42 research outputs found

    Proteomic analysis of 14-3-3 zeta binding proteins in the mouse hippocampus.

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    14-3-3 proteins are ubiquitous molecular chaperones with important roles in brain development and neuronal function. Altered expression of 14-3-3 proteins has been reported in several neurologic and neurodegenerative disorders and identifying 14-3-3 binding proteins may provide important insights into the physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of these proteins. Particular interest has emerged on 14-3-3 zeta (Ī¶) in the setting of neuronal injury because reducing 14-3-3Ī¶ levels triggers an endoplasmic reticulum stress-like response in neurons and increases vulnerability to excitotoxicity. Here we examined the subcellular distribution of 14-3-3Ī¶ in the mouse hippocampus. We then used recombinant His-tagged 14-3-3Ī¶ to pull-down interacting proteins from the mouse hippocampus followed by identification by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. 14-3-3Ī¶ protein was present in the cytoplasm, microsomal compartment, nucleus and mitochondrial fractions of the mouse hippocampus. Recombinant 14-3-3Ī¶ eluted 13 known 14-3-3 binding partners, including three other 14-3-3 isoforms, and 16 other proteins which have not previously been reported to bind 14-3-3Ī¶. The present study identifies potentially novel 14-3-3Ī¶ binding proteins and contributes to defining the 14-3-3Ī¶ interactome in the mouse brain

    The role of CAPG in molecular communication between the embryo and the uterine endometrium: Is its function conserved in species with different implantation strategies?

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    During the preimplantation period of pregnancy in eutherian mammals, transcriptional and proteomic changes in the uterine endometrium are required to facilitate receptivity to an implanting blastocyst. These changes are mediated, in part, by proteins produced by the developing conceptus (inner cell mass and extraembryonic membranes). We hypothesized that this common process in early pregnancy in eutheria may be facilitated by highly conserved conceptusā€derived proteins such as macrophage capping protein (CAPG). We propose that CAPG may share functionality in modifying the transcriptome of the endometrial epithelial cells to facilitate receptivity to implantation in species with different implantation strategies. A recombinant bovine form of CAPG (91% sequence identity between bovine and human) was produced and bovine endometrial epithelial (bEECs) and stromal (bESCs) and human endometrial epithelial cells (hEECs) were cultured for 24 hours with and without recombinant bovine CAPG (rbCAPG). RNA sequencing and quantitative realā€time PCR analysis were used to assess the transcriptional response to rbCAPG (Control, vehicle, CAPG 10, 100, 1000 ng/mL: n = 3 biological replicates per treatment per species). Treatment of bEECs with CAPG resulted in alterations in the abundance of 1052 transcripts (629 increased and 423 decreased) compared to vehicle controls. Treatment of hEECs with bovine CAPG increased expression of transcripts previously known to interact with CAPG in different systems (CAPZB, CAPZA2, ADD1, and ADK ) compared with vehicle controls (P < .05). In conclusion, we have demonstrated that CAPG, a highly conserved protein in eutherian mammals, elicits a transcriptional response in the endometrial epithelium in species with different implantation strategies that may contribute to pregnancy success

    Regulation of the androgen receptor by SET9-mediated methylation

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family of transcription factors that plays a critical role in regulating expression of genes involved in prostate development and transformation. Upon hormone binding, the AR associates with numerous co-regulator proteins that regulate the activation status of target genes via flux to the post-translational modification status of histones and the receptor. Here we show that the AR interacts with and is directly methylated by the histone methyltransferase enzyme SET9. Methylation of the AR on lysine 632 is necessary for enhancing transcriptional activity of the receptor by facilitating both inter-domain communication between the N- and C-termini and recruitment to androgen-target genes. We also show that SET9 is pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic in prostate cancer cells and demonstrates up-regulated nuclear expression in prostate cancer tissue. In all, our date indicate a new mechanism of AR regulation that may be therapeutically exploitable for prostate cancer treatment

    Interspecies competition in oral biofilms mediated by Streptococcus gordonii extracellular deoxyribonuclease SsnA

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    Abstract Extracellular DNA (eDNA) is a key component of many microbial biofilms including dental plaque. However, the roles of extracellular deoxyribonuclease (DNase) enzymes within biofilms are poorly understood. Streptococcus gordonii is a pioneer colonizer of dental plaque. Here, we identified and characterised SsnA, a cell wall-associated protein responsible for extracellular DNase activity of S. gordonii. The SsnA-mediated extracellular DNase activity of S. gordonii was suppressed following growth in sugars. SsnA was purified as a recombinant protein and shown to be inactive below pH 6.5. SsnA inhibited biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans in a pH-dependent manner. Further, SsnA inhibited the growth of oral microcosm biofilms in human saliva. However, inhibition was ameliorated by the addition of sucrose. Together, these data indicate that S. gordonii SsnA plays a key role in interspecies competition within oral biofilms. Acidification of the medium through sugar catabolism could be a strategy for cariogenic species such as S. mutans to prevent SsnA-mediated exclusion from biofilms

    Identification of a novel K311 ubiquitination site critical for androgen receptor transcriptional activity

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    The androgen receptor (AR) is the main driver of prostate cancer (PC) development and progression, and the primary therapeutic target in PC. To date, two functional ubiquitination sites have been identified on AR, both located in its C-terminal ligand binding domain (LBD). Recent reports highlight the emergence of AR splice variants lacking the LBD that can arise during disease progression and contribute to castrate resistance. Here, we report a novel N-terminal ubiquitination site at lysine 311. Ubiquitination of this site plays a role in AR stability and is critical for its transcriptional activity. Inactivation of this site causes AR to accumulate on chromatin and inactivates its transcriptional function as a consequence of inability to bind to p300. Additionally, mutation at lysine 311 affects cellular transcriptome altering the expression of genes involved in chromatin organization, signaling, adhesion, motility, development and metabolism. Even though this site is present in clinically relevant AR-variants it can only be ubiquitinated in cells when AR retains LBD suggesting a role for AR C-terminus in E2/E3 substrate recognition. We report that as a consequence AR variants lacking the LBD cannot be ubiquitinated in the cellular environment and their protein turnover must be regulated via an alternate pathway

    Human induced pluripotent stem cells generate light responsive retinal organoids with variable and nutrient dependent efficiency

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    The availability of in vitro models of the human retina in which to perform pharmacological and toxicological studies is an urgent and unmet need. An essential step for developing in vitro models of human retina is the ability to generate laminated, physiologically functional and light-responsive retinal organoids from renewable and patient specific sources. We investigated five different human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines and showed a significant variability in their efficiency to generate retinal organoids. Despite this variability, by month 5 of differentiation, all iPSC-derived retinal organoids were able to generate light responses, albeit immature, comparable to the earliest light responses recorded from the neonatal mouse retina, close to the period of eye opening. All iPSC-derived retinal organoids exhibited at this time a well-formed outer nuclear like layer containing photoreceptors with inner segments, connecting cilium and outer like segments. The differentiation process was highly dependent on seeding cell density and nutrient availability determined by factorial experimental design. We adopted the differentiation protocol to a multiwell plate format which enhanced generation of retinal organoids with retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) and improved ganglion cell development and the response to physiological stimuli. We tested the response of iPSC-derived retinal organoids to Moxifloxacin and showed that similarly to in vivo adult mouse retina, the primary affected cell types were photoreceptors. Together our data indicate that light responsive retinal organoids derived from carefully selected and differentiation efficient iPSC lines can be generated at the scale needed for pharmacology and drug screening purposes. Ā© AlphaMed Press 2018

    Physiological and Proteomic Analysis of the Rice Mutant cpm2 Suggests a Negative Regulatory Role of Jasmonic Acid in Drought Tolerance

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    It is widely known that numerous adaptive responses of drought-stressed plants are stimulated by chemical messengers known as phytohormones. Jasmonic acid (JA) is one such phytohormone. But there are very few reports revealing its direct implication in drought related responses or its cross-talk with other phytohormones. In this study, we compared the morpho-physiological traits and the root proteome of a wild type (WT) rice plant with its JA biosynthesis mutant coleoptile photomorphogenesis 2 (cpm2), disrupted in the allene oxide cyclase (AOC) gene, for insights into the role of JA under drought. The mutant had higher stomatal conductance, higher water use efficiency and higher shoot ABA levels under severe drought as compared to the WT. Notably, roots of cpm2 were better developed compared to the WT under both, control and drought stress conditions. Root proteome was analyzed using the Tandem Mass Tag strategy to better understand this difference at the molecular level. Expectedly, AOC was unique but notably highly abundant under drought in the WT. Identification of other differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) suggested increased energy metabolism (i.e., increased mobilization of resources) and reactive oxygen species scavenging in cpm2 under drought. Additionally, various proteins involved in secondary metabolism, cell growth and cell wall synthesis were also more abundant in cpm2 roots. Proteome-guided transcript, metabolite, and histological analyses provided further insights into the favorable adaptations and responses, most likely orchestrated by the lack of JA, in the cpm2 roots. Our results in cpm2 are discussed in the light of JA crosstalk to other phytohormones. These results together pave the path for understanding the precise role of JA during drought stress in rice

    Genetic variants in PPARGC1B and CNTN4 are associated with thromboxane A2 formation and with cardiovascular event free survival in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT).

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Elevated urinary 11-dehydro thromboxane B2 (TxB2), a measure of thromboxane A2 formation inĀ vivo, predicts future atherothrombotic events. To further understand this relationship, the genetic determinants of 11-dehydro TxB2 and their associations with cardiovascular morbidity were investigated in this study. METHODS: Genome-wide and targeted genetic association studies of urinary 11-dehydro TxB2 were conducted in 806 Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) participants. RESULTS: The strongest associations were in PPARGC1B (rs4235745, rs32582, rs10515638) and CNTN4 (rs10510230, rs4684343), these 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were independently associated with 11-dehydro TxB2 formation. Haplotypes of 11-dehydro TxB2 increasing alleles for both PPARGC1B and CNTN4 were significantly associated with 11-dehydro TxB2, explaining 5.2% and 4.5% of the variation in the whole cohort, and 8.8% and 7.9% in participants not taking aspirin, respectively. In a second ASCOT population (nĀ =Ā 6199), addition of these 5 SNPs significantly improved the covariate-only Cox proportional hazards model for cardiovascular events (chisqĀ =Ā 14.7, p=0.01). Two of the risk alleles associated with increased urinary 11-dehydro TxB2 were individually associated with greater incidences of cardiovascular events - rs10515638 (HRĀ =Ā 1.31, p=0.01) and rs10510230 (HRĀ =Ā 1.25, p=0.007); effect sizes were larger in those not taking aspirin. CONCLUSIONS: PPARGC1B and CNTN4 genotypes are associated with elevated thromboxane A2 formation and with an excess of cardiovascular events. Aspirin appears to blunt these associations. If specific protection of PPARGC1B and CNTN4 variant carriers by aspirin is confirmed by additional studies, PPARGC1B and CNTN4 genotyping could potentially assist in clinical decision making regarding the use of aspirin in primary prevention