38 research outputs found


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    Luminescence efficiency measurements of silicon nanoclusters

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    We present the results of what we believe to be the first study of the power efficiency of room temperature photoluminescence from thin films of silica containing silicon nanoclusters. Films were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from silane and nitrous oxide precursors. Luminescence was excited using the 476 nm line of an argon-ion laser. We have measured power efficiencies for samples that exhibit luminescence solely due to radiative recombination of quantum confined excitons. Efficiencies around 0.04% are reported. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics

    A study of luminescence from silicon-rich silica fabricated by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition

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    Silicon is the most studied electronic material known to man and dominates the electronics industry in its use as a semiconductors for nearly all integrated electronics. However, optoelectronics is almost entirely based on III-V materials. This technology is used because silicon is a very inefficient light source, whereas the III-V band structure can lend itself to efficient light emission by electron injection. However, due to the overwhelming dominance of silicon based electronics it is still a highly desirable goal to generate light efficiently from silicon based materials. Recently, studies have demonstrated that efficient visible luminescence can be obtained from certain novel forms of silicon. These materials include porous silicon, hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and silicon-rich silica (SiO_x x<2). This study examines the visible luminescence from silicon-rich silica fabricated by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition and draws the conclusion that the light emission from this material is associated with quantum confinement of silicon nanoclusters and defect luminescence. This study demonstrates that plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition is a suitable technique for producing luminescent silicon-rich silica. Photoluminescence of SiO_x is studied in detail; in addition, electroluminescence and rare-earth doping of silicon-rich silica is also addressed. (author)SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN028499 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    120 km/h. On „They Caught the Ferry” by Carl Theodor Dreyer

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    W artykule opisano krótkometrażowy film Carla Th. Dreyera Dopędzili prom (1948), zrealizowany według noweli duńskiego noblisty Johannesa V. Jensena. Wykorzystując wiadomości biograficzne i kontekst powstania, Trwoga analizuje wyjątkowość tego dzieła wobec ówczesnych produkcji dokumentalnych Dansk Kulturflm z lat 40. i 50. XX w. W artykule pokazano, jak wątki propagandowe (postulowane na wzór brytyjski przez duńskich dokumentalistów) zostały uzupełnione elementami ze sfery nadprzyrodzonej oraz religii, podobnie jak miało to miejsce we wcześniejszych filmach tego reżysera (szczególnie wyeksponowano rolę Wampira). Ponadto autor zwraca uwagę na symbolikę śmierci i elementy wanitatywne, które sprawiają, że ten krótki film drogi staje się krytyką społeczeństwa kraju, w którym powstał. Trwoga wskazał również inspiracje twórcy, jak i późniejsze możliwe wpływy Dopędzili prom na innych reżyserów.The article describes the short film by Carl Theodor Dreyer They Caught the Ferry (1948), based on the novella by Danish Nobel Prize winner Johannes V. Jensen. Using biographical information and the context of the uprising, Trwoga analyses the uniqueness of this work in relation to the then documentary productions of Dansk Kulturflm from the 1940s and 1950s of the 20th century. The article shows how propaganda themes (postulated on the British model by Danish documentary film-makers) were supplemented with elements from the supernatural sphere and religion, as was the case in earlier films by this director (the role of the Vampire was particularly prominent). In addition, the author draws attention to the symbolism of death and vanitative elements that make this short road movie a critique of the society of the country in which it was made. Trwoga also pointed to the inspiration of the director, as well as later possible influences of the They Caught the Ferry on other film-makers

    Logical analysis of Baroque epigram

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    The paper considers the question of the logical status of conceited epigram. 16th century theoreticians, for instance J.C. Scaliger, already applied logical methods to the analysis of epigrams, and 17th century theoreticians developed a strict logical description of the so-called compound epigram. This form of epigrams met with particular interest in the Baroque period because of the opportunity it gave to express the construction of a conceit. A conceit was defined as an “argument urbanely fallacious” by E. Tesauro, i.e. an enthymematical construction built upon a metaphor. It should be therefore called a paralogismo, but 17th century theoreticians avoided this term in the belief that the conceit offered special cognitive possibilities. In my paper I use logical methods to analyse the epigrams by J.A. Morsztyn, M.K. Sarbiewski and S.H. Lubomirski, to argue the assumed thesis that conceits served as logical experiments performed in the conviction of the insufficiency of Aristotle’s categories to describe the transcendent as well as the visible world. Above all, the questioning of Aristotle’s principle of non-contradiction allowed Baroque writers to transgress the two classical logical values, “true” and “false”, bringing along the intuition of a third logical value, defined in the 20th century as the “unknown” by J. Łukasiewicz

    Direct financial instruments supporting foreign expansion of Polish companies used by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

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    Expansion to foreign markets usually implies the selection of an adequate financing facility that would fit a given transaction, as well as the specificity of a particular foreign market. This paper explores how Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) in its capacity of a state development bank funding the expansion of Polish business to other countries, i.e., exports and foreign direct investment projects carried out by Polish businesses or their foreign affiliates. The author's considerations focus on instruments offered by BGK, which provide direct financing, such as loans to foreign buyers and investment loans dedicated to projects carried out in other countries. Moreover, the paper discusses, inter alia, the current data for Polish exports, as well as selected transactions that BGK supported financially over the period 2015-2018

    Playing Chess With Duchamp: On Marcin Giżycki’s “Sculptor With a Camera”

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    Celem artykułu jest pokazanie związków zarówno formalnych, jak i treściowych, zachodzących 1) pomiędzy dziełem found footage, zatytułowanym Rzeźbiarz z kamerą. Filmowa pasja Augusta Zamoyskiego Marcina Giżyckiego, a amatorskimi nagraniami znanego polskiego rzeźbiarza Augusta Zamoyskiego oraz 2) pomiędzy działaniem Giżyckiego a strategiami stosowanymi we współczesnej sztuce (pojęcie ready-made u Marcela Duchampa) i kinie (film montażowy). Oprócz opisu i analizy odnoszących się zarówno do filmu Giżyckiego, jak i materiałów z filmowego archiwum Zamoyskiego (zawierającego bezcenny dokument życia polskiego ziemiaństwa w latach 1927-1929, jak również portrety przyjaciół artysty, m.in. A. Loosa, A. Rubinsteina, L. Marcoussisa, A. Halickiej, M. Kislinga oraz jedyne nagrania S. I. Witkiewicza), przedstawiony został kontekst ich powstania oraz możliwości dalszego wykorzystania, np. przez Muzeum Literatury, które jest właścicielem nagrań Zamoyskiego.The aim of the article is to show the connections, both formal and in terms of content, taking place 1) between the found footage work, entitled Sculptor with a Camera. Film Passion of August Zamoyski by Marcin Giżycki, and amateur recordings by renowned Polish sculptor August Zamoyski, and 2) between Giżycki’s activities and strategies used in contemporary art (the concept of ready-made by Marcel Duchamp) and cinema (compilation film). In addition to the description and analysis referring to both Giżycki’s film and materials from the film archive of Zamoyski (containing the priceless document of life of the Polish landowning class in 1927-1929, as well as portraits of the artist’s friends, including A. Loos, A. Rubinstein, L. Marcoussis, A. Halicka, M. Kisling and the only recordings of S. I. Witkiewicz), the context of their creation and the possibilities for further use (e.g. by the Museum of Literature, which is the owner of Zamoyski’s recordings) were presented

    IF-MANET: Interoperable Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

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    The rapid improvement in low power micro-processors, wireless networks and embedded systems has boosted the desire to utilize the very significant resources of mobile devices. The mobile ad hoc network (MANET), an infrastructure-less wireless network, is an emerging technology and is best suited to provide communication between wireless mobile devices. Due to the nature of MANET, the network topology changes frequently, unpredictably and has created the new challenges as traditional routing protocols are not suitable for multi-hop communication in mobile ad hoc environments. There are number of routing protocols proposed for MANET, and development is active in this area, however, there is no single routing protocol which is best suited to address all the basic issues of heterogeneous MANETs. This diverse range of routing protocols have created a new challenge as in general the heterogeneous mobile devices cannot communicate with each other and thus are unable to facilitate the full exploitation of mobile resources. To overcome the above mentioned issues, this paper has proposed an Interoperable Framework for MANET, called an IF-MANET, which hides the complexities of heterogeneous routing protocols and provides a homogeneous layer for seamless communication between these routing protocols. The IF-MANET resides in user space and it will be implemented at application layer to provide runtime interoperability and platform independence