110 research outputs found

    Effect of floods on the δ13C values in plant leaves: a study of willows in Northeastern Siberia

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    Although stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of plants has been widely used to indicate different water regimes in terrestrial ecosystems over the past four decades, the changes in the plant δ13C value under waterlogging have not been sufficiently clarified. With the enhanced global warming in recent years, the increasing frequency and severity of river floods in Arctic regions lead to more waterlogging on willows that are widely distributed in river lowland. To investigate the δ13C changes in plants under different water conditions (including waterlogging), we measured the δ13C values in the leaves of willows with three species, Salix boganidensis, S. glauca, and S. pulchra, and also monitored changes in plant physiology, under several major flooding conditions in Northeastern Siberia. The foliar δ13C values of willows varied, ranging from −31.6 to −25.7‰ under the different hydrological status, which can be explained by: (i) under normal conditions, the foliar δ13C values decrease from dry (far from a river) to wet (along a river bank) areas; (ii) the δ13C values increase in frequently waterlogged areas owing to stomatal closure; and (iii) after prolonged flooding periods, the δ13C values again decrease, probably owing to the effects of not only the closure of stomata but also the reduction of foliar photosynthetic ability under long period of waterlogging. Based on these results, we predict that plant δ13C values are strongly influenced by plant physiological responses to diverse hydrological conditions, particularly the long periods of flooding, as occurs in Arctic regions

    Short-term root and leaf decomposition of two dominant plant species in a Siberian tundra

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    In tundra ecosystems, global warming is expected to accelerate litter decomposition and to lead to shifts in vegetation composition. To understand these shifts, it is important to understand the interactions between global warming, vegetation composition, litter quality and decomposition in the tundra. In addition, it is important to consider root litter since roots are the major part of plant biomass in the tundra. In order to increase our understanding of decomposition, and root decomposition in particular, we performed a litter transplant experiment in northeastern Siberia, in which we measured mass loss for leaf and root litter (live and dead material) of the two dominant plant species, graminoid Eriophorum vaginatum and shrub Betula nana, in three vegetation types (E. vaginatum or B. nana dominated and mixed vegetation) during the growing season.Our results show that although leaf decomposition did not differ between the two species, root decomposition showed significant differences. Mass loss of live roots was higher for E. vaginatum than for B. nana, but mass loss of E. vaginatum dead roots was lowest. In addition, we found evidence for home-field advantage in litter decomposition: litter of a plant decomposed faster in vegetation where it was dominant. Mass loss rates of the litter types were significantly correlated with phosphorus content, rather than nitrogen content. This indicates that phosphorus limits decomposition in this tundra site.The low decomposition rate of B. nana live roots compared to E. vaginatum live roots suggests that the acceleration of decomposition in the Arctic may be partly counteracted by the expected expansion of shrubs. However, more information on litter input rates and direct effects of climate change on decomposition rates are needed to accurately predict the effects of climate change on carbon dynamics in tundra ecosystems.</p

    Inter-annual variation in CH4 efflux and the associated processes with reference to delta-13C-, delta-D-CH4 at the Lowland of Indigirka River in Northeastern Siberia

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Methane Oxidation Potential of Arctic Wetland Soil of a Taiga-Tundra Ecotone in Northeastern Siberia

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Summer drought weakens land surface cooling of tundra vegetation

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    Siberia experienced a prolonged heatwave in the spring of 2020, resulting in extreme summer drought and major wildfires in the North-Eastern Siberian lowland tundra. In the Arctic tundra, plants play a key role in regulating the summer land surface energy budget by contributing to land surface cooling through evapotranspiration. Yet we know little about how drought conditions impact land surface cooling by tundra plant communities, potentially contributing to high air temperatures through a positive plant-mediated feedback. Here we used high-resolution land surface temperature and vegetation maps based on drone imagery to determine the impact of an extreme summer drought on land surface cooling in the lowland tundra of North-Eastern Siberia. We found that land surface cooling differed strongly among plant communities between the drought year 2020 and the reference year 2021. Further, we observed a decrease in the normalized land surface cooling (measured as water deficit index) in the drought year 2020 across all plant communities. This indicates a shift towards an energy budget dominated by sensible heat fluxes, contributing to land surface warming. Overall, our findings suggest significant variation in land surface cooling among common Arctic plant communities in the North-Eastern Siberian lowland tundra and a pronounced effect of drought on all community types. Based on our results, we suggest discriminating between functional tundra plant communities when predicting the drought impacts on energy flux related processes such as land surface cooling, permafrost thaw and wildfires