4 research outputs found

    Formation of aggregated nanoparticle spheres through femtosecond laser surface processing

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    A detailed structural and chemical analysis of a class of self-organized surface structures, termed aggregated nanoparticle spheres (AN-spheres), created using femtosecond laser surface processing (FLSP) on silicon, silicon carbide, and aluminum is reported in this paper. AN-spheres are spherical microstructures that are 20–100 μm in diameter and are composed entirely of nanoparticles produced during femtosecond laser ablation of material. AN-spheres have an onion-like layered morphology resulting from the build-up of nanoparticle layers over multiple passes of the laser beam. The material properties and chemical composition of the AN-spheres are presented in this paper based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM), focused ion beam (FIB) milling, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. There is a distinct difference in the density of nanoparticles between concentric rings of the onion-like morphology of the AN-sphere. Layers of high-density form when the laser sinters nanoparticles together and low-density layers form when nanoparticles redeposit while the laser ablates areas surrounding the AN-sphere. The dynamic nature of femtosecond laser ablation creates a variety of nanoparticles that make-up the AN-spheres including Si/C core-shell, nanoparticles that directly fragmented from the base material, nanoparticles with carbon shells that retarded oxidation, and amorphous, fully oxidized nanoparticles

    Age and gender differences in physical capability levels from mid-life onwards: The Harmonisation and meta-analysis of data from eight UK cohort studies

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    Using data from eight UK cohorts participating in the Healthy Ageing across the Life Course (HALCyon) researchprogramme, with ages at physical capability assessment ranging from 50 to 90+ years, we harmonised data on objectivemeasures of physical capability (i.e. grip strength, chair rising ability, walking speed, timed get up and go, and standingbalance performance) and investigated the cross-sectional age and gender differences in these measures. Levels of physicalcapability were generally lower in study participants of older ages, and men performed better than women (for example,results from meta-analyses (N = 14,213 (5 studies)), found that men had 12.62 kg (11.34, 13.90) higher grip strength thanwomen after adjustment for age and body size), although for walking speed, this gender difference was attenuated afteradjustment for body size. There was also evidence that the gender difference in grip strength diminished with increasingage,whereas the gender difference in walking speed widened (p,0.01 for interactions between age and gender in bothcases). This study highlights not only the presence of age and gender differences in objective measures of physicalcapability but provides a demonstration that harmonisation of data from several large cohort studies is possible. Theseharmonised data are now being used within HALCyon to understand the lifetime social and biological determinants ofphysical capability and its changes with age

    Formation of aggregated nanoparticle spheres through femtosecond laser surface processing

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    A detailed structural and chemical analysis of a class of self-organized surface structures, termed aggregated nanoparticle spheres (AN-spheres), created using femtosecond laser surface processing (FLSP) on silicon, silicon carbide, and aluminum is reported in this paper. AN-spheres are spherical microstructures that are 20–100 μm in diameter and are composed entirely of nanoparticles produced during femtosecond laser ablation of material. AN-spheres have an onion-like layered morphology resulting from the build-up of nanoparticle layers over multiple passes of the laser beam. The material properties and chemical composition of the AN-spheres are presented in this paper based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM), focused ion beam (FIB) milling, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. There is a distinct difference in the density of nanoparticles between concentric rings of the onion-like morphology of the AN-sphere. Layers of high-density form when the laser sinters nanoparticles together and low-density layers form when nanoparticles redeposit while the laser ablates areas surrounding the AN-sphere. The dynamic nature of femtosecond laser ablation creates a variety of nanoparticles that make-up the AN-spheres including Si/C core-shell, nanoparticles that directly fragmented from the base material, nanoparticles with carbon shells that retarded oxidation, and amorphous, fully oxidized nanoparticles