199 research outputs found

    MHC-IIB Filament Assembly and Cellular Localization Are Governed by the Rod Net Charge

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    Actin-dependent myosin II molecular motors form an integral part of the cell cytoskeleton. Myosin II molecules contain a long coiled-coil rod that mediates filament assembly required for myosin II to exert its full activity. The exact mechanisms orchestrating filament assembly are not fully understood., negatively-charged regions of the coiled-coil were found to play an important role by controlling the intracellular localization of native MHC-IIB. The entire positively-charged region is also important for intracellular localization of native MHC-IIB.A correct distribution of positive and negative charges along myosin II rod is a necessary component in proper filament assembly and intracellular localization of MHC-IIB

    Direct Observation of the Myosin Va Recovery Stroke That Contributes to Unidirectional Stepping along Actin

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    Myosins are ATP-driven linear molecular motors that work as cellular force generators, transporters, and force sensors. These functions are driven by large-scale nucleotide-dependent conformational changes, termed “strokes”; the “power stroke” is the force-generating swinging of the myosin light chain–binding “neck” domain relative to the motor domain “head” while bound to actin; the “recovery stroke” is the necessary initial motion that primes, or “cocks,” myosin while detached from actin. Myosin Va is a processive dimer that steps unidirectionally along actin following a “hand over hand” mechanism in which the trailing head detaches and steps forward ∼72 nm. Despite large rotational Brownian motion of the detached head about a free joint adjoining the two necks, unidirectional stepping is achieved, in part by the power stroke of the attached head that moves the joint forward. However, the power stroke alone cannot fully account for preferential forward site binding since the orientation and angle stability of the detached head, which is determined by the properties of the recovery stroke, dictate actin binding site accessibility. Here, we directly observe the recovery stroke dynamics and fluctuations of myosin Va using a novel, transient caged ATP-controlling system that maintains constant ATP levels through stepwise UV-pulse sequences of varying intensity. We immobilized the neck of monomeric myosin Va on a surface and observed real time motions of bead(s) attached site-specifically to the head. ATP induces a transient swing of the neck to the post-recovery stroke conformation, where it remains for ∼40 s, until ATP hydrolysis products are released. Angle distributions indicate that the post-recovery stroke conformation is stabilized by ≥5 kBT of energy. The high kinetic and energetic stability of the post-recovery stroke conformation favors preferential binding of the detached head to a forward site 72 nm away. Thus, the recovery stroke contributes to unidirectional stepping of myosin Va

    Genetic aberrations in glioblastoma multiforme: translocation of chromosome 10 in an O-2A-like cell line

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    We have examined the genetic aberrations in two near-diploid glioblastoma multiforme cell lines that appear to have arisen from different glial lineages. One cell line, Hu-O-2A/Gb1, expresses antigens and metabolic profiles characteristic of the oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte (0-2A) lineage of the rat central nervous system. This line generates, in vitro, cells with characteristics of 0-2A progenitor cells, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. The second cell line, IN1434, is derived from an astrocyte or a precursor cell restricted to astrocytic differentiation. In Hu-O-2A/Gb1 the sole homologue of chromosome 10 is disrupted at band 10p11–12.1 by translocation with chromosomes X and 15. The translocation breakpoint is localized between genetic markers D10S2103 and [D10S637, D10S1962, D10S355]. Other aberrations include a 5;14 translocation, deletion of the long and short arms of chromosome 16 and loss of one copy of the CDKN2 gene. IN1434 cells share some cytogenetic abnormalities with Hu-O-2A/Gb1 cells, despite their apparent derivation from a different biological origin, but also have translocations involving the long and short arms of chromosome 1 and the long arm of chromosome 7, and deletion of chromosome 13 at bands 13q12–21. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Cardiac Alpha-Myosin (MYH6) Is the Predominant Sarcomeric Disease Gene for Familial Atrial Septal Defects

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    Secundum-type atrial septal defects (ASDII) account for approximately 10% of all congenital heart defects (CHD) and are associated with a familial risk. Mutations in transcription factors represent a genetic source for ASDII. Yet, little is known about the role of mutations in sarcomeric genes in ASDII etiology. To assess the role of sarcomeric genes in patients with inherited ASDII, we analyzed 13 sarcomeric genes (MYH7, MYBPC3, TNNT2, TCAP, TNNI3, MYH6, TPM1, MYL2, CSRP3, ACTC1, MYL3, TNNC1, and TTN kinase region) in 31 patients with familial ASDII using array-based resequencing. Genotyping of family relatives and control subjects as well as structural and homology analyses were used to evaluate the pathogenic impact of novel non-synonymous gene variants. Three novel missense mutations were found in the MYH6 gene encoding alpha-myosin heavy chain (R17H, C539R, and K543R). These mutations co-segregated with CHD in the families and were absent in 370 control alleles. Interestingly, all three MYH6 mutations are located in a highly conserved region of the alpha-myosin motor domain, which is involved in myosin-actin interaction. In addition, the cardiomyopathy related MYH6-A1004S and the MYBPC3-A833T mutations were also found in one and two unrelated subjects with ASDII, respectively. No mutations were found in the 11 other sarcomeric genes analyzed. The study indicates that sarcomeric gene mutations may represent a so far underestimated genetic source for familial recurrence of ASDII. In particular, perturbations in the MYH6 head domain seem to play a major role in the genetic origin of familial ASDII

    PTEN/MMAC1 expression in melanoma resection specimens

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    PTEN/MMAC1, a tumour suppressor gene located on chromosome 10q23.3, has been found to be deleted in several types of human malignancies. As the chromosomal region 10q22-qter commonly is affected by losses in melanomas, we addressed this gene as tumour suppressor candidate in melanomas. Investigating PTEN/MMAC1 expression at mRNA level by semi-quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, we did not find a statistically significant down-regulation in melanoma resection specimens in comparison to acquired melanocytic nevi from which melanomas quite often are known to arise. Upon immunohistochemistry, PTEN/MMAC1 protein expression in melanomas was not lost. Sequencing the PTEN/MMAC1 cDNAs in 26 melanoma resection specimens (21 primary melanomas, five metastases), we detected three point mutations and two nucleotide deletions which did not represent genetic polymorphisms. With respect to the predicted protein sequences, all three point mutations were silent whereas the two frame shifts at the extreme C-terminus resulted in a loss of the putative PDZ-targeting consensus sequence. As loss of this motif possibly impairs localization and function of PTEN/MMAC1 in the two corresponding primary tumours, alterations of this tumour suppressor protein may participate in some melanomas

    Analysis of the 10q23 chromosomal region and the PTEN gene in human sporadic breast carcinoma

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    We examined a panel of sporadic breast carcinomas for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in a 10-cM interval on chromosome 10 known to encompass the PTEN gene. We detected allele loss in 27 of 70 breast tumour DNAs. Fifteen of these showed loss limited to a subregion of the area studied. The most commonly deleted region was flanked by D10S215 and D10S541 and encompasses the PTEN locus. We used a combination of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and single-strand conformation polymorphism analyses to investigate the presence of PTEN mutations in tumours with LOH in this region. We did not detect mutations of PTEN in any of these tumours. Our data show that, in sporadic breast carcinoma, loss of heterozygosity of the PTEN locus is frequent, but mutation of PTEN is not. These results are consistent with loss of another unidentified tumour suppressor in this region in sporadic breast carcinoma. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Inhibition of MLC Phosphorylation Restricts Replication of Influenza Virus—A Mechanism of Action for Anti-Influenza Agents

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    Influenza A viruses are a severe threat worldwide, causing large epidemics that kill thousands every year. Prevention of influenza infection is complicated by continuous viral antigenic changes. Newer anti-influenza agents include MEK/ERK and protein kinase C inhibitors; however, the downstream effectors of these pathways have not been determined. In this study, we identified a common mechanism for the inhibitory effects of a significant group of anti-influenza agents. Our studies showed that influenza infection activates a series of signaling pathways that converge to induce myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Inhibiting MLC phosphorylation by blocking RhoA/Rho kinase, phospholipase C/protein kinase C, and HRas/Raf/MEK/ERK pathways with the use of genetic or chemical manipulation leads to the inhibition of influenza proliferation. In contrast, the induction of MLC phosphorylation enhances influenza proliferation, as does activation of the HRas/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway. This effect is attenuated by inhibiting MLC phosphorylation. Additionally, in intracellular trafficking studies, we found that the nuclear export of influenza ribonucleoprotein depends on MLC phosphorylation. Our studies provide evidence that modulation of MLC phosphorylation is an underlying mechanism for the inhibitory effects of many anti-influenza compounds

    Diffusion of Myosin V on Microtubules: A Fine-Tuned Interaction for Which E-Hooks Are Dispensable

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    Organelle transport in eukaryotes employs both microtubule and actin tracks to deliver cargo effectively to their destinations, but the question of how the two systems cooperate is still largely unanswered. Recently, in vitro studies revealed that the actin-based processive motor myosin V also binds to, and diffuses along microtubules. This biophysical trick enables cells to exploit both tracks for the same transport process without switching motors. The detailed mechanisms underlying this behavior remain to be solved. By means of single molecule Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRFM), we show here that electrostatic tethering between the positively charged loop 2 and the negatively charged C-terminal E-hooks of microtubules is dispensable. Furthermore, our data indicate that in addition to charge-charge interactions, other interaction forces such as non-ionic attraction might account for myosin V diffusion. These findings provide evidence for a novel way of myosin tethering to microtubules that does not interfere with other E-hook-dependent processes