrolünün ilgili kişiler tarafından yapılmaması durumunda bölge imajına ve uçuş güvenliğine bir tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Karşılaşılması muhtemel fırsatları ise; bölgede yapılacak ve yapılması planlanan yamaç paraşütü faaliyetleri sonucunda sporcular, uçmak isteyen yerli ve yabancı turistlerin, bölgede bazı tüketim ihtiyaçları ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu ihtyaçları karşılayacak işletmelere ve bu işletmelerde çalışacak personellere ihtiyaç duyulacaktır. Bu yüzden bölgenin ekonomik potansiyeli artarak alternatif turizm gelirleri artacaktır.Because tourism activities affect other months in a year and in order to increase tourism revenues, alternative tourism came to the fore. The reason why this topic is studied is that it is not economically benefited enough from the paragliding as a form of alternative tourism in Tekirdağ. In this study, a SWOT analysis was made based on data acquired as a result of the researches. The strong sides of paragliding as a form of alternative tourism in Tekirdağ uçmakdere are; the suitability of the zone for paragliding, the ease of transportation, the closeness to Istanbul. Weak sides are; absence or inadequacy of accomodation places, washrooms, catering places, toilets and enviroment planing. Possible threats are; there is no control for flight certificates and necesary equipments before take offs, which is a threat for the image of the area and safety of flight. Possible opportunities are; during and after flights, both pilots and native and foreign tourists have different needs for consumption. This need, necessiates local businesses, and employees, as a result of this, the economic potential and alternative tourism revenues of the area will increase

    Pengaruh Opini Audit, Ukuran Perusahaan, Ukuran Kap, Dan Leverage Terhadap Rotasi Auditor Pada Perusahaan Sektor Keuangan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei) Periode Tahun 2018-2020

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan memperoleh bukti empiris terkait faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi rotasi auditor pada perusahaan sektor keuangan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2018-2020. Faktor-faktor yang digunakan adalah opini audit, ukuran perusahaan, ukuran KAP, dan leverage. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa opini audit tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap rotasi auditor karena auditor terdahulu dan auditor baru memiliki acuan audit yang sama yaitu Standar Akuntansi Keuangan, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan opini yang didapat perusahaan akan sama. Selanjutnya, ukuran perusahaan tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap rotasi auditor karena selama kualitas audit yang dihasilkan oleh KAP baik, maka rotasi auditor dianggap hanya akan menaikkan agency cost. Ukuran KAP memiliki pengaruh negatif yaitu ketika perusahaan telah menggunakan jasa audit KAP Big four, maka perusahaan memiliki kecenderungan mempertahankan auditor terdahulunya. Terakhir, leverage tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap rotasi auditor karena perusahaan yang memiliki tingkat leverage tinggi akan fokus pada perbaikan kinerja keuangan dibandingkan melakukan rotasi audito

    Certain aspects of ensuring Ukraine's cyber security against threats in electronic networks

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    Загальний успіх у забезпеченні кібербезпеки у сфері обігу криптовалют вимагає гармонійної взаємодії різних суб’єктів, починаючи від уряду та закінчуючи приватним сектором, активною участю громадян. Лише в такий спосіб Україна зможе стати не лише платформою для розвитку криптовалют, а й цілком захищеним та стійким актором у динамічному цифровому світі. The overall success in ensuring cyber security in the sphere of circulation of cryptocurrencies requires the harmonious interaction of various actors, starting from the government and ending with the private sector, with the active participation of citizens. Only in this way, Ukraine will be able to become not only a platform for the development of cryptocurrencies, but also a fully protected and stable actor in the dynamic digital world