26 research outputs found
Organic phosphorus in andosoils and their relationship with other soil parameters
Organic phosphorus is determined on several andosoils of the Canary Islands, studing their redistribution through of profil, so as their relation with the evolution of the soils. Relationship between organic phosphorus contain and % C, % N, inorganic phosphates, A1/A/1 + Si, C/P$ C/Pinorg. are showed.Peer reviewe
Estudio sobre el Mal de Panamá en las Islas Canarias. I. Carcterísticas físicas y químicas de los suelos y su relación con la aparición de la enfermedad
Une étude des caractéristiques physiques (conductivité, instabilité structurale, indice de structure, macroporosité et texture) et chimiques (pH, matières organiques totale et humifiée, macro et micro-éléments) des sols de bananeraies des Iles Canaries a été réalisée afin de tenter d'observer les différences existan: entre les sols de bananeraies présentant la maladie de Panama et ceux de bananeraies saines.
De l'analyse statistique des résultats obtenue on conclut que les proprietés physiques en général, jouent un rôle aussi important que certaines caractéristiques chimiques (M,O., M.O.H., Mg, K, K/Mg et Zn).Peer reviewe
Etude de l'adsorption de Cu et Zn dans les sols de bananeraies de l'ile de Ténérife
Ce travail a été réalisé avec 50 échantillons de sols correspondant aux principales zones bananières de l'ile de Ténérife.
En premier lieu, on a étudié le comportement de sols de types divers (transportes d'autres zones pour l'édification de terrasses de culture) quant à l'adsorption des oligo-éléments Cu et Zn ajoutés.
En second lieu, on étudie l'adsorption de Cu et Zn par rapport à la matiere organique, en vue de connaitre une possible uniformité du comportement de la M.O. d'origines différents, apportée dans les bananeraies comme amendements organiques.
Les sols étudiés prédentent une teneur en Zn total beaucoup plus élevée que celle correspondante en Cu total. Au contmire, les valeurs d'adsorption de Cu sont toujours très supérieures aux valeurs correspondantes de l'adsorption de Zn.
On constate une corrélation significative entre l'adsorption de Cu et celle de Zn, ce qui suggère que les facteurs qui conditionnent l'adsorption de Cu conditionnent aussi celle de Zn dans ces sols, bien qu'avec une moindre intesité.Peer reviewe
Capacity of adsortion of Cu and Zn of soils under three types of vegetation. I
Fourty nine samples (surface horizons) of soils from the Canary Island were studied, under three types of vegetation, to try to find the behaviour of organic matter from various sources, with respect to the chelation of added Cu and Zn. The samples were treated previously with KCl 1N; it was assumed that K in the KCl had prevented the adsorption of Cu and Zn in any non-chelating exchange positions in the soil.
The relationship between the maximum capacity of adsorption of Cu and organic matter was studied. We found significant correlations for soils developed under two of the three types of vegetation. On the contrary no significant correlation was found in the case of Zn in none of the three groups of soils.
The organic matter of these soils showed a different behaviour with respect to the chelation of added Cu and Zn.
It was found that in all samples the capacity adsorption for copper was greater than that for Zn.
Others factors probably exist in addition to the organic matter and the clay, possibly materials of allophan type present in these soils, which are contributing to the adsorption of Cu and Zn.Peer reviewe
Etude sur la maladie de Panama aux Iles Canaries, III Relations entre les paramètres physiques et chimiques des sols
Une analyse de régression simple à été réalisée dans le but de trouver des relations entre différents paramètres physiques du sol, de détermination difficile, comme l'instabilité structurale (I$), et d'autres de détermination plus simple.
Des équations ont été trouvées entre ces paramètres et la matière organique totale, qui nous ont permis de calculer avec suffisamment d'approximation, difféntes propriétes physiques (I%ST, I,S.) pour les sols de bananerais des Canaries.Peer reviewe
Study of the available phosphorus in the Canary Islands andosoils
It was determined the available phosphorus in the Canary Islands andosoils by Olsen method (1954) and the anion exchange resin (Amer y col., 1955). It was founded great differences between both methods as far as is concern, but there is a significative lineal correlation between those methods.
Likewise, it was done a stadistic study among the P-available and the different fractions of phosphorus estracted by Chang-Jackson method, to know wich fractions supply the available phosphorus.
At last was studied the relationships among the P-available and others parameters of these andosoils.Peer reviewe
Canary vineyards. Zone of Acentejo. III. Soil chemical charactristics
The soil-chemical characteristics of the vineyard of Acentejo's zona been studied.
It is interisting to point out as the most outstanding characteristics, the acidity and the aluminium content of the soils, most of the soils have possibly affected of aluminium toxicity. Also, it have been given its contents of organic matter, available phosphorus, cation-exchange capacity, etc.Peer reviewe
Statistical study of regression and hypothesis contrast of soil-physic and chemical properties
It has been done a statistical study of multiple and simple correlations, among the different physical and chemical soil's parameters of the vineyard of Acentejo (Tenerife).
It has also been done, a hipothesis contrast study on the means of several soil's properties and it has been found significant diferences among the soils with mejor or minor production of wine, in the following parameters: porcentage of sand, microporosity, macroporosity, pF$, structural stability (Is), pH (KCl), and exchangeable aluminium and calcium.Peer reviewe
Canary vineyards. Zone of Acentejo. I. Climatology
Being climate one of the main factors in the vineyard, it has been done a climatology study of the Acentejo's zone, which is being object of a deep study of the parameters that affect to that cultivar.
According to the several climatological indices, it has been concluded that, the zone has an arid-semiarid climate with moderate absence of water, with a XERIC moisture regime and a THERMIC temperature regime.
This study include some specific indices for the vine as: Active thermic integral, Efficient termic index anal, Branas helioyhermic and hidrothermic indices.Peer reviewe
Effects of lime and phosphate amendments on Alfisols of the Canary Islands
The effects of lime (Ca(OH)PO significantly (P = 0.01) increased soil pH (at 50% acid neutralization) and available P (at 100-200% acid neutralization), and decreased exchangeable Al (at 12.5% acid neutralization) white the addition of NaH did not significantly affect the available P, exchangeable Al, or the soil. It is recommended that Alfisol shouls be trated with lime to neutralize 100-200% of the acid using wetting and drying cycles during equilibration before adding P.Peer reviewe