11 research outputs found
Splošne smernice akademske integritete
These general guidelines serve as a supportive document for the glossary for academic integrity (sub-output 3G) that describes the definitions of terms related to academic integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The guidelines outline minimum requirements and responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia. Many of the guidelines are necessarily general, but, where relevant, we provide country-specific examples as well as adjusting to meet to the needs of different fields of study/research.
The general guidelines are addressed to a full range of stakeholders, including national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia (such as policy units, educators/instructors, senior administrator/managers/coordinators) as well as students, the business sector and others.Splošne smernice so podporni dokument glosarja akademske integritete (del 3G), ki vsebuje definicije terminov, povezanih z akademsko integriteto. Pomagajo pri splošnem ozaveščanju pomena integritete tako v visokem šolstvu kot tudi gospodarstvu. Smernice opisujejo minimalne zahteve in odgovornosti številnih deležnikov v visokem šolstvu. Veliko smernic je namenoma splošnih, kjer pa je to mogoče, navajamo tudi primere, ki so specifični za določene države in jih prilagajamo zahtevam različnih študijskih in raziskovalnih področij.
Splošne smernice so namenjene celotnemu spektru deležnikov, vključno z nacionalnimi varuhi človekovih pravic, sodišči, pooblaščenci za skladnost poslovanja, vodji raziskovalnih projektov in ostalim visokošolskim telesom ter odborom (kot so odločevalci, učitelji/asistenti, samostojni skrbniki/menedžerji/koordinatorji) kot tudi študentom, gospodarskemu sektorju in drugim
Brain energy rescue:an emerging therapeutic concept for neurodegenerative disorders of ageing
The brain requires a continuous supply of energy in the form of ATP, most of which is produced from glucose by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, complemented by aerobic glycolysis in the cytoplasm. When glucose levels are limited, ketone bodies generated in the liver and lactate derived from exercising skeletal muscle can also become important energy substrates for the brain. In neurodegenerative disorders of ageing, brain glucose metabolism deteriorates in a progressive, region-specific and disease-specific manner — a problem that is best characterized in Alzheimer disease, where it begins presymptomatically. This Review discusses the status and prospects of therapeutic strategies for countering neurodegenerative disorders of ageing by improving, preserving or rescuing brain energetics. The approaches described include restoring oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis, increasing insulin sensitivity, correcting mitochondrial dysfunction, ketone-based interventions, acting via hormones that modulate cerebral energetics, RNA therapeutics and complementary multimodal lifestyle changes
The practice of naturalisation in the German Empire 1871-1945
Das Deutsche Reich erlebte zwischen den Jahren 1871 und 1945 eine signifikante Einwanderung. Eine Folge dieser Entwicklung war, dass sich eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Menschen um die Einbürgerung bemühte. Die Arbeit untersucht anhand eines Vergleichs zwischen Baden, Bayern und Preußen die Einbürgerungspraxis im Deutschen Reich zwischen Reichsgründung und Zweitem Weltkrieg. Aus sozialgeschichtlicher Perspektive wird gefragt, wer wann zu welchen Bedingungen eingebürgert wurde und wie die Einbürgerungsbehörden ihren weiten Ermessensspielraum nutzten. Es wurden aus insgesamt zehn Archiven ungedruckte Quellen, darunter überwiegend Einzelfallakten, herangezogen.Statistische Analysen zeigen, dass die Einbürgerungsrate bereits im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik wesentlich höher lag als in der Bundesrepublik der 1980er Jahre. Die Analyse von zahlreichen Fallakten zeigt für den gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum eine Entwicklung der Einbürgerungspraxis, die bei der Entscheidung über einen Einbürgerungsantrag immer weniger den individuellen Antragsteller und dessen persönliche Situation beurteilte, sondern in zunehmendem Maße über den Grad der Erwünschtheit eines Kollektivs entschied, dem der Antragsteller zugerechnet wurde. Dabei war das Einbürgerungsverfahren vor 1918 insbesondere dadurch geprägt, dass die Behörden ein Urteil über die soziale Respektabilität potentieller Neubürger fällten. Dagegen erfolgte nach 1918 eine stetige Ideologisierung der Einbürgerungsvoraussetzungen, sodass die Behörden den Nachweis verlangten, ob der Einzubürgernde als "deutschstämmig", "fremdstämmig", oder "kulturfremd" anzusehen sei. Insgesamt war die Einbürgerungspraxis von einem rassistisch motivierten Antisemitismus geprägt, der zur Diskriminierung von Juden im Einbürgerungsverfahren führte. Farbige, Angehörige der radikalen Linken und Frauen wurden im Einbürgerungsverfahren massiv diskriminiert und nur in seltenen Fällen eingebürgert
Preventing plagiarism – A university libraries‘ responsibility?!
Hochschulbibliotheken tragen mit ihren Angeboten und Services entscheidend dazu bei, Plagiate in der Wissenschaft effektiv vermeiden zu können. Wir erläutern Gründe, warum sich Bibliotheken überhaupt mit Plagiatsprävention beschäftigen. Außerdem stellen wir das Projekt „Refairenz“ vor, das Wissenschaftler, Dozenten, Studenten und Verwaltungsmitarbeiter bei der Plagiatsprävention unterstützt.publishe
Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity”
Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity” with presentations on:
Experiences in Establishing National Plagiarism Detection Systems
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism on Slovenian Academic Institutions (Ojsteršek Milan)
The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository…). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of the national open access infrastructure, the rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during the process of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from the test corpus of documents, published on the internet after the year 2000.
Nationwide Barrier to Plagiarism is Bearing Fruit (Kravjar Július)
Plagiarism is a phenomenon that existed in the past, exists today and will exist in the future. Slovakia with its population of 5.4 million is confronted with plagiarism like other countries. The dynamics of changes in higher education, in ICT and internet penetration while at the same time a low level of ethics, copyright and intellectual property rights awareness in our country, contributed to the spread of plagiarism – an unwanted kind of “creativity“ after the year of revolutionary changes (1989). And there was an inherent lack of systemic action to create a barrier for future growth of plagiarism. The absence of a broader discussion of academic ethics (AE) had its consequences: the members of the academic community and the general public do not fully understood the importance of AE, hence they were less sensitive to the violations of AE. There were 13 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Slovakia in 1989, the number has now grown to 39, the number of students increased from 63 thousand to about a quarter of million and the teaching staff growth was insignificant. In 2008 MinEdu decided to acquire a plagiarism detection system (PDS) and create a central repository of theses and dissertations (CR) for all Slovak HEIs. It was the milestone for the nationwide CR and for PDS – both systems are known under the name SK ANTIPLAG. The preparation of the legislative environment (the amendment to the Higher Education Act, 2009) represented the fundamental prerequisite for the breakthrough in the fight against plagiarism and created an important step towards the implementation of the CR and PDS. The use of SK ANTIPLAG has been mandatory for all Slovak HEIs operating under Slovak legislation since April 2010. It is an example of an unparalleled and unprecedented implementation of such a system on a national level on a worldwide scale.
Educational Resources for Plagiarism Prevention. Practical Work with Examples (Trevisiol Oliver)
The participants will get to know, test, and review educational resources for plagiarism prevention.
Examples are:
- Exercises and tasks for courses (How, with which methods and conceptual formulation can I teach students about referencing and good scientific practice?)- Reviewed educational videos (Which video may I use in class?)- Examples of myths and rumours about plagiarism (Which questions and perception do students have? How can I react to typical notions and answer frequent questions?), such as the strange rule of “you need to cite more than 3 words in a row”
General Guidelines for Academic Integrity
Vispārējās vadlīnijas kalpo par atbalsta dokumentu izdevumam “Akadēmiskā godīguma terminu vārdnīca” (apakšrezultāts “3G”), kas sniedz ar akadēmisko godīgumu saistīto terminu definīcijas. Šīs vadlīnijas palīdz veidot vienotu izpratni par godīguma jautājumiem zinātnē un uzņēmējdarbībā. Vadlīnijas izklāsta minimālās prasības un atbildību dažādām akadēmiskajā darbā ieinteresētajām pusēm. Daudzas vadlīnijas ir vispārīgas, bet, ja vien nepieciešams, ir doti konkrētai valstij raksturīgi piemēri, kā arī pielāgojumi dažādu studiju/pētniecības jomu vajadzību apmierināšanai.
Vispārējās vadlīnijas ir adresētas visām ieinteresētajām personām, tostarp valstu tiesībsargiem, tiesu iestādēm, inspektoriem, pētniecības projektu vadītājiem un citām ar akadēmisko sabiedrību saistītām organizācijām vai struktūrvienībām (piemēram, politikas veidotājiem, pedagogiem, vecākajiem administratoriem/vadītājiem/ koordinatoriem), kā arī studentiem, uzņēmējiem un citiem interesentiem.These general guidelines serve as a supportive document for the glossary for academic integrity (sub-output 3G) that describes the definitions of terms related to academic integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The guidelines outline minimum requirements and responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia. Many of the guidelines are necessarily general, but, where relevant, we provide country-specific examples as well as adjusting to meet to the needs of different fields of study/research.
The general guidelines are addressed to a full range of stakeholders, including national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia (such as policy units, educators/instructors, senior administrator/managers/coordinators) as well as students, the business sector and others