88 research outputs found

    Lignani biljne vrste Achillea lingulata

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    Five lignans with a 2.6-diaryl-3.7-dioabicyclo[3,3.0]octane skeleton epieudesmin. kobusin, pinoresinol. fargesin and sesartemin, were isolated from the aerial parts and roots, of Achillea lingulata. Their structures were identified by comparison of their H-1-NMR and MS data to those in the literature. Fargesin and pinoresinol have not been isolated previously from any species of the genus Achillea.Iz nadzemnog dela i korena biljne vrste Achillea lingulata izolovano je pet lignana 2,6-diaril-3.7-dioksabicikloŠ3.3.0Ćoktanskog tipa. To su epieudesmin, kobusin, pinorezinol, fargezin i sezartemin. Izolovani lignani su identifikovani na osnovu identičnosti wihovih NMR i masenih spektara sa spektrima iz literature. Fargezin i pinorezinol nisu bili do sada izolovani iz biljnih vrsta roda Achillea

    Antifungalna aktivnost terpenoida davanonskog tipa izolovanih iz Artemisia lobelii Var. canescens

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    Five tetrahydrofuran sesquiterpenes, so-called davanones, and coumarin umbelliferone isolated from Artemisia lobelii All. var. canescens (DC.) Briqu, were tested for antifungal activity. All the compounds inhibited the growth of the applied fungi. The overall activity of one of them, 2-hydroxy-2,6,10-trimethyl-7,10-epoxy-dodeca-3,11-dien-5-on, was comparable to that of the antibiotic bifonazole.Pet tetrahidrofuranskih terpenoida davanonskog tipa i kumarin umbeliferon koji su prethodno izolovani iz biljne vrste Aretemisia lobelii var. conescens ispitivani su na antifungalnu aktivnost. Sva testirana jedinjenja inhibiraju rast primenjenih kultura gljiva. Najveću aktivnost, koja se može meriti sa aktivnoŔću komercijalnog antibiotika bifonazola, pokazuje 2-hidroksi-2,6,10-trimetil-7,10-epoksidodeka-3,11-dien-5-on

    Hemijske karakteristike visoko-krečnjačkih zemljiÅ”ta koje određuju raspodelu fosfora

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    Phosphorus fractions from three highly calcareous soils (average, 24.9 +/- 4.8 %CO32-) from sampling sites with a Mediterranean climate were isolated by sequential extraction. In order to provide a more reliable basis for the definition of the obtained P-fractions, principal component analysis was applied and from the chemical characteristics of the 14 investigated soils, those characteristics which define at he content and association features of the P-fractions were assessed. The soils are characterized by a relatively high pH (8.0-8.2) and by significantly differing contents of organic mater, acid-soluble Mg and total P. These differences affected the various association features of the P-fraction with the soil constituents. The NH4F-P fraction (isolated with 0.5 M NH4F, pH 8.2) is defined by the contents of the main metals of the oxide-hydroxide-clay associations (Al, Fe, Mn) or by the the redox potential (Eh) of Mn. The accumulation of NaOH-phosphorus (extractable with 0.1 M NaOH) depended on the constituents of the oxide hydroxide-clay association, the humic substances and Eh-related factors. In those soils in which NaOH-P is defined by the oxide-hydroxide-clay association, the participation of Fe as a bridge-forming metal is proposed. The main part of total P, i.e., Delta P = TP - (NH4F-P + NaOH-P) is defined by the status of Mn- and Fe-humic complexes or by the concentration of hydroxyl-ions.Iz tri visoko-krečnjačka zemljiÅ”ta (prosečni sadržaj CO 3 2- 24.9 Ā± 4.8%, pH 8.0 - 8.2), sa lokacija sa sredozemnom klimom, izolovane su frakcije fosfora sekvencijalnom ekstrakcijom. U cilju obezbeđivanja pouzdanije osnove za definisanje dobijenih frakcijafosfora (P-frakcija), primenjena je analiza principalne komponente (PC-analiza). Među 14 hemijskih karakteristika zemljiÅ”ta, izdvojene su one koje definiÅ”u sadržaj pojedinih P-frakcija i prirodu njihove asocijacije sa sastojcima zemljiÅ”ta. Frakcija NH 4-P (izolovana sa 0,5M NH 4F, pH = 8,2) definisana je sadržajem glavnih metala oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije (Al, Fe, Mn) ili Eh-statusom izraženim sadržajem Mn. Akumulacija NaOH-P (ekstrahovanog sa 0,1 M NaOH) zavisila je od sastojaka oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, od huminskih supstanci i od faktora koji stoje u vezi sa Eh. U onim zemljiÅ”tima u kojima je NaOH-P definisana sastojcima oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, pretpostavljeno je vezivanje fosfora preko Fe-mostova. Glavna količina fosfora āˆ†P = TP - (NH 4F-P + NaOH-P), u pojedinim zemljiÅ”tima definisana je ili statusom Mn- i Fe-huminskih kompleksa, ili pH-vrednoŔću

    Regioselektivnost konjugovane adicijena monoalkil-1,4-benzohinone

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    The regioselectivity of the reaction of conjugate addition of thiols, amines, methanol and hydrogen chloride with the monoalkyl-1,4-benzoquinones avarone and 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone was investigated. It was shown that the regioselectivity of the reaction is influenced by the electrophilicity of position 5 in unprotonated 2-alkylquinones, the increased electrophilicity of position 6 in acidic medium, and by the acidity of the intermediate hydroquinones.Proučavana je regioselektivnost konjugovane adicije tiola, amina, metanola i hlorovodonika na monoalkil-1,4-benzohinone avaron i 2-tert-butil-1,4-benzohinon. Pokazano je da na regioselektivnost reakcije utiču elektrofilnost položaja 5 neprotonovanih 2-alkil-hinona i povećana elektrofilnost položaja 6 u kiseloj sredini, kao i kiselost intermedijernih hidrohinona

    Synthesis and antioxidant activity of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles and their diacylhydrazine precursors derived from phenolic acids

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    Eight 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives containing phenolic acid moieties (7a-h) and eight of their diacylhydrazine precursors (6a-h) were synthesized, characterized using spectroscopic methods and examined by scavenging of stable DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radicals. The most potent phenolic 1,3,4-oxadiazoles showed better DPPH scavenging activity in comparison with their corresponding diacylhydrazine precursors as a result of participation of both aromatic rings and a 1,3,4-oxadiazole moiety in resonance stabilization of the formed phenoxyl radical. Four diacylhydrazines (6d, 6e, 6g, and 6h) and four 1,3,4-oxadiazoles (7d, 7e, 7g and 7h) with the best DPPH scavenging activity, were chosen for further evaluation of their antioxidant potential through various assays. The investigated compounds exerted pronounced ABTS radical scavenging capacity, moderate to good H2O2 scavenging properties and strong ferric ion reducing capacity. Further in vitro evaluation of the antioxidant properties of the most active compounds demonstrated their protective effects in normal lung fibroblasts MRC-5 against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress. Diacylhydrazine 6h increased two times the activity of glutathione peroxidase in treated cells in comparison with a control sample and did not affect the superoxide dismutase activity.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2980

    Volatile Constituents of Different Plant Parts and Populations of Malabaila aurea Boiss. from Montenegro

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    The volatile constituents of different plant parts and populations of Malabaila aurea Boiss. from Montenegro were obtained by simultaneous distillation-extraction and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. A total of 12 samples were examined and 45 compounds were identified. The volatile content of different M. aurea populations was very similar, while the volatile fractions obtained from different plant parts showed significant qualitative and quantitative differences. The most abundant compounds found in stems & leaves were apiole (51.0-56.3%), myristicin (16.3-25.4%), and falcarinol (4.1-10.7%). The roots showed the same major components, but with different relative abundances: 30.9-49.1% of apiole, 12.9-34.7% of falcarinol, and 9.9-31.1% of myristicin. The volatile constituents of fruits & flowers were remarkably different, containing up to 71.2-80.5% octyl butyrate, 11.4-18.0% octanol, and 2.7-6.8% octyl hexanoate. The results were discussed as possible indication of relatedness of Malabaila aurea and Pastinaca sativa (parsnip)

    Chemical Composition, Total Phenols and Flavonoids Contents and Antioxidant Activity as Nutritive Potential of Roasted Hazelnut Skins (Corylus avellana L.)

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    The present study evaluates natural composition of Serbian roasted hazelnut skins (HS) with potential role in application as functional nutrient of various food products. Total phenols (TPC) and flavonoids contents (TFC) in HS extracts obtained with dierent ethanol concentrations (10%ā€”I, 50%ā€”II and 96%ā€”III) and their antioxidant activities were investigated. The highest total phenols content (706.0 9.7 mgGAE/gextract) was observed in 96% ethanol HS extract. Ethanol HS extracts showed very high antioxidant activity with eective concentrations (EC50) ranged between 0.052 and 0.066 mg/mL. The phenol and flavonoid content of roasted HS extracts Iā€“III was determined by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analyses. Contents of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, metals, and C, H, N, S elements in roasted HS were also determined. Relatively high C/N, C/P and C/N/P ratios, rich metal contents and fatty acids composition indicated that hazelnut skin might be a good candidate for use as either human or fungal functional nutrient. In addition, possible application of phenolic HS extracts as UV booster was studied by recording UV spectra (220ā€“440 nm) of 10 mg/L of HS extracts Iā€“III combined with 10 mg/L of chemical sunscreen agent benzophenone-3 and in vitro sun protection factor (SPF) was calculated
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