397 research outputs found

    Genotoxicity of the organophosphorus compound methylparaoxon evaluated by the comet assay

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    Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, food production and household. Due to the broad spectrum of their activity, their biological action is extensively investigated. We assessed the genotoxidty of methylparaoxon - the main metabolite of commonly used organophosphorus insecticide, methylparathion. Freshly isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes were incubated for 1 h with methylparaoxon at 37° C, and then, were incubated in methylparaoxon-free medium to examine DNA repair. Alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (the comet assay) was used to assess DNA damage and repair. Methylparaoxon induced moderate DNA damages that were almost completely repaired after 60 min. Obtained results suggest that methylparaoxon could induce single-strand breaks in DNA both directly and by methylathion of DNA bases.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę


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    In the title compound, [PdCl2(C21H21O3P)2], the Pd atom adopts a slightly distorted square-planar coordination geometry, with pairs of the equivalent ligands in cis positions. Adjacent mol­ecules are linked by weak C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds. The crystal structure is additionally stabilized by π–π stacking inter­actions between the aromatic rings [shortest centroid–centroid distance = 3.758 (4) Å]


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    The title compound, [Re(C2H5O)Cl2O(C7H9N)2], was crystallized from ethanol. The crystal structure of this complex contains a Re(V) atom in a slightly distorted octahedral coordination geometry with pairs of equivalent ligands in trans positions. Adjacent complex mol­ecules are linked by weak C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds. The crystal structure is additionally stabilized by π–π stacking inter­actions between the aromatic rings with centroid–centroid distances of 3.546 (4) Å

    Intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation in patients with myocardial infarction — the beginning of the fall of the method?

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    Kontrpulsacja wewnątrzaortalna (IABP) jest najczęściej stosowaną metodą wsparcia hemodynamicznego u chorych we wstrząsie kardiogennym (CS). Przezskórna angioplastyka wieńcowa i IABP są udokumentowanymi metodami leczenia pacjentów z zawałem serca (MI) powikłanym CS. Zastosowanie IABP u chorych z zawałem serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST powikłanym CS rekomendowano w poprzednich wytycznych. W najnowszych wytycznych z 2012 roku wskazania do użycia balonu jako wsparcia hemodynamicznego zostały ograniczone. Było to konsekwencją opublikowanych w ostatnich latach wyników badań. Nie stwierdzono w nich istotnej różnicy w zakresie śmiertelności i wyników obserwacji wewnątrzszpitalnej między chorymi leczonymi przy użyciu IABP a osobami leczonymi bez jego zastosowania. W pracy porównano wyniki leczenia chorych z MI powikłanym CS leczonych za pomocą IABP lub bez użycia tej metody.Intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation (IABP) is the most commonly used mechanical assistance device for patients with cardiogenic shock (CS). Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and IABP are established treatment modalities in acute myocardial infarction (MI) complicated by CS. IABP in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with CS was strongly recommended in the previous guidelines. In the latest guidelines of European Society of Cardiology (2012) recommendations to use this mechanical support in STEMI with CS has been dimnished as the consequence of the papers published in recent years. There were no significant difference in mortality and in-hospital outcome between patients assigned to IABP and those assigned to a control group. The comparison treatment with or without IABP in patients with MI complicated by CS has been presented in the paper

    The use of NPWT in combination with silver dressing in diabetic foot syndrome – case report

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    oai:ojs.npwtj.com:article/5Patients with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of angiopathy, neuropathy and infection compared with healthy individuals and that may lead to foot disorders. Treatment is difficult challenging and if it is not successful it often run to lower limbs amputations.We present case report of 63 years old man after amputation of big toe and part of metatarsus due to diabetic foot syndrome, successfully treated with negative pressure wound therapy in combination with silver dressing. The literature regarding this issue was also reviewed

    Novel Technique for Treating Multiple Wounds with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

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    Treatment of separate wounds on the same patient with one NPWT device may be challenging. We present novel, cost-effective technique for multiple wounds management