13 research outputs found

    R|S Atlas: Identifying Existing Cohort Study Data Resources to Accelerate Epidemiological Research on the Influence of Religion and Spirituality on Human Health

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    OBJECTIVE: Many studies have documented significant associations between religion and spirituality (R/S) and health, but relatively few prospective analyses exist that can support causal inferences. To date, there has been no systematic analysis of R/S survey items collected in US cohort studies. We conducted a systematic content analysis of all surveys ever fielded in 20 diverse US cohort studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to identify all R/S-related items collected from each cohort\u27s baseline survey through 2014. DESIGN: An R|S Ontology was developed from our systematic content analysis to categorise all R/S survey items identified into key conceptual categories. A systematic literature review was completed for each R/S item to identify any cohort publications involving these items through 2018. RESULTS: Our content analysis identified 319 R/S survey items, reflecting 213 unique R/S constructs and 50 R|S Ontology categories. 193 of the 319 extant R/S survey items had been analysed in at least one published paper. Using these data, we created the R|S Atlas (https://atlas.mgh.harvard.edu/), a publicly available, online relational database that allows investigators to identify R/S survey items that have been collected by US cohorts, and to further refine searches by other key data available in cohorts that may be necessary for a given study (eg, race/ethnicity, availability of DNA or geocoded data). CONCLUSIONS: R|S Atlas not only allows researchers to identify available sources of R/S data in cohort studies but will also assist in identifying novel research questions that have yet to be explored within the context of US cohort studies

    Constructing Bipartite graphs to map concept systems.

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    <p><b><i>Left</i></b><i>: Medications</i> are mapped between Children's Hospital Boston (blue) and the RxNorm standard (green) if they share a drug ingredient. The hospital concept code for Acetaminophen is mapped to the RxNorm concept code for Acetaminophen. Codeine also has one mapping. ‘Acetaminophen with Codeine’ has a mapping to RxNorm for each of its ingredients. Patients recorded with the local concept ‘Acetaminophen with Codeine’ will match standard queries using any of the mapped RxNorm drug ingredients. <b><i>Right</i></b><i>: Lab Test concepts</i> are mapped between Children's Hospital Boston (blue) and the LOINC standard (green). Bicarbonate and Blood Urea Nitrogen are each mapped once. Other lab tests require a one-to-many mapping, for example, there are at least four different metabolic tests for sodium (Na+) levels recorded in the Children's Hospital Boston clinical systems.</p

    Hospital Data Mapping Scenario.

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    <p><i>First</i>, existing clinical data are extracted into a locally controlled database for research. <i>Second</i>, each local code is mapped to one or more standard concept codes, and vice versa. <i>Third</i>, related medical concepts are grouped using standard hierarchies curated by medical experts. The bipartite graphs produced by this process enable bidirectional translation between concept systems. <i>Fourth</i>, adapt the incoming query to use the local concept codes.</p

    Quadratic growth in the number of edges in a communication network.

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    <p>Each edge incurs administrative overhead to maintain a list of peer locations and trust relationships. Fully meshed peer-to-peer (P2P) topologies have N*(N-1)/2 edges shown in red. Edge growth of hub-spoke topologies are shown with an average hub size of 3 (size of the first deployments of east and west coast networks). A simple hub-spoke topology requires one additional link per hub, shown in green. A fault tolerant topology requires two additional links per hub, shown in purple. With 60 peers, the number of p2p edges is administratively infeasible with 1,770 firewall rules and trust relationships.</p

    Investigator's perspective of the SHRINE Webclient.

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    <p><i>Group 1</i> defines searches for patients with Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL). <i>Group 2</i> refines the search result to only those patients having one of the medications listed. The medications shown are all chemotherapeutic agents administered during intensive phase. <i>Group 3</i> further refines the result to require a lab test administered during diagnosis. Lab test values can be set directly or flagged as ‘abnormally high/low’. In the Query Status window, patient counts are displayed with a Gaussian blur to provide additional privacy safeguards of small patient populations. Results are shown for each hospital and the aggregated patient set size.</p

    Percentage of Diagnosis and Medication concepts mapped for SHRINE queries at participating Harvard affiliated teaching hospitals.

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    <p><b><i>Left</i></b>: Percentage of ICD9-CM diagnoses concepts mapped to at least one diagnosis concept at the hospital. <b><i>Right</i></b>: Percentage of RxNorm medication concepts mapped to at least one patient medication concept at the hospital.</p

    Query Expansion in the Core Ontology.

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    <p><i>Selected Example</i>: ‘Cardiovascular medications’ is selected and the child contents are shown. At runtime, the query is expanded to include every concept in the cardiovascular medication group, recursively.</p

    SHRINE Core Ontology.

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    <p><i>Left column</i>: categories supported in the core ontology include diagnoses, medications, lab tests, and demographics. <i>Middle column</i>: coding system used for each category. The demographics category uses multiple coding systems to handle the relevant sub-categories such as gender and language. <i>Right column</i>: hierarchy used to group medically related concepts. Standard hierarchies were adopted where possible, which was the case for diagnoses and medications.</p