32 research outputs found

    Role of microfinance in the household reconstruction process in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This study looks at the role micro-enterprise lending have played in the household reconstruction process during 1996-2002 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Bosnian households were severely affected by the conflict that resulted in destruction of household financial, physical, human and social assets leading to significant increase in household vulnerability to risks. This vulnerability is at the core of the research framework. We analyze critical household needs in BiH post-conflict environment in order to understand how people coped with them and to what extent these efforts impacted their vulnerability. This paper claims that micro-enterprise credit in BiH stimulated household reconstruction as it provided an efficient and long lasting coping mechanism for households after the war. For most clients micro-enterprise credit helped at least to sustain their household self-employment activities. Income generated from micro-enterprises was perceived during the research as the most efficient coping mechanism among households affected by conflict so as to fill some of their most important needs over the reconstruction period. It is unquestionable that the success of a sustainable microfinance sector development has been due to the implementation of a structured and standardized minimalist approach. However, on the basis of the results presented in this paper, it appears that microfinance and related services could play a more substantial reconstruction role in post-conflict areas. A thorough analysis of household needs informs that in BiH there was a significant need for other credit and business development services. Therefore, this paper claims that there is a need for a more integrated approach including various financial and non financial services in post-conflict settings. As each conflict destruction and consequent reconstruction is very specific, the elements of this package will slightly differ across settings given the critical, priority needs to be satisfied. The integrated approach challenges the goal of reaching high profits in the short-term while providing grounds to advocate for reasonable social returns over the entire reconstruction period. If a policy framework that balances financial and social returns in a longer period of time is in place the integrated approach does not preclude a development of a strong sustainable microfinance sector in the longer term. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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    α-Lytic protease can exist in two separately stable conformations with different His(57) mobilities and catalytic activities

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    α-Lytic protease is a bacterial serine protease widely studied as a model system of enzyme catalysis. Here we report that lyophilization induces a structural change in the enzyme that is not reversed by redissolution in water. The structural change reduces the mobility of the active-site histidine residue and the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The application of mild pressure to solutions of the altered enzyme reverses the lyophilization-induced structural change and restores the mobility of the histidine residue and the enzyme's catalytic activity. This effect of lyophilization permits a unique opportunity for investigating the relationship between histidine ring dynamics and catalytic activity. The results demonstrate that His(57) in resting enzymes is more mobile than previously thought, especially when protonated. The histidine motion and its correlation to enzyme activity lend support to the reaction-driven ring flip hypothesis

    Soil Optical and Hydraulic Properties of Burnt Forest Areas in Greece after the Implementation of Postfire Restoration Works–Preliminary Results

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    The short-term changes in micrometeorological and hydraulic attributes of burnt forest soils were evaluated under the influence of three types of post-fire restoration works (wattles, log barriers, and log dams). Comparisons between the two zones (erosion EZ and deposition DZ) formed at the area between two consecutive restoration work units were performed. The reflectance presents minor differences in the two zones, being slightly higher in the EZ, whereas cooler surface temperature and higher soil moisture were recorded in the DZ. The DZ can effectively infiltrate precipitation water with rates of about 150% higher compared to the EZ