7 research outputs found

    The Surfaces of Pluto and Charon

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    Much of the surface of Pluto consists of high-albedo regions covered to an unknown depth by Beta-N2, contaminated with CH4, CO, and other molecules. A portion of the exposed surface appears to consist of solid H2O. The remainder is covered by lower albedo material of unknown composition. The N2 ice may occur as polar caps of large extent, leaving ices and other solids of lower volatility in the equatorial regions. The low-albedo material found primarily in the equatorial regions may consist in part of solid hydrocarbons and nitriles produced from N2 and CH4 in the atmosphere or in the surface ices. Alternatively, it may arise from deposition from impacting bodies and/or the chemistry of the impact process itself. Charon's surface is probably more compositionally uniform than that of Pluto, and is covered by H2O ice with possible contaminants or exposures of other materials that are as yet unidentified. The molecular ices discovered on Pluto and Charon have been identified from near-infrared spectra obtained with Earth-based telescopes. The quantitative interpretation of those data has been achieved through the computation of synthetic spectra using the Hapke scattering theory and the optical constants of various ices observed in the laboratory. Despite limitations imposed by the availability of laboratory data on ices in various mixtures, certain specific results have been obtained. It appears that CH4 and CO are trace constituents, and that some fraction of the CH4 (and probably the CO) on Pluto is dissolved in the matrix of solid N2. Pure CH4 probably also occurs on Pluto's surface, allowing direct access to the atmosphere. Study of the nitrogen absorption band at 2.148 micrometers shows that the temperature of the N2 in the present epoch is 40 +/-2 K. The global temperature regime of Pluto can be modeled from observations of the thermal flux at far-infrared and millimeter wavelengths. The low-albedo equatorial regions must be significantly warmer than the polar regions covered by N2 (at T = 40 K) to account for the total thermal flux measured. At the present season, the diurnal skin depth of the insolation-driven thermal wave is small, and the observed mm-wave fluxes may arise from a greater depth. Alternatively, the mm-wave flux may arise from the cool, sublimation source region. The surface microstructure in the regions covered by N2 ice is likely governed by the sintering properties of this highly volatile material. The observed nitrogen infrared band strength requires that expanses of the surface be covered with cm-sized crystals of N2. Grains of H2O ice on Charon, in contrast, are probably of order 50 micrometers in size, and do not metamorphose into larger grains at a significant rate. Because of the similarities in size, density, atmosphere and surface composition between Pluto and Neptune's satellite Triton, the surface structures observed by Voyager on Triton serve as a plausible paradigm for what might be expected on Pluto. Such crater forms, tectonic structures, aeolian features, cryovolcanic structures, and sublimation-degraded topography as are eventually observed on Pluto and Charon by spacecraft will give information on their interior compositions and structures, as well as on the temperature and wind regimes over the planet's extreme seasonal cycle

    Nitrogen on Triton and Pluto

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    NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document. Nitrogen has been detected on the surfaces of two objects in the solar system, Triton and Pluto. To better understand the surfaces of these two bodies I have made measurements of the spectrum of solid nitrogen at temperatures applicable to Triton and Pluto, over a wavelength region which encompasses both the fundamental vibrational transition of N2, at 4.294 [...], and its first overtone, at 2.148 [...]. These measurements show that the appearance of the N2 bands is a function of temperature. I have used this temperature dependence, in conjunction with observational data and spectral modeling techniques, to determine the temperature of N2 on Triton and Pluto. The temperature I derive for Triton, 38±1 K, is in agreement with measurements made by the Voyager 2 spacecraft. The temperature determined for Pluto is 40±2 K, slightly warmer than for Triton. Observations of Pluto's thermal flux have not been able to constrain Pluto's temperature well; estimates in the literature run from 30 to 60 K. To determine if the spectroscopically derived temperature for nitrogen on Pluto is consistent with the published thermal fluxes of Pluto I have modeled the expected thermal flux assuming that the N2 is contained in symmetric polar caps and that the equatorial region is bare of nitrogen. With these assumptions I find that the modeled flux of Pluto fits all the published thermal flux measurements if the polar caps extend to ±20° latitude, and if the equatorial region has a bolometric albedo [...] 0.2

    Triton's Plumes: The Dust Devil Hypothesis

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    Triton's plumes are narrow columns 10 kilometers in height, with tails extending horizontally for distances over 100 kilometers. This structure suggests that the plumes are an atmospheric rather than a surface phenomenon. The closest terrestrial analogs may be dust devils, which are atmospheric vortices originating in the unstable layer close to the ground. Since Triton has such a low surface pressure, extremely unstable layers could develop during the day. Patches of unfrosted ground near the subsolar point could act as sites for dust devil formation because they heat up relative to the surrounding nitrogen frost. The resulting convection would warm the atmosphere to temperatures of 48 kelvin or higher, as observed by the Voyager radio science team. Assuming that velocity scales as the square root of temperature difference times the height of the mixed layer, a velocity of 20 meters per second is derived for the strongest dust devils on Triton. Winds of this speed could raise particles provided they are a factor of 103 to 104 less cohesive than those on Earth

    The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Accelerating Discovery about Health and Disease

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