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26 research outputs found
Poland: “the police are not the public and the public are not the police”
Bayley D.H.
Berkeley G.E.
+10 more
Fogel D.
Goldstein H.
Jasinski J.
Maria R. Haberfeld
Mayhall P.D.
Raina P.
Reith C.
Roberg R.R.
Trojanowicz R.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Crime reduction programmes and styles of policing
Alderson J.
Benyon J.
+37 more
Blair T.
Braiden C.
Choongh S.
Crawford A.
Della Porta D.
Dennis N.
Friedmann R.R.
Goldstein H.
Greene J.R.
Griffiths W.
Her Majesty's Inspectorate
Holdaway S.
Johnston L.
Labour Party
Leigh A.
Leigh A.
Mallon R.
Mallon R.
Mulraney S.
Mulraney S.
Neyroud P.
Palmer D.
Peak K.J.
Pease K.
Reiner R.
Romeanes T. J.
Straw J.
Tilley N.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Waddington D.
Waddington P.A.J.
Wadham J.
Wilson D.
Wilson J.Q.
Zimbardo P.G.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Moving beyond “police-community relations” and “the police and society”: Community-oriented policing as an academic course
Bayley D.H.
Bayley D.H.
+39 more
Bucqueroux B.
Champion D.J.
Cohn A.W.
Conley J.A.
Eck J.E.
Feeley M.
Flanagan T.J.
Gallup G.
Goldstein H.
Goldstein H.
Greene J.R.
Guyot D.
Holcomb R.L.
Kelling G.L.
Kelling G.L.
Kratcoski P.C.
McEwen T.
Miller L.S.
Oliver W.M.
Osborne D.
Peak K.J.
Radelet L.A.
Rosenbaum D.P
Seagrave J.
Sherman L.W.
Strecher V.G.
Sutherland M.D.
Thurman Q.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Turner R.
Walker S.
Walker S.
Watson N.A.
Willard M. Oliver
Wilson J.Q.
Zhao J.
Zhao J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Defining community policing
Alderson J.
Bayley D.H.
+43 more
Broderick J.
Clairmont D.H.
Cohen S.
Cordner G.W.
Dennis N.
Duffee D.
Frey L.R.
Hillery G.A.
Hunt R.G.
Kelling G.L.
Kinsey R.
Klockars C.B.
Leighton B.N.
Loree D.
Manning P.K.
Marenin O.
Mastrofski S.D.
Mawby R.I.
Murphy C.
Murphy C.
Nelken D.
Nisbet R.A.
Normandeau A.
Oppal W.T.
Radelet L.A.
Reiner R.
Seagrave J.
Shapland J.
Shaw C.R.
Skogan W.G.
Skolnick J.H.
Smith D.
Sorokin P.A.
Stein M.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Weatheritt M.
Willmott P.
Wilson J.Q.
Wirth L.
Wycoff M.A.
Young M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Transportation Technologies for Community Policing: A Comparison
Dunham N. L.
Ent C.
+18 more
Gunnell J.
History Channel The
Jeffers H. P.
Kelling G. L.
Kelling G. L.
McCord M.
McGurn J.
On Your Bike
Payne D.M.
Petty R. D.
Pilant L.
Police on Bikes
Siuru B.
Smith R. A.
Trojanowicz R.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Wallack R.
Whitt F.R.
Publication venue
'Vathek Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Interaction between a Neighbourhood's Racial Composition and Officer Race in Community Policing: A Case Study from the Residential Area Policing Programme (RAPP), Cleveland, Ohio
Alex N.
Alpert G.
+11 more
Balkin J.
Kessler D.
Mastrofski S.D.
Miller S.
President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
Schenul S.L.
Skogan W.C.
Smith D.A.
Smith D.A.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Tronjanowicz R.
Publication venue
'Vathek Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Accreditation and Community Policing: Passing Fads or Basic Reforms?
Benton M.
Berkley G.F.
+36 more
Bittner E.
Black D.J.
Braiden C.
Brown M.K.
Critchley T.A.
Davis K.C.
Eck J.E.
Farris E.A.
Fogelson R.M.
Goldstein H.
Goldstein H.
Greene J.
Johnson D.R.
Klockars C.B.
Klockars C.B.
Kuhn T.S.
Lane R.
Manning P.K.
Neiderhoffer A.
Ostrom E.
Police foundation.
Reiss Jr., A.J.
Rubenstein J.
Sherman L.W.
Sherman L.W. &
Skolnick J.
Sparrow M.K.
Sparrow M.K.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Van Maanen J.
Walker S.
Wambaugh J.
Westley W.A.
Wilson J.Q.
Wilson J.Q.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
How does police culture shape officers’ support for community policing?
Bittner E.
Brown M.K.
+26 more
Buerger M.E.
Byrne B.M.
Champion D.J.
Crank J.P.
Dikici A.
Gaines L.K.
Greene J.R.
Greene J.R.
Ismail Cenk Demirkol
Kline R.B.
Lipsky M.
Mahesh K. Nalla
Manning P.
McNamara R.P.
Muir W.I.
Paoline E.A.
Reuss-Ianni E.
Shernock S.
Skogan W.G.
Skolnick J.H.
Skolnick J.H.
Trojanowicz R.
Trojanowicz R.C.
Tyler T.R.
Van Maanen J.
Waddington P.A.J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Police grantsmanship: A case study
A.S. Dietz
B.D. Cummings
+14 more
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bureau of Justice Assistance
F.J. Fowler
G.W. Cordner
H. Goldstein
J.Q. Wilson
Loreen Wolfer
O. Newman
R. Sampson
R.C. Trojanowicz
R.L. O'Block
Thomas E. Baker
W. Spellman
W. Spellman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Community-Oriented Policing in a Multicultural Milieu: The Case of Loitering and Disorderly Conduct in East Arlington, Texas
Arlington Police Department
Curtis S.
+14 more
Eve R.A.
Eve R.A.
Eve S.B.
Goldstein H.
Parks E.
Rodeheaver D.G.
Scott M.S.
Siegel L.
Skolnick J.H.
Skolnick J.H.
Trojanowicz R.C.
U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ)
U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ)
Winslow R.W.
Publication venue
'Vathek Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text