176 research outputs found

    Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Type Scenario in Molecular Spin Liquid AACr2_2O4_4

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    The spin relaxation in chromium spinel oxides AACr2_{2}O4_{4} (A=A= Mg, Zn, Cd) is investigated in the paramagnetic regime by electron spin resonance (ESR). The temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth indicates an unconventional spin-relaxation behavior, similar to spin-spin relaxation in the two-dimensional (2D) chromium-oxide triangular lattice antiferromagnets. The data can be described in terms of a generalized Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type scenario for 2D systems with additional internal symmetries. Based on the characteristic exponents obtained from the evaluation of the ESR linewidth, short-range order with a hidden internal symmetry is suggested.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Nanoscale electronic inhomogeneity in FeSe0.4Te0.6 revealed through unsupervised machine learning

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    We report on an apparent low-energy nanoscale electronic inhomogeneity in FeSe0.4Te0.6 due to the distribution of selenium and tellurium atoms revealed through unsupervised machine learning. Through an unsupervised clustering algorithm, characteristic spectra of selenium- and tellurium-rich regions are identified. The inhomogeneity linked to these spectra can clearly be traced in the differential conductance and is detected both at energy scales of a few electron volts as well as within a few millielectronvolts of the Fermi energy. By comparison with ARPES, this inhomogeneity can be linked to an electron-like band just above the Fermi energy. It is directly correlated with the local distribution of selenium and tellurium. There is no clear correlation with the magnitude of the superconducting gap, however the height of the coherence peaks shows significant correlation with the intensity with which this band is detected, and hence with the local chemical composition.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Evidence for Orbital Order and its Relation to Superconductivity in FeSe0.4Te0.6

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    The emergence of nematic electronic states accompanied by a structural phase transition is a recurring theme in many correlated electron materials, including the high-temperature copper oxide- and iron-based superconductors. We provide evidence for nematic electronic states in the iron-chalcogenide superconductor FeSe0.4Te0.6 from quasi-particle scattering detected in spectroscopic maps. The symmetry-breaking states persist above Tc into the normal state. We interpret the scattering patterns by comparison with quasi-particle interference patterns obtained from a tight-binding model, accounting for orbital ordering. The relation to superconductivity and the influence on the coherence length are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, updated with published versio

    Thermal decomposition of the Kitaev material α−RuCl3 and its influence on low-temperature behavior

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    We explore the effect of heat treatment in argon atmosphere under various temperatures up to 500∘C on single crystals of α−RuCl3 by the study of the mass loss, microprobe energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, powder x-ray diffraction, and electrical resistance, as well as low-temperature magnetic susceptibility and specific heat. Clear signatures of dechlorination and oxidation of Ru appear for annealing temperatures beyond 300∘C. Analysis of the specific heat below 2 K reveals a RuO2 mass fraction of order 1% for pristine α−RuCl3 which increases up to 20% after thermal annealing, fully consistent with mass-loss analysis. The small RuO2 inclusions drastically reduce the global electrical resistance and may thus significantly affect low-temperature thermal transport and Hall effect

    Atomic-scale coexistence of short-range magnetic order and superconductivity in Fe1+y_{1+y}Se0.1_{0.1}Te0.9_{0.9}

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    The ground state of the parent compounds of many high temperature superconductors is an antiferromagnetically (AFM) ordered phase, where superconductivity emerges when the AFM phase transition is suppressed by doping or application of pressure. This behaviour implies a close relation between the two orders. Understanding the interplay between them promises a better understanding of how the superconducting condensate forms from the AFM ordered background. Here we explore this relation in real space at the atomic scale using low temperature spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) and spectroscopy. We investigate the transition from antiferromagnetically ordered Fe1+yTe\mathrm{Fe}_{1+y}\mathrm{Te} via the spin glass phase in Fe1+ySe0.1Te0.9\mathrm{Fe}_{1+y}\mathrm{Se}_{0.1}\mathrm{Te}_{0.9} to superconducting Fe1+ySe0.15Te0.85\mathrm{Fe}_{1+y}\mathrm{Se}_{0.15}\mathrm{Te}_{0.85}. In Fe1+ySe0.1Te0.9\mathrm{Fe}_{1+y}\mathrm{Se}_{0.1}\mathrm{Te}_{0.9} we observe an atomic-scale coexistence of superconductivity and short-ranged bicollinear antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Orbital Freezing in FeCr2S4 Studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy

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    Broadband dielectric spectroscopy has been performed on single-crystalline FeCr2S4 revealing a transition into a low-temperature orbital glass phase and on polycrystalline FeCr2S4 where long-range orbital order is established via a cooperative Jahn-Teller transition. The freezing of the orbital moments is revealed by a clear relaxational behavior of the dielectric permittivity, which allows a unique characterization of the orbital glass transition. The orbital relaxation dynamics continuously slows down over six decades in time, before at the lowest temperatures the glass transition becomes suppressed by quantum tunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    High-resolution neutron depolarization microscopy of the ferromagnetic transitions in Ni3_3Al and HgCr2_2Se4_4 under pressure

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    We performed neutron imaging of ferromagnetic transitions in Ni3_3Al and HgCr2_2Se4_4 crystals. These neutron depolarization measurements revealed bulk magnetic inhomogeneities in the ferromagnetic transition temperature with spatial resolution of about 100~μ\mum. To obtain such spatial resolution, we employed a novel neutron microscope equipped with Wolter mirrors as a neutron image-forming lens and a focusing neutron guide as a neutron condenser lens. The images of Ni3_3Al show that the sample does not homogeneously go through the ferromagnetic transition; the improved resolution allowed us to identify a distribution of small grains with slightly off-stoichiometric composition. Additionally, neutron depolarization imaging experiments on the chrome spinel, HgCr2_2Se4_4, under pressures up to 15~kbar highlight the advantages of the new technique especially for small samples or sample environments with restricted sample space. The improved spatial resolution enables one to observe domain formation in the sample while decreasing the acquisition time despite having a bulky pressure cell in the beam

    Interplay between Superconductivity and Magnetism in Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2 under Pressure

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    High-pressure magnetization, structural and 57Fe M\"ossbauer studies were performed on superconducting Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2.0 with Tc = 32.4 K. The superconducting transition temperature gradually decreases on increasing pressure up to 5.0 GPa followed by a marked step-like suppression of superconductivity near 6 GPa. No structural phase transition in the Fe vacancy-ordered superstructure is observed in synchrotron XRD studies up to 15.6 GPa, while the M\"ossbauer spectra above 5 GPa reveal the appearance of a new paramagnetic phase and significant changes in the magnetic and electronic properties of the dominant antiferromagnetic phase, coinciding with the disappearance of superconductivity. These findings underline the strong correlation between antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity in phase-separated AxFe2-x/2Se2 (A = K, Rb, Cs) superconductors

    Magnetic Excitations in the Multiferroic N\'eel-type Skyrmion Host GaV4_4S8_8

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    Broadband microwave spectroscopy has been performed on single-crystalline GaV4_4S8_8, which exhibits a complex magnetic phase diagram including cycloidal, N\'eel-type skyrmion lattice, as well as field-polarized ferromagnetic phases below 13 K. At zero and small magnetic fields two collective modes are found at 5 and 15 GHz, which are characteristic of the cycloidal state in this easy-axis magnet. In finite fields, entering the skyrmion lattice phase, the spectrum transforms into a multi-mode pattern with absorption peaks near 4, 8, and 15 GHz. The spin excitation spectra in GaV4_4S8_8 and their field dependencies are found to be in close relation to those observed in materials with Bloch-type skyrmions. Distinct differences arise from the strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of GaV4S8 not present in so-far known skyrmion hosts