399 research outputs found

    Reproduction Studies on the Minnesota National Forest

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    The Minnesota National Forest presents some interesting and important problems in reproduction. The silvicultural system in practice is that of clear cutting, leaving scattering seed trees, and is prescribed by the Morris Act of 1902 and subsequent amendment of 1908. The original statute authorized the leaving of five per cent of the volume of pine on any specified area sold to a single purchaser. The trees left on the sale area are selected by the forest officer in charge. The amendment of 1908 increased, the volume left in seed trees to ten per cent. The securing of reproduction and thus a second crop of timber on the forest is extremely important for it is probable that no other area in our national forests possesses greater possibilities of large financial returns. The two important species on the forest, white and Norway pines, can be grown on nearly all of the forest and much of the land should be classed as quality 1 site. Under such conditions both white and Norway pine have large possibilities

    Time-dependent Schr\"odinger equations having isomorphic symmetry algebras. I. Classes of interrelated equations

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    In this paper, we focus on a general class of Schr\"odinger equations that are time-dependent and quadratic in X and P. We transform Schr\"odinger equations in this class, via a class of time-dependent mass equations, to a class of solvable time-dependent oscillator equations. This transformation consists of a unitary transformation and a change in the ``time'' variable. We derive mathematical constraints forthe transformation and introduce two examples.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, new format, edite

    Supercoherent states and physical systems

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    A method is developed for obtaining coherent states of a system admitting a supersymmetry. These states are called supercoherent states. The presented approach is based on an extension to supergroups of the usual group-theoretic approach. The example of the supersymmetric harmonic oscillator is discussed, thereby illustrating some of the attractive features of the method. Supercoherent states of an electron moving in a constant magnetic field are also described

    Whirl Flutter and the Development of the NASA X-57 Maxwell

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    The X-57 Maxwell is NASAs all-electric demonstration vehicle. The primary demonstration objective of this flight test program is to show a factor of five reduction in energy consumption. The vehicle includes two large wing tip propellers designed to provide propul- sion at cruise conditions and twelve leading edge propellers designed to operate at high lift conditions. The first configuration of the vehicle that will be flight tested has the large wing tip propellers relocated to an inboard wing station. A simplified structural dynamic model of the propulsion system has been generated and coupled with a beam model of the vehicle. Whirl flutter analyses have been performed, examining the stability of the isolated propulsion system and coupled to the beam model of the vehicle. Trimmed flight scenarios for the vehicle include straight and level flight and zero power windmilling conditions. The whirl flutter analyses for this configuration indicate that the configuration will be free of whirl flutter within the required flight envelope

    Supersymmetry and a Time-Dependent Landau System

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    A general technique is outlined for investigating supersymmetry properties of a charged spin-\half quantum particle in time-varying electromagnetic fields. The case of a time-varying uniform magnetic induction is examined and shown to provide a physical realization of a supersymmetric quantum-mechanical system. Group-theoretic methods are used to factorize the relevant Schr\"odinger equations and obtain eigensolutions. The supercoherent states for this system are constructed.Comment: 47 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, LaTeX, IUHET 243 and LA-UR-93-20

    Smart Interfaces for Granular Synthesis of Sound by Fractal Organization

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    This article describes software for granular synthesis of sound. The software features a graphical interface that enables easy creation and modification of sound clouds by deterministic fractal organization. Output sound clouds exist in multidimensional parameter–time space, and are constructed as a micropolyphony of statements of a single input melody or group of notes. The approach described here is an effective alternative to statistical methods, creating sounds with vitality and interest over a range of time scales. Standard techniques are used for the creation of individual grains. Innovation is demonstrated in the particular approach to fractal organization of the sound cloud and in the design of a smart interface to effect easy control of cloud morphology. The interface provides for intuitive control and reorganization of large amounts of data

    Squeezed States for General Systems

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    We propose a ladder-operator method for obtaining the squeezed states of general symmetry systems. It is a generalization of the annihilation-operator technique for obtaining the coherent states of symmetry systems. We connect this method with the minimum-uncertainty method for obtaining the squeezed and coherent states of general potential systems, and comment on the distinctions between these two methods and the displacement-operator method.Comment: 8 pages, LAUR-93-1721, LaTe

    Development and testing of Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire for evaluating contextual experience in public spaces

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    An Iï»żndoor Soundscape Questionnaire aiming at the evaluation of indoor public sound environments was designed, statistically tested and presented. It was established through initial pilot studies and three main factors under contextual experience variable are established as (1) psychological factors, (2) space usage factors and (3) demographical factors. In addition to the questions on demographical and space usage factors, detailed questions on psychological factors are designed and statistically tested for expectation, perception and reaction categories of the psychological factor. The questionnaire was applied as part of a case study in enclosed library foyer environments to a group of 270 participants through non-experimental survey data sampling. The reliability and validity scores of the Indoor Soundscape Questionnaire were statistically tested and confirmed. Furthermore, statistical tests were used to derive relationships between contextual experience variables of psychological, space usage and demographical factors. Chi-square test of goodness-of-fit results showed statistical significances of demographical and space usage factors with the psychological factors

    Sound archaeology: terminology, Palaeolithic cave art and the soundscape

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    This article is focused on the ways that terminology describing the study of music and sound within archaeology has changed over time, and how this reflects developing methodologies, exploring the expectations and issues raised by the use of differing kinds of language to define and describe such work. It begins with a discussion of music archaeology, addressing the problems of using the term ‘music’ in an archaeological context. It continues with an examination of archaeoacoustics and acoustics, and an emphasis on sound rather than music. This leads on to a study of sound archaeology and soundscapes, pointing out that it is important to consider the complete acoustic ecology of an archaeological site, in order to identify its affordances, those possibilities offered by invariant acoustic properties. Using a case study from northern Spain, the paper suggests that all of these methodological approaches have merit, and that a project benefits from their integration

    Generation of phase-coherent states

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    An interaction scheme involving nonlinear χ(2)\chi^{(2)} media is suggested for the generation of phase-coherent states (PCS). The setup is based on parametric amplification of vacuum followed by up-conversion of the resulting twin-beam. The involved nonlinear interactions are studied by the exact numerical diagonalization. An experimentally achievable working regime to approximate PCS with high conversion rate is given, and the validity of parametric approximation is discussed.Comment: To appear in PRA -- More info at http://enterprise.pv.infn.it
