18 research outputs found

    Hurricane Mitch: Women's Needs and Contributions

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    This report examines evidence from post-Mitch Central America and disasters in other parts of the world to identify the ways disasters affect women and to highlight women's participation in prevention, relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts. This report is based on background papers prepared on the effects of Mitch and past disasters on women, and inputs from a technical meeting with government and NGO representatives of the four countries directly affected by Mitch -El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua- and Costa Rica, which suffered indirect impacts. The report was prepared for and presented at the meeting of the Consultative Group for the Reconstruction and Transformation of Central America which took place in Stockholm, Sweden on May 25th-27th, 1999

    Low Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of AlScMo3O12

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    Recent interest in low and negative thermal expansion materials has led to significant research on compounds that exhibit this property, much of which has targeted the A2M3O12 family (A = trivalent cation, M = Mo, W). The expansion and phase transition behavior in this family can be tuned through the choice of the metals incorporated into the structure. An undesired phase transition to a monoclinic structure with large positive expansion can be suppressed in some solid solutions by substituting the A-site by a mixture of two cations. One such material, AlScMo3O12, was successfully synthesized using non-hydrolytic sol-gel chemistry. Depending on the reaction conditions, phase separation into Al2Mo3O12 and Sc2Mo3O12 or single-phase AlScMo3O12 could be obtained. Optimized conditions for the reproducible synthesis of stoichiometric, homogeneous AlScMo3O12 were established. High resolution synchrotron diffraction experiments were carried out to confirm whether samples were homogeneous and to estimate the Al:Sc ratio through Rietveld refinement and Vegard’s law. Single-phase samples were found to adopt the orthorhombic Sc2W3O12 structure at 100 to 460 K. In contrast to all previously-reported A2M3O12 compositions, AlScMo3O12 exhibited positive thermal expansion along all unit cell axes instead of contraction along one or two axes, with expansion coefficients (200–460 K) of αa = 1.7 × 10−6 K−1, αb = 6.2 × 10−6 K−1, αc = 2.9 × 10−6 K−1 and αV = 10.8 × 10−6 K−1, respectively

    Brown Lab, Public

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    We are a collaborative molecular modeling and bioinformatics lab at Virginia Tech. We work with individuals all over campus and at other universities to provide computational support to their research, as well as pursuing our own work on amyloid and IDPs. With this OSF, we give you information on our most commonly used techniques and example methods for generating a shared group, multi-project OSF. For information about our current projects or to view our tutorials, head to the Wiki page. To see some of our published papers and images, along with scripts and files to help you with your own molecular modeling, check our Files. Like what we are doing? Feel free to use our templates to make your research more transparent and open. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Anne M. Brown at [email protected]