16 research outputs found

    Contrastive Video Examples in Teacher Education : A Matter of Sequence and Prompts

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    Everyday teaching requires teachers to deal with a variety of pedagogical issues, such as classroom disruptions. Against the background of on-going calls for an evidence-informed practice, teachers should ground their pedagogical decisions not only on subjective theories or experience-based knowledge but also on educational theories and empirical findings. However, research suggests that pre- and in-service teachers rather refer to experiential knowledge than to educational knowledge when addressing practical, pedagogical issues. One reason for the infrequent use of educational knowledge is that acquired knowledge has remained inert and cannot be applied to complex situations in practice. Therefore, implementing learning with contrastive (i.e., functional and dysfunctional) video examples in teacher education seems promising to promote pre-service teachers’ acquisition of educational knowledge. The 2×2-intervention study (N = 220) investigated the effects of the video sequence (dysfunctional-functional/functional-dysfunctional) and of video analysis prompts (with/without) on learning outcomes (concept knowledge, application knowledge) and on learning processes (written video analyses). Results revealed that the sequence dysfunctional-functional led to higher application knowledge in the post-test. There was no sequencing effect on concept knowledge. Prompted groups showed higher concept knowledge and application knowledge in the post-test. Furthermore, both experimental factors affected learning processes, which resulted in higher learning outcomes. In conclusion, learning with contrastive video examples in teacher education seems to be more effective if the video examples are presented in the sequence dysfunctional-functional and if instructional prompts guide the video analysis. The results substantiate the relevance of instructional guidance in learning with video examples and broaden the scope of validity of the concept of learning from errors

    Die kontextspezifische Erfassung kultureller Profile nach Hofstede: Pilotierung eines Kurzfragebogens fĂĽr Lehrer

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    Karina Schlingensiepen, Kati Trempler und Tobias Ringeisen setzen sich in ihrem Beitrag mit der Frage auseinander, wie ein geeigneter Fragebogen fĂĽr Lehrer fĂĽr die Erfassung von kulturellen Unterschieden unter Zuhilfenahme von Hofstedes Dimensionsmodell abgebildet werden kann.There is a lack of adequate instruments to capture the four dimensions of Hofstede's cultural model (individualism-collectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, and uncertainty avoidance) at the individual level. Available instruments are either restricted to assessment at the country level (multidimensional measures), or they allow only capturing a single dimension. Additionally, no context-specific measures exist for schooling and education. In response, the current study piloted a contextspecific instrument which enables the simultaneous measurement of Hofstede's cultural dimensions at the individual level. Based on a sample of 80 teachers, a short questionnaire was constructed. With two items per scale, a 5-factor solution could be identified. Aside from one scale for masculinity-femininity, two separate scales emerged for individualism and collectivism, as well as for power distance (teacher and student perspective). For uncertainty avoidance, no scale could be found. Analyses indicated good psychometric properties and sufficient (content and discriminant) validity of the scales. In essence, the current study provided first evidence that Hofstede's cultural dimensions may simultaneously be assessed with a context-specific instrument for teachers at an individual level. On the basis of additional samples, further research should examine (construct and criterion) the validity of the extracted scale structure and investigate its predictive potential to unravel cultural variability in teacher's interaction with students at school

    Comparison of research and practice orientation between teacher and medical training

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    Im Lehramt existieren Bemühungen, evidenzbasiertes Handeln nach dem Vorbild der evidenzbasierten Medizin zu etablieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund vergleicht der Beitrag die Forschungs- und Praxisorientierung im Medizinstudium und im Lehramtsstudium anhand von Daten des NEPS. Unsere Analysen weisen aus Sicht der Studierenden eine stärkere Forschungs- und Praxisorientierung des Medizinstudiums auf. Der Befund wird mit Blick auf den Ruf nach einer evidenzorientierten Unterrichtspraxis diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)There are efforts to establish evidence-based action in teacher education similar to evidence-based medicine. Against this background, the present study compares the research as well as the practical orientation in medical and teacher education with data from the NEPS. Our analyses show that students assign a stronger research and practice orientation to medical education. This is discussed in terms of the call for evidence-oriented teaching practice. (DIPF/Orig.

    Informationsgestützte Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Situationen: Ein Lehrkonzept für die bildungswissenschaftliche Vorbereitung des Praxissemesters

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    In dem vorgestellten Lehrkonzept wird durch die Auseinandersetzung mit realen pädagogischen Situationen ein Vorgehen zur informationsbasierten Reflexion für das Praxissemester eingeübt. Das Konzept schließt an den aktuellen Diskurs zur Evidenzorientierung sowie an das professionstheoretische Modell metareflexiver Lehrerbildung an. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Situationen den (angehenden) Lehrkräften komplexe Fähigkeiten abverlangt, die u.a. die Wahrnehmung und das Verstehen einer Situation, die Informationssuche und -bewertung bildungs-wissenschaftlicher Theorien und Befunde, die argumentative und reflektierte Auseinandersetzung sowie das Ableiten alternativer Handlungen umfassen. Anhand eines Videofalls wird ein mehrschrittiger Reflexionsprozess eingeübt, der aus folgenden Elementen besteht: (1) die Beschreibung einer pädagogischen Situation, (2) die Erklärung der gewählten Situation anhand interner und externer Informationsquellen sowie (3) die Schlussfolgerung mit der Ableitung von Handlungsoptionen für die eigene professionelle Praxis. In der hier vorgestellten Form dient das Lehrkonzept als Trainingseinheit für praxissemesterbegleitende Reflexionsaufgaben in Form von Lerntagebüchern, die von den Studierenden verfasst werden und die sich auf selbst erlebte pädagogische Situationen an ihrer Praxissemesterschule beziehen

    Comparing pre-service teachers', in-service teachers' and educational researchers' evidence-informed reasoning about classroom situations – results of a mixed methods investigation

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    Pre-service teachers rarely engage in evidence-informed reasoning when they are confronted with problematic classroom situations. We argue that interventions that target pre-service teachers’ acquisition of evidence-informed reasoning skills should be informed by research that compares pre-service teachers’, in-service teachers’, and educational researchers’ evidenceinformed reasoning. We asked N = 55 pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and educational researchers to think aloud about a written classroom scenario and complete a retrospective interview on their evidence-informed reasoning. Results indicate that educational researchers describe problematic events more often than pre- and in-service teachers but do not seem to differ on a number of other reasoning activities. However, educational researchers more often refer to academic knowledge than pre- and in-service teachers. Pre- and in-service teachers do not seem to differ from each other, neither with respect to their reasoning activities nor concerning their use of academic knowledge. Additional qualitative analyses illustrate these findings

    Wie setzen sich angehende Lehrkräfte mit pädagogischen Situationen auseinander? Eine Analyse von Argumentationsstrukturen und genutzten Informationen

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    Die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Situationen ist eine bildungsrelevante Fähigkeit, die Lehrkräfte ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern vermitteln und die sie selbst im Sinne einer evidenzorientierten Praxis nutzen sollten, um ihre eigenen Entscheidungen in Bezug auf ihr professionelles Handeln zu begründen. Kritisches Denken zeigt sich in der Fähigkeit zu argumentieren und in der Art der genutzten Informationen (z.B. wissenschaftliches Wissen, Erfahrungen). Die Wahrnehmung, Darstellung und argumentative Abwägung verschiedener Positionen und Informationen weist insbesondere auf kritische Denkprozesse hin. In der vorliegenden Studie stellen wir daher die Fragen, (1) ob Lehramtsstudierende bei der schriftlichen und individuellen Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Situationen argumentieren und wenn ja, welche Struktur diese Argumentationen aufweisen, (2) welche Informationen sie bei der Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Situationen nutzen und (3) in welchem Zusammenhang genutzte Informationen mit der Argumentationsstruktur stehen. Wir analysierten 87 schriftliche Auseinandersetzungen von Studierenden im Master of Education, in denen sie eine schulische Situation auswählen, beschreiben und erklären sollten, und werteten diese Einträge mit einem qualitativ-quantifizierenden Vorgehen aus. Es wurden die Argumentationsstruktur (non-argumentation, einseitige Argumentation, zweiseitige Argumentation) sowie die Informationsintegration (intern, extern, intern und extern) mit einem eigens entwickelten Kodierschema untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Lehramtsstudierende vor allem einseitig argumentieren; ein Viertel der Studierenden integriert verschiedene Positionen im Sinne einer zweiseitigen Argumentation. Zudem nutzen Studierende bei der schriftlichen Auseinandersetzung größtenteils externe Informationen (z.B. Lehrbücher). Die Fähigkeit zweiseitig zu argumentieren steht darüber hinaus in Zusammenhang mit der Informationsintegration. Die Ergebnisse werden kritisch in Hinblick auf die Konsequenzen für die Lehrerbildung diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)Critical thinking is a relevant educational skill that teachers should im- part to their students and use themselves in an evidence-oriented practice to justify their own decisions regarding their professional actions. Critical thinking comprises the ability to argue and integrate different information (i.e. scientific knowledge to experiences). The perception, presentation and weighing of different positions and information points in particular to critical thinking-processes. In this study, we therefore ask the questions (1) whether teachers argue in their written examination of pedagogical situations and, if so, what structure these arguments have, (2) which information they use in dealing with pedagogical situations and (3) if the information used are related to the structure of arguments. We analyzed 87 written disputes of prospective teachers in which they should select, describe and explain a pedagogical situation they encountered. We evaluated these entries with a qualitative-quantifying approach. Argumentation structure (non-argumentation, one-sided argumentation, two-sided argumentation) as well as integration of information (in- ternal, external, internal & external) were examined with a newly developed coding scheme. The results show that prospective teachers argue mainly on the basis of one position; a quarter of students integrate different positions (two-sided argument with arguments and counter-arguments). In addition, students largely use external information (e.g. textbooks) within their written dispute and the ability to argue on two sides is related to the integration of information (combination of intern and extern information). The results will be critically discussed with regard to the consequences for teacher education. (DIPF/Orig.

    The context-specific cultural profiles to capture Hofstede: piloting a short questionnaire for teachers

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    Karina Schlingensiepen, Kati Trempler und Tobias Ringeisen setzen sich in ihrem Beitrag mit der Frage auseinander, wie ein geeigneter Fragebogen für Lehrer für die Erfassung von kulturellen Unterschieden unter Zuhilfenahme von Hofstedes Dimensionsmodell abgebildet werden kann.There is a lack of adequate instruments to capture the four dimensions of Hofstede’s cultural model (individualism- collectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, and uncertainty avoidance) at the individual level. Available instruments are either restricted to assessment at the country level (multidimensional measures), or they allow only capturing a single dimension. Additionally, no context-specific measures exist for schooling and education. In response, the current study piloted a contextspecific instrument which enables the simultaneous measurement of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions at the individual level. Based on a sample of 80 teachers, a short questionnaire was constructed. With two items per scale, a 5-factor solution could be identified. Aside from one scale for masculinity-femininity, two separate scales emerged for individualism and collectivism, as well as for power dis- tance (teacher and student perspective). For uncertainty avoidance, no scale could be found. Analyses indicated good psychometric properties and sufficient (content and discrimi- nant) validity of the scales. In essence, the current study provided first evidence that Hofstede’s cultural dimensions may simultaneously be assessed with a context-specific instrument for teachers at an individual level. On the basis of additional samples, further research should examine (construct and cri- terion) the validity of the extracted scale structure and inves- tigate its predictive potential to unravel cultural variability in teacher’s interaction with students at school

    Integrating information from multiple texts relates to pre-service teachers\u27 epistemic products for reflective teaching practice.

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    Integrating information from multiple texts is a core aspect of pre-service teachers\u27 preparation for reflective teaching practice. This study connects research on multiple text use with teachers\u27 epistemic reflexivity. Using qualitative content analysis, we investigate how information is integrated to explain real pedagogical situations in essays by 87 pre-service teachers. Competent text integration was related to a higher number of reflexive statements. These analyses are supplemented with an expert rating, showing that essays with competent text integration were rated higher on the quality of their conclusions for professional teaching practice than those without substantial text integration. (DIPF/Orig.

    Two sides of the same coin? A comparison of research and practice orientation for teachers and doctors

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    Teacher training and medical degrees prepare students for evidence-based practice. This study examines how the learning opportunities of both programmes qualify students for this. Until now, a large-scale perspective on the university courses of student teachers and medical students in Germany has been lacking. The present study aims to fill this gap by comparing learning opportunities in teacher training and medical degrees. Three research questions are addressed: (1) Are the learning opportunities oriented to research and practice? (2) How are the learning opportunities designed didactically? (3) Which didactic designs are related to research orientation and practice orientation? NEPS-data from student teachers (N = 6322) and medical students (N = 1063) were used for the analyses. On this basis, implications for the design of teacher training learning opportunities are discussed

    Nutzung von Evidenz im Bildungsbereich. Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung von Kompetenzen der Informationsauswahl und Bewertung von Studien

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    Evidenzbasierte Praxis kann nach dem Vorbild der Medizin als reflektierte Nutzung der besten verfügbaren empirischen Befunde für die berufliche Tätigkeit beschrieben werden. Dies stellt eine komplexe Anforderung für pädagogisches Personal dar. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung der dafür benötigten Kompetenz. Im Fokus stehen die beiden Teilkompetenzen Informationsauswahl und Bewertung von Studien. An der Studie nahmen 341 Studierende aus erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen teil. Es wurde ein fallbasierter Online-Test für Informationsauswahl und Bewertung von Studien durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse liefern Hinweise für die Trennbarkeit der beiden Teilkompetenzen und zeigen plausible Zusammenhänge zu weiteren Variablen. (DIPF/Orig.)Following the model of medicine, evidence-based practice can be characterized as the conscientious use of the best currently available empirical evidence in professional practice. This is a complex challenge for educational practitioners. The goal of this paper is to validate an instrument for the measurement of the required competence. The focus is on the two sub-competences of information selection and evaluation of studies. The participants were 341 students from degree programs in education. They completed a case-based online test for information selection and evaluation of studies. The results indicate that the two sub-competences can be separated and exhibit plausible correlations to other variables. (DIPF/Orig.