244 research outputs found

    Disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis: expanding the application of probiotics

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    The problem of interaction between a person and the intestinal microbiome is surrounded by many secrets and mysteries. The bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract has a local and systemic effect not only on the digestive system, but also on  the entire body as a whole. Numerous studies have proved the pathogenetic relationship of the state of the intestinal biocenosis not only with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also with pathological processes from other organs and systems of the body. In terms of its role in maintaining homeostasis, the intestinal microflora is not inferior to any other vital organ. In the presented review, the current aspects of the terminology and clinic of disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis are considered. Probiotics occupy an important place in the complex therapy of intestinal microbiocenosis disorders and the corresponding clinical manifestations. The review considers the main mechanisms of probiotic / host interaction, non-immunological and immunological effects of probiotics and the requirements for them, the main directions of use of representatives of the normal microflora Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. The data of meta-analyzes and systematic reviews, testifying to the expansion of indications for the appointment of probiotics, are considered the possibilities of probiotics in the complex therapy of Helicobacter pylori infection, syndrome of increased epithelial intestinal permeability, and the prevention of respiratory infections.The review concludes with the results of a search in the PubMed database on the possibility of using probiotics in the prevention and treatment of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The availability of modern, effective and safe probiotics in the arsenal of a practical doctor (primarily a general practitioner and general practitioner), and their use, contributes to the optimization of drug therapy not only in gastroenterological patients, but also in patients with other somatic pathologies, including those with new coronavirus infection COVID-19

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia: clinical efficacy and safety of prokinetic choice

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    The aim of review. To present literature data on application of prokinetics at gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia.Summary. Gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia are considered to be the most common gastroenterological diseases. Motility disorder of gastroesophageal zone plays a leading part in pathogenesis of these diseases that assumes application prokinetics as a baseline therapy. Itopride hydrochloride has advantage over other prokinetics by three key parameters: double mechanism of action, absence of drug interactions and serious side effects

    Properties of analytic solutions of three similar differential equations of the second order

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    An analytic univalent in D={z:  z0{\mathbb D}=\{z:\;|z|0, zDz\in{\mathbb D}, is necessary and sufficient for the convexity of ff. The function ff is said to be close-to-convex in D{\mathbb D} if there exists a convex in D{\mathbb D} function Φ\Phi such that Re(f(z)/Φ(z))>0\text{Re}\,(f'(z)/\Phi'(z))>0, zDz\in{\mathbb D}. S.M. Shah indicated conditions on real parameters β0,\beta_0, β1,\beta_1, γ0,\gamma_0, γ1,\gamma_1, γ2\gamma_2 of the differential equation z2w+(β0z2+β1z)w+(γ0z2+γ1z+γ2)w=0,z^2w''+(\beta_0 z^2+\beta_1 z)w'+(\gamma_0z^2+\gamma_1 z+\gamma_2) w=0, under which there exists an entire transcendental solution ff such that ff and all its derivatives are close-to-convex in D{\mathbb D}. Let 0C,0C, C=const>1.C=\text{const}>1. An analytic in DR{\mathbb D}_R function ff is said to be of bounded ll-index if there exists NZ+N\in {\mathbb Z}_+ such that for all nZ+n\in {\mathbb Z}_+ and zDRz\in {\mathbb D}_R f(n)(z)n!ln(z)max{f(k)(z)k!lk(z):  0kN}.\frac{|f^{(n)}(z)|}{n!l^n(|z|)}\le \max\bigg\{\frac{|f^{(k)}(z)|}{k!l^k(|z|)}:\;0\le k\le N\bigg\}. Here we investigate close-to-convexity and the boundedness of the ll-index for analytic in D{\mathbb D} solutions of three analogues of Shah differential equation: z(z1)w+βzw+γw=0z(z-1) w''+\beta z w'+\gamma w=0, (z1)2w+βzw+γw=0(z-1)^2 w''+\beta z w'+\gamma w=0 and (1z)3w+β(1z)w+γw=0(1-z)^3 w''+\beta(1- z) w'+\gamma w=0. Despite the similarity of these equations, their solutions have different properties

    Vitamin-mineral complexes to help adult patients frequently suffering with acute respiratory viral infections: A review

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    Acute respiratory viral infections are widespread diseases, poorly controlled infections and are characterized by moderately pronounced constant growth. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes (nutraceuticals) for nonspecific prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is experiencing a “second youth” thanks to new data accumulated during the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic. As part of the review, we examined the possible impact of deficiency of the microelements selenium and zinc, vitamins A, E and C on various aspects of the course of ARVI: nonspecific prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. We searched for relevant sources in the PubMed and Scopus information databases, including the time period up to 04.07.2024. The presence in the arsenal of a practicing physician of 2 forms of the vitamin-mineral complex Selzinc® at the outpatient stage of medical care will increase the effectiveness of nonspecific prevention of ARVI in the pre-epidemic period, especially in “frequently ill adults with ARVI,” as well as the treatment of ARVI as adjuvant therapy and subsequent rehabilitation

    Cardiovascular risk with long-term use of proton pump inhibitors: myth or reality. A review

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    Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most effective drugs for treating acid-related diseases. In recent decades, the use of PPIs has increased exponentially. From gastroenterological practice, PPIs are being actively introduced into other specialties, in particular in cardiology and rheumatology, where they are used to protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent gastrointestinal bleeding during long-term antithrombotic therapy and long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For a long time, PPIs were considered completely safe drugs for both short-term and long-term use. However, modern clinical guidelines note that when prescribing PPIs in large doses for a long period, the possibility of side effects should be taken into account. In recent years, a number of foreign reviews have been published that examine the relationship between PPIs and a number of diseases/conditions, including the question of a possible association of PPI use with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications, but note the inconsistency of these data. We searched the PubMed and Scopus information databases for publications on the safety of PPI use, including sources up to 12/01/2023. In this review, we examined the possible cardiovascular risk of long-term use of PPIs. Analysis of publications, despite a number of contradictions, allows us to conclude that the cardiovascular risk with long-term use of PPIs is real and must be taken into account when prescribing PPIs for a long period and to comorbid/multimorbid patients

    A kinetic description of electron beam ejection from spacecraft

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94997/1/grl7005.pd

    Прогнозирование актуарных процессов с помощью обобщенных линейных моделей

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    Досліджено метод аналізу статистичних даних у страхуванні на основі узагальнених лінійних моделей, які являють собою розширення лінійної регресії на випадки, коли розподіл випадкових величин може відрізнятись від нормального. Тобто для цієї задачі модель може бути лінійною або нелінійною (типу логіт, пробіт). Для оцінювання параметрів запропонованих моделей застосовують узагальнений метод найменших квадратів (УМНК) або метод Монте-Карло. Основною перевагою УМНК є зведення до ітераційного алгоритму оптимізаційного типу, який забезпечує обчислення оцінок максимальної правдоподібності. На основі статистичних даних — величини збитків у сфері автомобільного страхування — побудовано модель для прогнозування актуарних процесів. Прийнятною для подальшого використання виявилась модель із законом розподілу Пуассона та експоненціальною функцією зв’язку. Це пояснюється мінімальною величиною похибки, а також достовірною оцінкою величини ризику. Нормальна модель з тотожною функцією зв’язку дає можливість отримати результат за одну ітерацію з незначною відносною похибкою, але зі “слабкими” прогнозними значеннями збитків та некоректною оцінкою ризику.The method for statistical data analysis in insurance based on application of generalized linear models is studied. These models are extension of linear regression when distribution of random variable can differ from normal however belongs to the class of elliptical distributions. The model constructed can be linear or non-linear (for example, logit or probit). For parameters estimation of the models proposed the generalized least squares (GLS) or the Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used. The main advantage of GLS is conversion of iterative algorithm which provides maximum likelihood parameter evaluations. The statistical values of losses in auto insurance are used to create the forecasting model for actuarial process selected. The model with Poisson distribution and exponential link function is acceptable for further use because it has minimum value of observational error and reliable value of risk approved by experts. Normal model with identity link function allows to find a result in one iteration with small value of observational error, but it showed “weak” predicted value of losses and impermissible risk assessment.Исследован метод анализа статистических данных сферы страхования на основании обобщенных линейных моделей. Эти модели представляют собой расширение линейной регрессии в случае, когда распределение случайной величины может отличаться от нормального. Таким образом, модель может быть линейной или нелинейной (типа логит, пробит). Для оценивания параметров предложенных моделей применяется обобщенный метод наименьших квадратов (ОМНК) или метод Монте-Карло. Основным преимуществом ОМНК является приведение до итерационного алгоритма оптимизационного вида, который обеспечивает вычисление оценок максимального правдоподобия. На основании фактических статистических данных — величины убытков в сфере автострахования — построена модель для прогнозирования актуарных процессов. Допустимой для дальнейшего применения оказалась модель с законом распределения Пуассона и экспоненциальной функцией связи. Это обосновывается минимальной величиной погрешности, а также достоверной величиной риска. Нормальная модель с тождественной функцией связи позволяет получить результат за одну итерацию с незначительным значением относительной погрешности, но со “слабым” прогнозным значением убытков и недопустимой оценкой риска