96 research outputs found

    Vineyard and winery indicators of 'Shiraz' must fermentation behaviour

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    Nitrogen supply and rootstock have important consequences for the composition and quantity of nitrogenous compounds in the must, both of which impact on fermentation rate and wine quality. In the Sunraysia district (SE Australia), musts prepared from 'Shiraz' grapes from vines grafted onto three rootstocks and supplied with five different nitrogen (N) regimes were fermented to dryness. Leaf N at flowering and veraison, and berry and juice total N at harvest was influenced by N supply, but the juice total assimilable amino N pool was less sensitive. Consumption rate of soluble solids during fermentation was strongly and positively linearly related to %N in the petioles at veraison. The relationship described could be the basis of a tool to provide oenologists with timely data before harvest and receival on likely fermentation behaviour of specific parcels of grapes, and provide viticulturalists with another recognisable developmental stage to assess the efficacy of vineyard N management strategies within a season.

    On the Adjoint Operator in Photoacoustic Tomography

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    Photoacoustic Tomography (PAT) is an emerging biomedical "imaging from coupled physics" technique, in which the image contrast is due to optical absorption, but the information is carried to the surface of the tissue as ultrasound pulses. Many algorithms and formulae for PAT image reconstruction have been proposed for the case when a complete data set is available. In many practical imaging scenarios, however, it is not possible to obtain the full data, or the data may be sub-sampled for faster data acquisition. In such cases, image reconstruction algorithms that can incorporate prior knowledge to ameliorate the loss of data are required. Hence, recently there has been an increased interest in using variational image reconstruction. A crucial ingredient for the application of these techniques is the adjoint of the PAT forward operator, which is described in this article from physical, theoretical and numerical perspectives. First, a simple mathematical derivation of the adjoint of the PAT forward operator in the continuous framework is presented. Then, an efficient numerical implementation of the adjoint using a k-space time domain wave propagation model is described and illustrated in the context of variational PAT image reconstruction, on both 2D and 3D examples including inhomogeneous sound speed. The principal advantage of this analytical adjoint over an algebraic adjoint (obtained by taking the direct adjoint of the particular numerical forward scheme used) is that it can be implemented using currently available fast wave propagation solvers.Comment: submitted to "Inverse Problems

    Estimation of Execution Parameters for k-Wave Simulations

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    Estimation of execution parameters takes centre stage in automatic offloading of complex biomedical workflows to cloud and high performance facilities. Since ordinary users have no or very limited knowledge of the performance characteristics of particular tasks in the workflow, the scheduling system has to have the capabilities to select appropriate amount of compute resources, e.g., compute nodes, GPUs, or processor cores and estimate the execution time and cost. The presented approach considers a fixed set of executables that can be used to create custom workflows, and collects performance data of successfully computed tasks. Since the workflows may differ in the structure and size of the input data, the execution parameters can only be obtained by searching the performance database and interpolating between similar tasks. This paper shows it is possible to predict the execution time and cost with a high confidence. If the task parameters are found in the performance database, the mean interpolation error stays below 2.29%. If only similar tasks are found, the mean interpolation error may grow up to 15%. Nevertheless, this is still an acceptable error since the cluster performance may vary on order of percent as well

    Experimental study of beam distortion due to fiducial markers during salvage HIFU in the prostate

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    BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer is frequently treated using external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). Prior to therapy, the prostate is commonly implanted with a small number of permanent fiducial markers used to monitor the position of the prostate during therapy. In the case of local cancer recurrence, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) provides a non-invasive salvage treatment option. However, the impact of the fiducial markers on HIFU treatment has not been thoroughly studied to date. The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate the effect of a single EBRT fiducial marker on the efficacy of HIFU treatment delivery using a tissue-mimicking material (TMM). METHODS: A TMM with the acoustic properties of the prostate was developed based on a polyacrylamide hydrogel containing bovine serum albumin. Each phantom was implanted with a cylindrical fiducial marker and then sonicated using a 3.3 MHz focused bowl HIFU transducer. Two sets of experiments were performed. In the first, a single lesion was created at different positions along either the anteroposterior or left-right axes relative to the marker. In the second, a larger ablation volume was created by raster scanning. The size and position of the ablated volume were assessed using a millimetre grid overlaid on the phantom. RESULTS: The impact of the marker on the position and size of the HIFU lesion was significant when the transducer focus was positioned within 7 mm anteriorly, 18 mm posteriorly or within 3 mm laterally of the marker. Beyond this, the generated lesion was not affected. When the focus was anterior to the marker, the lesion increased in size due to reflections. When the focus was posterior, the lesion decreased in size or was not present due to shadowing. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of an EBRT fiducial marker may result in an undertreated region beyond the marker due to reduced energy arriving at the focus, and an overtreated region in front of the marker due to reflections. Depending on the position of the targeted regions and the distribution of the markers, both effects may be undesirable and reduce treatment efficacy. Further work is necessary to investigate whether these results indicate the necessity to reconsider patient selection and treatment planning for prostate salvage HIFU after failed EBRT

    Performance Evaluation of Pseudospectral Ultrasound Simulations on a Cluster of Xeon Phi Accelerators

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    The rapid development of novel procedures in medical ultrasonics, including treatment planning in therapeutic ultrasound and image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography, leads to increasing demand for large-scale ultrasound simulations. However, routine execution of such simulations using traditional methods, e.g., finite difference time domain, is expensive and often considered intractable due to the computational and memory requirements. The k-space corrected pseudospectral time domain method used by the k-Wave toolbox allows for significant reductions in spatial and temporal grid resolution. These improvements are achieved at the cost of all-to-all communication, which are inherent to the multi-dimensional fast Fourier transforms. To improve data locality, reduce communication and allow efficient use of accelerators, we recently implemented a domain decomposition technique based on a local Fourier basis. In this paper, we investigate whether it is feasible to run the distributed k-Wave implementation on the Salomon cluster equipped with 864 Intel Xeon Phi (Knight’s Corner) accelerators. The results show the immaturity of the KNC platform with issues ranging from limited support of Infiniband and LustreFS in Intel MPI on this platform to poor performance of 3D FFTs achieved by Intel MKL on the KNC architecture. Yet, we show that it is possible to achieve strong and weak scaling comparable to CPU-only platforms albeit with the runtime 1.8× to 4.3× longer. However, the accounting policy for Salomon’s accelerators is far more favorable and thus their employment reduces the computational cost significantly

    AnĂ lisi de l'empresa a partir de l'estat de fluxos d'efectiu

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    La finalitat bàsica d’aquesta tesi doctoral ha consistit en determinar d’una banda la rellevància de l’Estat de fluxos d’efectiu (EFE), dins de l’anàlisi d’estats comptables, demostrant que per poder realitzar una anàlisi complet de la situació patrimonial, econòmica i financera de l’empresa és imprescindible l’estudi i anàlisi de l’EFE i d’altra banda fer una proposta metodològica amb la finalitat de millorar l’actual estructura de l’EFE que ens presenta el Pla general de comptabilitat actual. Els objectius secundaris d’aquest treball d’investigació han estat determinar la importància de l’EFE en l’anàlisi de la situació financera a curt termini; demostrar la importància de l’activitat econòmica en l’estudi d’aquest document; i per últim demostrar la vàlua de la informació que aquest document aporta de forma individualitzada de les diferents activitats que l’empresa desenvolupa i sobre el grau d’interrelació existent entre elles.La finalidad básica de esta tesis doctoral ha consistido en determinar la relevancia del Estado de flujos de efectivo (EFE), dentro del análisis de estados contables, demostrando que para poder realizar un análisis completo de la situación patrimonial, económica y financiera de la empresa es imprescindible el estudio y análisis del EFE y por otro lado hacer una propuesta metodológica con el fin de mejorar la actual estructura del EFE que nos presenta el Plan general de contabilidad actual. Los objetivos secundarios de este trabajo de investigación han sido determinar la importancia del EFE en el análisis de la situación financiera a corto plazo; demostrar la importancia de la actividad económica en el estudio de este documento; y por último demostrar la importancia de la información que este documento aporta de forma individualizada de las diferentes actividades que la empresa desarrolla y sobre el grado de interrelación existente entre ellas

    Generating Bessel beams with broad depth-of-field by using phase-only acoustic holograms

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    [EN] We report zero-th and high-order acoustic Bessel beams with broad depth-of-field generated using acoustic holograms. While the transverse field distribution of Bessel beams generated using traditional passive methods is correctly described by a Bessel function, these methods present a common drawback: the axial distribution of the field is not constant, as required for ideal Bessel beams. In this work, we experimentally, numerically and theoretically report acoustic truncated Bessel beams of flat-intensity along their axis in the ultrasound regime using phase-only holograms. In particular, the beams present a uniform field distribution showing an elongated focal length of about 40 wavelengths, while the transverse width of the beam remains smaller than 0.7 wavelengths. The proposed acoustic holograms were compared with 3D-printed fraxicons, a blazed version of axicons. The performance of both phase-only holograms and fraxicons is studied and we found that both lenses produce Bessel beams in a wide range of frequencies. In addition, high-order Bessel beam were generated. We report first order Bessel beams that show a clear phase dislocation along their axis and a vortex with single topological charge. The proposed method may have potential applications in ultrasonic imaging, biomedical ultrasound and particle manipulation applications using passive lenses.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MINECO) through Project TEC2016-80976-R. NJ and SJ acknowledge financial support from Generalitat Valenciana through grants APOSTD/2017/042, ACIF/2017/045 and GV/2018/11. FC acknowledges financial support from Agencia Valenciana de la Innovacio through grant INNCON00/18/9 and European Regional Development Fund (IDIFEDER/2018/022).Jiménez-Gambín, S.; Jimenez, N.; Benlloch Baviera, JM.; Camarena Femenia, F. (2019). Generating Bessel beams with broad depth-of-field by using phase-only acoustic holograms. Scientific Reports. 9:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56369-zS1139Durnin, J. Exact solutions for nondiffracting beams. i. the scalar theory. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 4, 651 (1987).Durnin, J., Miceli, J. Jr & Eberly, J. Diffraction-free beams. Physical review letters 58, 1499 (1987).Chu, X. Analytical study on the self-healing property of Bessel beam. Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 259 (2012).McLeod, E., Hopkins, A. B. & Arnold, C. B. Multiscale Bessel beams generated by a tunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens. Opt. Lett. 31, 3155 (2006).Li, Z., Alici, K. B., Caglayan, H. & Ozbay, E. Generation of an axially asymmetric Bessel-like beam from a metallic subwavelength aperture. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 143901 (2009).Fahrbach, F. & Rohrbach, A. Propagation stability of self-reconstructing Bessel beams enables contrast-enhanced imaging in thick media. Nat. 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    A practical guide to photoacoustic tomography in the life sciences

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    The life sciences can benefit greatly from imaging technologies that connect microscopic discoveries with macroscopic observations. One technology uniquely positioned to provide such benefits is photoacoustic tomography (PAT), a sensitive modality for imaging optical absorption contrast over a range of spatial scales at high speed. In PAT, endogenous contrast reveals a tissue's anatomical, functional, metabolic, and histologic properties, and exogenous contrast provides molecular and cellular specificity. The spatial scale of PAT covers organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and small animals. Consequently, PAT is complementary to other imaging modalities in contrast mechanism, penetration, spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. We review the fundamentals of PAT and provide practical guidelines for matching PAT systems with research needs. We also summarize the most promising biomedical applications of PAT, discuss related challenges, and envision PAT's potential to lead to further breakthroughs
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