232 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Transmitter Release from Cholecystokinin-Containing Inhibitory Interneurons Is Widespread and Target-Cell Independent

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    Neurotransmitter release at most central synapses is synchronized to the timing of presynaptic action potentials. Here we show that 3 classes of DSI-expressing, CCK-containing, hippocampal interneurons show highly asynchronous release in response to trains of action potentials. This asynchrony is correlated to the class of presynaptic interneuron but is unrelated to their postsynaptic cell target. Asynchronous- and synchronous release from CCK-containing interneurons show a slightly different calcium dependence such that the proportion of asynchronous release increases with external calcium concentration possibly suggesting that the modes of release are mediated by different calcium sensors. Asynchronous IPSCs include very large (up to 500 pA/7nS) amplitude events, which persist in low extracellular calcium and strontium, showing that they result from quantal transmitter release at single release sites. Finally we show that asynchronous release is prominent in response to trains of presynaptic spikes which mimic natural activity of CCK-containing interneurons. That asynchronous release from CCK-containing interneurons is a widespread phenomenon indicates a fundamental role for these cells within the hippocampal network that is distinct from the phasic inhibition provided by PV-containing interneurons

    Hippocampal GABAergic inhibitory interneurons

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    In the hippocampus GABAergic local circuit inhibitory interneurons represent only ~10–15% of the total neuronal population; however, their remarkable anatomical and physiological diversity allows them to regulate virtually all aspects of cellular and circuit function. Here we provide an overview of the current state of the field of interneuron research, focusing largely on the hippocampus. We discuss recent advances related to the various cell types, including their development and maturation, expression of subtype-specific voltage- and ligand-gated channels, and their roles in network oscillations. We also discuss recent technological advances and approaches that have permitted high-resolution, subtype-specific examination of their roles in numerous neural circuit disorders and the emerging therapeutic strategies to ameliorate such pathophysiological conditions. The ultimate goal of this review is not only to provide a touchstone for the current state of the field, but to help pave the way for future research by highlighting where gaps in our knowledge exist and how a complete appreciation of their roles will aid in future therapeutic strategies

    Extended Lower Limb Venous Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Proximal and Distal Vein Thrombosis in Asymptomatic Patients after Total Hip Replacement

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    AbstractObjective. To assess the performance of extended lower limb venous ultrasound (US) for the diagnosis of asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and to estimate a 3-month DVT incidence on repeated US after total hip replacement.Design. Diagnostic performance study and prospective cohort study.Materials and methods. US was compared to phlebography in 70 consecutive patients and interobserver agreement was assessed in the last 48 patients at day 8. US was repeated in these 48 patients at day 13 and day 90.Results. Phlebography demonstrated a DVT in 18/70 (26%) patients, with five proximal and 13 distal and US in 23/70 (33%) patients, with eight proximal and 15 distal. Sensitivity and specificity of US with 95% CI were 94% (73–100) and 89% (76–96), respectively. Sensitivity in isolated distal vein thrombosis was 92% (67–99). The Kappa coefficient for agreement between observers was 0.84 (0.66–1.00). Follow-up showed a DVT in 15/48 (31%) patients on day 8, in 20/48 patients (42%) on day 13. DVT recurred in two patients during follow-up.Conclusions. The incidence of asymptomatic DVT is still significant despite prophylaxis but most DVTs remain distal and occur in the first 2 weeks. Extended US could replace phlebography for systematic screening in clinical trials using surrogate endpoints in view of its high accuracy and reliability

    Low doses of a neonicotinoid insecticide modify pheromone response thresholds of central but not peripheral olfactory neurons in a pest insect

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    Insect pest management relies mainly on neurotoxic insecticides, including neonicotinoids, leaving residues in the environment. There is now evidence that low doses of insecticides can have positive effects on pest insects by enhancing various life traits. Because pest insects often rely on sex pheromones for reproduction, and olfactory synaptic transmission is cholinergic, neonicotinoid residues could modify chemical communication. We recently showed that treatments with different sublethal doses of clothianidin could either enhance or decrease behavioural sex pheromone responses in the male moth, Agrotis ipsilon. We investigated now effects of the behaviourally active clothianidin doses on the sensitivity of the peripheral and central olfactory system. We show with extracellular recordings that both tested clothianidin doses do not influence pheromone responses in olfactory receptor neurons. Similarly, in vivo optical imaging does not reveal any changes in glomerular response intensities to the sex pheromone after clothianidin treatments. The sensitivity of intracellularly recorded antennal lobe output neurons, however, is upregulated by a lethal dose 20 times and downregulated by a dose 10 times lower than the lethal dose 0. This correlates with the changes of behavioural responses after clothianidin treatment and suggests the antennal lobe as neural substrate involved in clothianidin-induced behavioural changes

    Common Origins of Hippocampal Ivy and Nitric Oxide Synthase Expressing Neurogliaform Cells

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    GABAergic interneurons critically regulate cortical computation through exquisite spatio-temporal control over excitatory networks. Precision of this inhibitory control requires a remarkable diversity within interneuron populations that is largely specified during embryogenesis. Although nNOS+ interneurons constitute the largest hippocampal interneuron cohort their origin and specification remain unknown. Thus, as neurogliaform (NGC) and Ivy cells (IvC) represent the main nNOS+ interneurons we investigated their developmental origins. Although considered distinct interneuron subtypes NGCs and IvCs exhibited similar neurochemical and electrophysiological signatures including NPY expression and late-spiking. Moreover, lineage analyses, including loss-of-function experiments and inducible fate-mapping, indicated that nNOS+ IvCs and NGCs are both derived from medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) progenitors under control of the transcription factor Nkx2-1. Surprisingly, a subset of NGCs lacking nNOS arises from caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE) progenitors. Thus, while nNOS+ NGCs and IvCs arise from MGE progenitors, a CGE origin distinguishes a discrete population of nNOS-NGCs

    Identification of human proteins that modify misfolding and proteotoxicity of pathogenic ataxin-1

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    Proteins with long, pathogenic polyglutamine (polyQ) sequences have an enhanced propensity to spontaneously misfold and self-assemble into insoluble protein aggregates. Here, we have identified 21 human proteins that influence polyQ-induced ataxin-1 misfolding and proteotoxicity in cell model systems. By analyzing the protein sequences of these modifiers, we discovered a recurrent presence of coiled-coil (CC) domains in ataxin-1 toxicity enhancers, while such domains were not present in suppressors. This suggests that CC domains contribute to the aggregation- and toxicity-promoting effects of modifiers in mammalian cells. We found that the ataxin-1–interacting protein MED15, computationally predicted to possess an N-terminal CC domain, enhances spontaneous ataxin-1 aggregation in cell-based assays, while no such effect was observed with the truncated protein MED15ΔCC, lacking such a domain. Studies with recombinant proteins confirmed these results and demonstrated that the N-terminal CC domain of MED15 (MED15CC) per se is sufficient to promote spontaneous ataxin-1 aggregation in vitro. Moreover, we observed that a hybrid Pum1 protein harboring the MED15CC domain promotes ataxin-1 aggregation in cell model systems. In strong contrast, wild-type Pum1 lacking a CC domain did not stimulate ataxin-1 polymerization. These results suggest that proteins with CC domains are potent enhancers of polyQ-mediated protein misfolding and aggregation in vitro and in vivo

    Unexpected effects of low doses of a neonicotinoid insecticide on behavioral responses to sex pheromone in a pest insect

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    In moths, which include many agricultural pest species, males are attracted by female-emitted sex pheromones. Although integrated pest management strategies are increasingly developed, most insect pest treatments rely on widespread use of neurotoxic chemicals, including neonicotinoid insecticides. Residual accumulation of low concentrations of these insecticides in the environment is known to be harmful to beneficial insects such as honey bees. This environmental stress probably acts as an "info-disruptor" by modifying the chemical communication system, and therefore decreases chances of reproduction in target insects that largely rely on olfactory communication. However, low doses of pollutants could on the contrary induce adaptive processes in the olfactory pathway, thus enhancing reproduction. Here we tested the effects of acute oral treatments with different low doses of the neonicotinoid clothianidin on the behavioral responses to sex pheromone in the moth Agrotis ipsilon using wind tunnel experiments. We show that low doses of clothianidin induce a biphasic effect on pheromone-guided behavior. Surprisingly, we found a hormetic-like effect, improving orientation behavior at the LD20 dose corresponding to 10 ng clothianidin. On the contrary, a negative effect, disturbing orientation behavior, was elicited by a treatment with a dose below the LD0 dose corresponding to 0.25 ng clothianidin. No clothianidin effect was observed on behavioral responses to plant odor. Our results indicate that risk assessment has to include unexpected effects of residues on the life history traits of pest insects, which could then lead to their adaptation to environmental stress

    New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons.

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    A systematic classification and accepted nomenclature of neuron types is much needed but is currently lacking. This article describes a possible taxonomical solution for classifying GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex based on a novel, web-based interactive system that allows experts to classify neurons with pre-determined criteria. Using Bayesian analysis and clustering algorithms on the resulting data, we investigated the suitability of several anatomical terms and neuron names for cortical GABAergic interneurons. Moreover, we show that supervised classification models could automatically categorize interneurons in agreement with experts' assignments. These results demonstrate a practical and objective approach to the naming, characterization and classification of neurons based on community consensus