24 research outputs found
Anomalous Microfluidic Phonons Induced by the Interplay of Hydrodynamic Screening and Incompressibility
We investigate the acoustic normal modes ("phonons") of a 1D microfluidic
droplet crystal at the crossover between 2D flow and confined 1D plug flow. The
unusual phonon spectra of the crystal, which arise from long-range hydrodynamic
interactions, change anomalously under confinement. The boundaries induce
weakening and screening of the interactions, but when approaching the 1D limit
we measure a marked increase in the crystal sound velocity, a sign of
interaction strengthening. This non-monotonous behavior of the phonon spectra
is explained theoretically by the interplay of screening and plug flow.Comment: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.124502
A refined estimate for the topological degree
We sharpen an estimate of Bourgain, Brezis, and Nguyen for the topological
degree of continuous maps from a sphere into itself in the case
. This provides the answer for to a question raised by
Brezis. The problem is still open for
Solving the thoracic inverse problem in the fruit fly
In many insect species, the thoracic exoskeletal structure plays a crucial role in enabling flight. In the dipteran indirect flight mechanism, thoracic cuticle acts as a transmission link between the flight muscles and the wings, and it is often thought to act as an elastic modulator: improving flight motor efficiency thorough linear or nonlinear resonance. But peering closely into the drivetrain of tiny insects is experimentally difficult, and the nature of this elastic modulation is unclear. Here, we present a new inverse-problem methodology to surmount this difficulty. In a data synthesis process, we integrate experimentally-observableliterature-reported rigid-wing aerodynamic and musculoskeletal data into a planar oscillator model for the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and use this integrated dataset data to identify several surprising properties of the fly\u27s thorax. We find that fruit flies likely have an energetic need for flight motor resonance: absolute power savings due to flight motor elasticity range from 0-30% across literature-reported datasets, averaging \ua0average 16%. However, in all cases, the intrinsic high effective stiffness of the active asynchronous flight muscles accounts for all the elasticity elastic energy storage required by the wingbeat. The D. melanogaster flight motor should be considered as a system in which the wings are resonant with the elastic effects of the motor’s asynchronous musculature, and not with the elastic effects of the thoracic exoskeleton. We discover also a fundamental link betweenthat the D. melanogaster wingbeat kinematics and musculature dynamics: wingbeat kinematics areshow subtle adaptions adapted to that ensure that wingbeat load requirements match musculature load outputmuscular forcing capability. Together, these newly-identified properties lead suggestto a novel conceptual model of the fruit fly\u27s flight motor: a structure that is resonant due to muscular elasticity, and is thereby intensely concerned with ensuring that the primary flight muscles are operating efficiently. Our inverse-problem methodology sheds new light on the complex behaviour of these tiny flight motors, and provides avenues for further studies in a range of other insect species
Phonons in a one-dimensional microfluidic crystal
The development of a general theoretical framework for describing the
behaviour of a crystal driven far from equilibrium has proved difficult1.
Microfluidic crystals, formed by the introduction of droplets of immiscible
fluid into a liquid-filled channel, provide a convenient means to explore and
develop models to describe non-equilibrium dynamics2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11. Owing to the fact that these systems operate at low Reynolds number (Re),
in which viscous dissipation of energy dominates inertial effects, vibrations
are expected to be over-damped and contribute little to their dynamics12, 13,
14. Against such expectations, we report the emergence of collective normal
vibrational modes (equivalent to acoustic 'phonons') in a one-dimensional
microfluidic crystal of water-in-oil droplets at Reapprox10-4. These phonons
propagate at an ultra-low sound velocity of approx100 mum s-1 and frequencies
of a few hertz, exhibit unusual dispersion relations markedly different to
those of harmonic crystals, and give rise to a variety of crystal instabilities
that could have implications for the design of commercial microfluidic systems.
First-principles theory shows that these phonons are an outcome of the
symmetry-breaking flow field that induces long-range inter-droplet
interactions, similar in nature to those observed in many other systems
including dusty plasma crystals15, 16, vortices in superconductors17, 18,
active membranes19 and nucleoprotein filaments20.Comment: https://www.weizmann.ac.il/complex/tlusty/papers/NaturePhys2006.pd
Distinct forms of resonant optimality within insect indirect flight motors
Insect flight motors are extraordinary natural structures that operate
efficiently at high frequencies. Structural resonance is thought to play a role
in ensuring efficient motor operation, but the details of this role are
elusive. While the efficiency benefits associated with resonance may be
significant, a range of counterintuitive behaviours are observed. In
particular, the relationship between insect wingbeat frequencies and thoracic
natural frequencies are uncertain, with insects showing wingbeat frequency
modulation over both short and long timescales. Here, we offer new explanations
for this modulation. We show how, in linear and nonlinear models of an indirect
flight motor, resonance is not a unitary state at a single frequency; but a
complex cluster of distinct and mutually-exclusive states, each representing a
different form of resonant optimality. Additionally, by characterising the
relationship between resonance and the state of negative work absorption within
the motor, we demonstrate how near-perfect negative work absorption can be
maintained over significant wingbeat frequency ranges. Our analysis leads to a
new conceptual model of flight motor operation: one in which insects are
indifferent to their precise wingbeat frequency, and robust to changes in
thoracic and environmental properties - illustrating the extraordinary
robustness of these natural motors
Band-type resonance: non-discrete energetically-optimal resonant states
Structural resonance involves the absorption of inertial loads by a tuned
structural elasticity: a process playing a key role in a wide range of
biological and technological systems, including many biological and
bio-inspired locomotion systems. Conventional linear and nonlinear resonant
states typically exist at specific discrete frequencies, and specific symmetric
waveforms. This discreteness can be an obstacle to resonant control modulation:
deviating from these states, by breaking waveform symmetry or modulating drive
frequency, generally leads to losses in system efficiency. Here, we demonstrate
a new strategy for achieving these modulations at no loss of energetic
efficiency. Leveraging fundamental advances in nonlinear dynamics, we
characterise a new form of structural resonance: band-type resonance,
describing a continuous band of energetically-optimal resonant states existing
around conventional discrete resonant states. These states are a counterexample
to the common supposition that deviation from a linear (or nonlinear) resonant
frequency necessarily involves a loss of efficiency. We demonstrate how
band-type resonant states can be generated via a spectral shaping approach:
with small modifications to the system kinematic and load waveforms, we
construct sets of frequency-modulated and symmetry-broken resonant states that
show equal energetic optimality to their conventional discrete analogues. The
existence of these non-discrete resonant states in a huge range of oscillators
- linear and nonlinear, in many different physical contexts - is a new
dynamical-systems phenomenon. It has implications not only for biological and
bio-inspired locomotion systems but for a constellation of forced oscillator
systems across physics, engineering, and biology
Model-Based Tracking of Fruit Flies in Free Flight
Insect flight is a complex interdisciplinary phenomenon. Understanding its multiple aspects, such as flight control, sensory integration, physiology and genetics, often requires the analysis of large amounts of free flight kinematic data. Yet, one of the main bottlenecks in this field is automatically and accurately extracting such data from multi-view videos. Here, we present a model-based method for the pose estimation of free-flying fruit flies from multi-view high-speed videos. To obtain a faithful representation of the fly with minimum free parameters, our method uses a 3D model that includes two new aspects of wing deformation: A non-fixed wing hinge and a twisting wing surface. The method is demonstrated for free and perturbed flight. Our method does not use prior assumptions on the kinematics apart from the continuity of the wing pitch angle. Hence, this method can be readily adjusted for other insect species