358 research outputs found

    La adquisición de las servidumbres prediales por prescripción: antecedentes y regulación actual

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    Treball final de Grau en Dret. Codi: DR1052. Curs academic 2015-201

    Comparison of Multivariate and Univariate Models for Genetic Evaluation of Milk Yield based on Test Day Data

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H12, 62P99Multivariate and univariate lactation models were applied to test day data to predict genetic value of daily milk yield of a sample of Black and White cows. The models for genetic evaluation include a set of fixed main effects, fixed regression on functions of days im milk, random effects of permanent environment within lactation, random additive genetic effect and residual effect. Under multivariate model for daily milk yield test day records within lactation are considered as repeated measurements, and different lactations are treated as separate traits. Univariate model is applied for each lactation using test day yield as repeated measure. The variance components, genetic parameters and ranging of the animals through the multivariate and univariate metod were compared

    Data for Econometric Analysis of Energy Demand for Eastern European Countries

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    Econometric analysis is one of the principal directions of the studies of energy demand at IIASA. It contains a series of studies, including some characteristic countries for the world energy economy. This analysis of the Eastern European countries covers the characteristic features and advance over the international estimate made up to now in the field of energy analysis. The first step in these studies of the energy economy of the countries with planned economies along with some methodological problems is the collecting of data. This work began two months ago directed by Prof. William D. Nordhaus. In the following the state and the results of this work are briefly presented

    Role and Work Style of the Manager Nurses for Successful Conflict Management in the Hospital

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    INTRODUCTION: The health care management in hospitals is assigned to the members of the Health Care Council - the chief nurse and the senior nurses. These managers, supported by their high level of professionalism, skills and knowledge, can lead the planning, organization, coordination, motivation, evaluation and control of the activities of the health care professionals. The effective management of emerging conflicts depends on the position, style and approach of the chief nurse and senior nurses.AIM: To establish how the roles of the management staff in the Health Care Council influence the team performance, including the successful management in hospital wards.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in the period April 2015 - February 2016 at the Hristo Botev Hospital, Vratsa using the Belbin psychometric test.STUDY SUBJECTS: Twenty-five senior health care professionals and the chief nurse. The study used a sociological method of analysis.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: One of the great benefits of the HCC teamwork is in the fact that the people complement each other and everyone contributes with what he/she can do best. According to the Belbin psychometric test the eight team roles accurately describe the specific work adjustments and behaviors of people in the HCC team.ROLES IN THE AUDIT TEAM:Strong roles: Teamworker, Coordinator, Completer FinisherWeak roles: Resource Investigator and PlantMissing representatives of strong roles in the team: Resource InvestigatorCategory of the team: Rather a good teamProblematic areas for team performance: Generating new ideasLeadership: Not successful enoughRECOMMENDATIONS: One of the recommendations is effective recruitment of management staff in the HCC. In order to prevent conflicts, the leader should recognize the personality type of each associate and use that knowledge to motivate them to give the best of themselves

    Análisis económico-financiero de Simecal S.L.

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    A través del siguiente trabajo se realizará un análisis económico- financiero de la empresa Simecal S.L. El objetivo es ver cuál es el estado de salud de la empresa, en un periodo de cinco años, además de analizar su rentabilidad económica y financiera, así como su riesgo financiero. Por último, se procederá a la obtención del valor de la empresa, de la forma más precisa posible. La finalidad de este análisis es permitir a la empresa ver en qué situación se encuentra en la actualidad y tomar, en caso de darse una situación desfavorable, la mejor decisión económico-financiera para poder seguir operando en el futuroThe following work is an economic-financial analysis of the company Simecal S.L. The objective is to see what the situation of the company is, in a period of five years, in addition to analysing its economic and financial profitability as well as its financial risk. Finally, the value of the company will be obtained as precisely as possible. The purpose of this analysis is to enable the company to see where it is at present and to take, in case of an unfavourable situation, the best economic-financial decision to be able to continue operating in the future.Departamento de Economía Financiera y ContabilidadGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Classification of Chenopodium Genus Populations and Species Based on Continuous and Categorical Variables

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P10, 62H30The estimation of statistical distance between populations arises in many multivariate analysis techniques. Whereas distance measures for continuous data are well developed, those for mixed discrete and continuous data are less so because of the lack of a standard model for such data. Such mixture of variables arise frequently in the field of medicine, biometry, psychology, econometrics and only comparatively few models have been developed for evaluating distance between populations. The subject of our study were data in the field of botany. The aim of the presented investigation was to apply methods for analysis of dissimilarity between 44 populations of 13 species of Ghenopodium genus,presented by 15 variables - 10 continuous and 5 categorical. The previously developed by another authors distance measures between populations presented by mixed attributes turned out not appropriate for the available data of Chenopodium genus. F or that reason a specific distance measures were applied. The matrices with distances between populations and species were used as input for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to explore the taxonomic structure of the Chenopodium genus

    Impact of Surface to Water Volume Contact Ratio on the Biomass Production Potential of Products in Contact with Drinking Water

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    The biomass production potential (BPP) test is a semi-static test for assessment of growth promoting properties of construction products in contact with drinking water (CPDW) under defined conditions. The test is performed at the product¿s surface to water volume contact ratio (S/V) of 0.16 cm-1, that is quite different from the practice in buildings and domestic installations. The goal of this study was to evaluate the importance of the S/V ratio for performance of the BPP test and for correct determining the enhancement of microbial growth by CPDW. The BPP of 10 pipe products were compared under the S/V ratios of 0.16 cm-1 and 1.6 cm-1 in two consecutive trials. Our study found out that the BPP test at the originally proposed S/V contact ratio is a reliable approach for assessment of growth promoting properties of CPDW. The data showed that under the S/V ratio of 0.16 cm-1 the test achieves similar results for the BPP of the tested pipe materials as with a more realistic S/V ratio of 1.6 cm-1. However, the S/V ratio showed a significant effect on the planktonic biomass concentration and heterotrophic plate count in the test waters in contact with the tested pipe materials and that stronger effect on the water quality can be important from hygienic point of view. Therefore, the impact of the S/V contact ratio on drinking water quality should be taken into consideration for assessment of the products in contact with drinking water. For acceptance of the CPDW, besides a Pass/Fail Criterion for the BPP, a second criterion for evaluation of materials on their effect of drinking water quality needs to be developed and the planktonic biomass concentration could be useful one for this purpose.JRC.I.5-Physical and chemical exposure

    Rosmarinic acid recovery from Lamiaceae plants

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    Póster presentado en las I Jornadas Científicas CIAL Forum 2014, celebrado en Madrid el 5 de junio de 2014.El ácido Rosmarínico es un ácido fenólico conocido por sus múltiples propiedades biológicas, tales como antioxidante, antiinflamatoria, anticancerígena y antibacteriana. Se encuentra en diferentes especies de la familia Lamiaceae, en concentraciones desde 0.01 a 9.30 mg/g. En este estudio el ácido rosmarínico ha sido recuperado de diferentes plantas de la familia de las Lamiaceae (Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Origanum Majorana) utilizando extracción sólido-líquido asistida por ultrasonidos (UAE) y extracción con líquidos presurizados (PLE). Debido a la naturaleza polar de este ácido fenólico, diferentes disolventes polares fueron estudiados, incluyendo metanol, etanol, agua y mezclas de metanol-agua (1:1). Los ensayos UAE fueron llevados a cabo usando una sonda (Branson Digital Sonifier, Branson Ultrasonics, model 250; Danbury, USA) durante 15 minutos, con agitación, y manteniendo la temperatura en 45°C. La mezcla de metanol:agua fue la que presentó mayor capacidad para la extracción de ácido rosmarínico. Además, Romero y Salvia fueron las plantas de las cuales se obtuvo extractos con mayor concentración de dicho ácido (61.7 y 46.5 mg/g, respectivamente). Los experimentos PLE fueron realizados con Salvia, a tres temperaturas diferentes: 100, 150 and 200°C utilizando la mezcla metanol:agua. Los rendimientos fueron considerablemente mayores que los obtenidos por UAE (61% a 200°C). El aumento de temperatura produce un incremento en el rendimiento de extracción y una disminución en la concentración de ácido rosmarínico en los extractos. Así, la mayor concentración de ácido rosmarínico en los ensayos PLE se obtuvo a la menor temperatura (100°C) y fue similar al obtenido mediante UAE. Por otro lado, en los extractos PLE las recuperaciones fueron aproximadamente dos veces mayores que las obtenidas por UAE (12.34 mg/g vs. 6.61 mg/g).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto ALIBIRD-S2009/AGR-1469, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Value Orientation Types In Medical Professionals

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    Value system is an internal construct that is related to the “I”- conception. It is being shaped and developed under the impact of internal and external factors.Materials and Methods. This material studies the value typology in 72 medical persons – doctors, nurses and laboratory assistants.  The study applies the WIS/SVP method – Scale for appraising professional values that includes 63 statements. Results are being analyzed pursuant the value types: creative, calm, ambitious (competitive), tough (brave, physically strong), autonomous (individualistic), social (communicative). Statistical processing applies the program StatGraf - Multiple Variable Analysis. Results. The highest number is for the persons with self-orientation (60%), followed by the number of independence orientated persons (53%), challenge orientated persons (50%), orientated to the others persons (46%) and persons with materialistic orientation (40%). Some of the interviewed persons with ambitious profile type possess rather no features of the communicative type (r=-.28, p=0.01). Similar negative correlation is noticed between the calm and communicative value type (r=-.43, p=0.0004) and between the creative and ambitious type (r=-.44, p=0.0002), the creative and tough type (r=-.32, p=0.005). The ambitious type correlates positively with the features of calm value type (r=-.35, p=0.003). Stressgenic professional environment is being proved by the whole study. On these grounds, for more than half of the medical professionals it is exceptionally important to be able to take decisions and to act independently of the others. Autonomy and ambitiousness are connected with the precise goal formation and its realization and in this process no social approval or influence are looked for.Conclusions. This study of value orientation among medical professionals applying WIS/SVP has an innovative character for Bulgarian conditions. Conclusions permit identification of the specific features in persons employed in hospital environment that make them sustainable and focused on self-improvement

    Endometrial carcinoma and the immune system - new insights based on research literature

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    The aim of this paper is to perform a review of the research literature on the issue of endometrial cancer and the impact on the immune system of the two major surgical methods - open and minimally invasive