65 research outputs found

    Some epidemiological characteristics of malignant fibrous histiocytoma in the Province of Vojvodina

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    BACKGROUND: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is most common soft tissue sarcoma occurring in late adult life, most in the extremities and in the retroperitoneum, usually developing in deep fascia or skeletal muscle. Because of the aggressive nature of the tumor early and complete surgical removal is indicated. The overall survival rate of patients with malignant fibrous histiocytoma ranges from 36% to 58% at 5 years. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in Vojvodina is still rare malignancy either in incidence or in mortality in both sexes. The population of Vojvodina is about 2 100 000. METHODS: We used a descriptive epidemiological method to analyze incidence and mortality from malignant fibrous histiocytoma in Vojvodina. This study is based on the Cancer Registry data for the ten-year period from 1993 to 2002. RESULTS: During the observed period 37 cases of malignant fibrous histiocytoma were reported (19 men and 18 women). The average age of patients was 50 years. The body site distribution differed between sexes and malignant fibrous histiocytoma was more common on the trunk (retroperitoneum) in men and on the lower limbs in women. The average annual incidence rate for the observed period was 1.82 per 1 000 000 for both sexes. The incidence rate changed irregularly over the observed period with the peak of 9 cases (4.55 per 1 000 000) in 2001. The overall linear trends of incidence and of mortality showed a slight increasing tendency in both sexes, but not significantly. Concerning mortality, the similar patterns were noticed. The mortality rate was 0.83 per 1 000 000. CONCLUSION: According to epidemiological data we obtained it can be concluded that Province of Vojvodina is not a region with an important risk for malignant fibrous histiocytoma; however, the increase of incidence appearing in both men and women should be taken into account very seriously in future

    Organic solvent poisoning: Case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Organic solvents are chemical compounds used across various industries as well as in the household and are therefore easily accessible to most people. One of the most commonly used organic solvents is the nitro thinner, widely used to dilute nitro coatings especially in the automotive industry. This type of poisoning is mostly accidental, although there have been cases of deliberate self injury. The compound is most commonly absorbed by inhalation, but can also be absorbed through skin contact after the compound is directly exposed to the organism. The predominant symptomatology of the poisoning is shown in the CNS. Acute poisoning caused by mild concentrations result in headaches, vertigo, nausea, and confusion while larger concentrations can result in a CNS depression that can lead to a comma or respiratory arrest. AIM: A display of a case of acute organic solvent poisoning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The source of the data are the ER patient protocols and anamnesis obtained through the anesthesiology ward of Loznica General Hospital. The results were obtained through a retrospective data analysis. CASE REPORT: Subject was a 24-year old male admitted to the infirmary after complaining about a consciousness disorder. The patient was somnolent during the examination. BP - 120/80 mmHg, ECG - sinus rhythm, P around 95/min, normogram, no significant ST and T changes, clear heart tones, respiratory sounds diffusely weakened over both hemithoracis, SaO2 92%. The intravenous line was secured and the patient received a crystalloid solution infusion and an oxygen therapy through a nasal mask. During transport to the pulmonology ward the patient had experienced a deterioration of consciousness and fell into a coma followed by tonic-clonic seizures of the extremities. The patient was urgently transferred to the anesthesiology ward where he was intubated and sent to the toxicology ward of the Military Medical Academy of Belgrade. There he received a detoxification treatment and was stabilized. CONCLUSION: Organic solvent poisoning shows a severe clinical picture and is very rare but occurs with specialized occupations. Because of a potential fatal outcome these cases have to be successfully diagnosed in spite of scarce medical history. It is imperative to properly diagnose the poisoning, commence corresponding initial therapy and transport the properly prepared patient to an adequate health facility

    Antičke staklene bočice za etarska ulja iz Viminacijuma I –VI V.N.E.

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    The archeological site Viminacium is located on the banks of the Danube near Požarevac, and represents a Roman camp and city founded in the 1st and lasted until the 7th century. It was the largest city of the Roman province of Upper Moesia. Of special significance are the discoveries from the Viminacium city, which had about 40 000 inhabitants. Glass bottles from the 1st century are few and represent the property of the first immigrants from the military and administrative apparatus. During the research of the necropolis in Viminacium, numerous glass vessels were discovered, and toilet bottles represent the most numerous and diverse group, with over eighteen types, different in size, shape of the abdomen and neck. They are made by free blowing and less often by blowing into a mold. The bottles mostly come from the graves of inhumed and cremated deceased, from the period from the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 4th century. The richness of the form, but also the simplicity of the style indicate the serial production that could have originated in Viminacium itself, while the more luxurious examples were part of the Celtic, Galician and Syrian production circles. Chemical analysis of glass bottles from Viminacium determined that the raw material for making glass mostly came from Egypt. The presence of numerous glass bottles for essential oils manifests the historical – political and economic situation, and indicates the degree of urbanization and involvement in ancient civilization.Arheološko nalazište Viminacijum nalazi se na obali Dunava u blizini Požarevca, i predstavlja rimski logor i grad nastao u I i trajao do VII veka. Bio je najveći grad rimske provincije Gornje Mezije. Poseban značaj imaju otkrića iz Viminacijuma grada koji je brojao oko 40 000 stanovnika. Staklene bočice pronađene iz perioda I veka su malobrojne i predstavljaju vlasništvo prvih doseljenika pripadnika vojnog i admistrativnog aparata. Kao recipijensi za držanje etarskih ulja, mirisa i kozmetičkih preparata korišćenih u svakodnevnom životu, ali i tokom pogrebnih rituala. Tokom istraživanja nekropola u Viminacijumu otkrivene su brojne posude od stakla, a toaletne boćice predstavljaju najbrojniju i najraznovrsniju grupu, sa preko osamnaest tipova, različitih prema dimenzijama, obliku trbuha i vrata. Izrađene su slobodnim duvanjem a ređe duvanjem u kalup. Bočice pretežno potiču iz grobova inhumiranih i kremiranih pokojnika, iz perioda od kraja I do početka IV veka, a manji broj iz žrtvenih slojeva nad grobovima. Bogatstvo formi ali i jednostavnost stila ukazuju na serijsku proizvodnju koja je mogla nastati i u samom Viminacijumu, dok su luksuzniji primerci bili deo kelnskog, galskog i sirijskog proizvodnog kruga. Hemijskim analizama staklenih bočica iz Viminacijuma utvrđeno je da je sirovina za izradu stakla uglavnom poticala iz Egipta. Zastupljenost brojnih staklenih bočica za etarska ulja, manifestuje istorijsko-političku i ekonomsku situaciju, i ukazuje na stepen urbanizacije, i uključenosti u antičku civilizaciju. Brojnost i raznovrsnost staklenih bočica otkrivenih na lokalitetu Viminacijum ukazuju na široku upotrebu etarskih ulja i kozmetičkih preparata na prostoru tog grada i njegove okoline.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    The first outbreak of brucellosis in the region of Šabac

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    Background/Aim. In Serbia brucellosis is a primary disease of the animals in the southern parts of the country. The aim of this study was to describe the first outbreak of human and animal brucellosis in the region of Šabac, Serbia. Methods. An epidemiological investigation was conducted to identify a source of outbreak and the ways of transmission of brucellosis infection in human population. A descriptive and analytical epidemiological methods (cohort study) were used. Additional data included monthly reports of the infectious diseases from the Institutes of Public Health and data from the Veterinary Specialistic Institute in Šabac. The serological tests for human brucellosis cases were performed in the Laboratory of the Military Medical Academy; laboratory confirmation of animal brucellosis cases was obtained from the reference laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. Results. Twelve cases of brucellosis were recorded from February 9 to September 1, 2004. Total attack rate was 8.1% (7.5% of males, 14.2% of females). Relative risk (RR) of milk consumption was 8.9 (95% confidence interval: 1.63-13.38), and RR for direct contact with animals was 14 (95% confidence interval: 3.5-55.6). The prevalence of seropositive animals in 33 villages of the Mačva region accounted for 0.8%. Regarding animal species, sheep were predominant - 264 (95.7%). Out of a total number of seropositive animals, ELISA results were positive in 228 (88.7%) of them. Conclusion. As contact epidemics generally last longer, it is probable that the implemented measures of outbreak control did reduce the length of their duration

    Association between tobacco smoking and pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Background/Aim. Numerous studies evaluate the influence of tobacco smoking on the tuberculosis (TB) development, with the results indicating that smoking can be also considered as important risk factor in TB. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of tobacco smoking as the risk factor in the development of TB as well as in its clinical course. Methods. We analyzed data from the medical records of 192 consecutively hospitalized TB patients (124 males and 68 females) in the Institute of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade in the period from 2005 to 2007. Results. Among the analyzed TB patients there were more smokers (63.5%) than nonsmokers (36.5%). The majority of the smokers (73.8%) belonged to a middle age group (35-54 years) while the majority of nonsmokers (64.3%) were older than 55 years. Sex ratio among the smokers showed the domination of males (80.3%). There were significantly more males in the smoking group and more females in the nonsmoking group (χ2 = 34.402, p < 0.0001). Most smokers (68.9%) smoked more than 20 cigarettes daily. The average index of pack/years among all of the examinated patients was 32.75 ± 18.26. Cavitary pulmonary lesions were more frequently verified in the smokers (64.2%) than in the nonsmokers (35.8%). The sputum acid-fast bacillus smear-positive finding was more frequent in the smokers (78%) than in the nonsmokers (22%). The nonsmoking TB patients had more accompanied immunodeficient diseases (34%) than the smoking ones (19%). Body-mass index was lower in the smokers (21.75) than in the nonsmokers (23.80), although this difference did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusion. There are more smokers than nonsmokers in TB patients. Smokers more frequently have cavitary forms of TB with sputum acid-fast bacillus smear - positive finding than nonsmokers

    Hemijske karakteristike visoko-krečnjačkih zemljišta koje određuju raspodelu fosfora

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    Phosphorus fractions from three highly calcareous soils (average, 24.9 +/- 4.8 %CO32-) from sampling sites with a Mediterranean climate were isolated by sequential extraction. In order to provide a more reliable basis for the definition of the obtained P-fractions, principal component analysis was applied and from the chemical characteristics of the 14 investigated soils, those characteristics which define at he content and association features of the P-fractions were assessed. The soils are characterized by a relatively high pH (8.0-8.2) and by significantly differing contents of organic mater, acid-soluble Mg and total P. These differences affected the various association features of the P-fraction with the soil constituents. The NH4F-P fraction (isolated with 0.5 M NH4F, pH 8.2) is defined by the contents of the main metals of the oxide-hydroxide-clay associations (Al, Fe, Mn) or by the the redox potential (Eh) of Mn. The accumulation of NaOH-phosphorus (extractable with 0.1 M NaOH) depended on the constituents of the oxide hydroxide-clay association, the humic substances and Eh-related factors. In those soils in which NaOH-P is defined by the oxide-hydroxide-clay association, the participation of Fe as a bridge-forming metal is proposed. The main part of total P, i.e., Delta P = TP - (NH4F-P + NaOH-P) is defined by the status of Mn- and Fe-humic complexes or by the concentration of hydroxyl-ions.Iz tri visoko-krečnjačka zemljišta (prosečni sadržaj CO 3 2- 24.9 ± 4.8%, pH 8.0 - 8.2), sa lokacija sa sredozemnom klimom, izolovane su frakcije fosfora sekvencijalnom ekstrakcijom. U cilju obezbeđivanja pouzdanije osnove za definisanje dobijenih frakcijafosfora (P-frakcija), primenjena je analiza principalne komponente (PC-analiza). Među 14 hemijskih karakteristika zemljišta, izdvojene su one koje definišu sadržaj pojedinih P-frakcija i prirodu njihove asocijacije sa sastojcima zemljišta. Frakcija NH 4-P (izolovana sa 0,5M NH 4F, pH = 8,2) definisana je sadržajem glavnih metala oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije (Al, Fe, Mn) ili Eh-statusom izraženim sadržajem Mn. Akumulacija NaOH-P (ekstrahovanog sa 0,1 M NaOH) zavisila je od sastojaka oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, od huminskih supstanci i od faktora koji stoje u vezi sa Eh. U onim zemljištima u kojima je NaOH-P definisana sastojcima oksidne-hidroksidne-glinene asocijacije, pretpostavljeno je vezivanje fosfora preko Fe-mostova. Glavna količina fosfora ∆P = TP - (NH 4F-P + NaOH-P), u pojedinim zemljištima definisana je ili statusom Mn- i Fe-huminskih kompleksa, ili pH-vrednošću

    Preliminarno ispitivanje sastava masnih kiselina u semenkama šipurka: primena ultrazvučne ekstrakcije

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    Rosehip seeds represent waste material which is obtained duringthe production of jams, marmalades, juices, teas, etc. Two methods were used forthe extraction of fatty acids from rosehip seeds: ultrasound-assisted extractioncombined with organic solvent extraction (UAE/OSCE) and organic solventconventional extraction (OSCE). Different solvent-to-sample ratio was used. Theidentification and quantitation of fatty acids was done by gas chromatography witha flame ionization detector (GC/FID). Applied methods yielded different types offatty acids, with stearic acid and linoleic acid, as the most abundant ones.Semenke šipurka predstavljaju otpadni materijal, bogat uljem, koji nastaje tokom proizvodnje džemova, marmelada, sokova, čajeva itd. Za ekstrakciju masnih kiselina iz semenki šipurka korišćene su dve metode: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija u kombinaciji sa ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem (UZE/KEOR)i konvencionalna ekstrakcija organskim rastvaračem (KEOR). Korišćeni su različiti odnosi zapremine rastvarača i mase uzoraka. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija masnih kiselina izvršena je metodom gasne hromatografije sa plameno-jonizujućim detektorom (GC/FID). Primenjenim ekstrakcionim metodama dobijene su različite masne kiseline, od kojih su stearinska i linolna bile najzastupljenije

    Element Content in Volcano Ash, Soil and River Sediments of the Watershed in the Volcanic Area of South Iceland and Assessment of Their Mobility Potential

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    In this work, we present the results of element content in river sediments and soil of the Rangárvellir river in southern Iceland as well as in the volcano ash from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. Severe natural catastrophes have devastating impact on the environment. We selected the Rangárvellir area located in the vicinity of Mt Hekla, Iceland’s most active volcano, for our study. This study site is ideal to investigate wind and water erosion and sediment transport processes of two main glaciers rivers: the Eystri-Rangá and the Ytri-Rangá and the Hroarslækur River. Sediments of these rivers consist of volcano materials, ash and lava. In order to assess the sediment dynamics, we collected sediment, soil and volcanic ash. The fractioning of the elements was carried out using sequential extractions. The distribution of Si indicates that the sediments originate from the same geochemical basis. Li and partly B exist in the first phase of volcanic ash and river sediments but not in the mobile phases of soils. In the mobile phase of volcanic ash, P was found but it did not exist in the first phase of soil and sediments. These results suggest the different chemical fingerprints in the water sediments and surrounding soil