81 research outputs found

    The BIM2LCA approach: An industry foundation classes (IFC)-based interface to integrate life cycle assessment in integral planning

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    An increasing degree of digitalization in construction planning offers significant potential for building life cycle assessment (LCA) to reduce access barriers, as well as the assessment effort itself. To realize the widespread application of LCA tools and their potential to effectively minimize life cycle impacts, an open approach is required that allows for flexible application of comprehensive LCA studies and early integration in planning processes. The authors present an approach for LCA integration in all phases of digital planning which aims at a DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen) certification based on the open Building Information Modeling (BIM) standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). The approach takes into account varying levels of development and resulting data availability during integral planning phases, as well as resulting LCA application contexts. It goes beyond existing strategies and allows one to consider both BIM and LCA software through a workflow based on a single data format. The assessment framework is operationalized through standardized interface development and technical realization following the information delivery manual (IDM) process standardized for IFC interfaces. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema, as a specific implementation for certification, provides the target system for LCA data requirements and is generalized to a planning phase specific IDM base table. The technical realization based on respective model view definitions and distributed data suggests a pathway to the standardization of LCA-IFC integration based on an open approach. The overall approach exemplarily applies to the “LERNZENTRUM” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) campus. We conclude that an open BIM approach for LCA integration in model-based planning is feasible, but requires several adjustments in IFC, LCA, and planning practice. Adding a lifecycle element to the IFC to connect BIM and LCA provides comprehensive feedback for informed decision making based on environmental impact

    Interactions between fauna and sediment control the breakdown of plant matter in river sediments

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    1. A substantial portion of particulate organic matter (POM) is stored in the sediment of rivers and streams. Leaf litter breakdown as an ecosystem process mediated by microorganisms and invertebrates is well documented in surface waters. In contrast, this process and especially the implication for invertebrates in subsurface environments remain poorly studied. 2. In the hyporheic zone, sediment grain size distribution exerts a strong influence on hydrodynamics and habitability for invertebrates. We expected that the influence of shredders on organic matter breakdown in river sediments would be influenced strongly by the physical structure of the interstitial habitat. 3. To test this hypothesis, the influence of gammarids (shredders commonly encountered in the hyporheos) on degradation of buried leaf litter was measured in experimental systems (slow filtration columns). We manipulated the structure of the sedimentary habitat by addition of sand to a gravel-based sediment column to reproduce three conditions of accessible pore volume. Ten gammarids were introduced in columns together with litter bags containing alder leaves at a depth of 8 cm in sediment. Leaves were collected after 28 days to determine leaf mass loss and associated microbial activity (fungal biomass, bacterial abundance and glucosidase, xylosidase and aminopeptidase activities). 4. As predicted, the consumption of buried leaf litter by shredders was strongly influenced by the sediment structure. Effective porosity of 35% and 25% allowed the access to buried leaf litter for gammarids, whereas a lower porosity (12%) did not. As a consequence, leaf litter breakdown rates in columns with 35% and 25% effective porosity were twice as high as in the 12% condition. Microbial activity was poorly stimulated by gammarids, suggesting a low microbial contribution to leaf mass loss and a direct effect of gammarids through feeding activity. 5. Our results show that breakdown of POM in subsurface waters depends on the accessibility of food patches to shredders

    Two microcrustaceans affect microbial and macroinvertebrate-driven litter breakdown

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    1. Leaf litter degradation in fresh waters is a fundamental ecosystem process performed by a wide array of decomposers. The meiofauna is an important component of aquatic heterotrophic assemblages, which can provide a trophic link between plant detritus and associated microbial and macroinvertebrate communities, but their contribution to leaf breakdown remains poorly understood. 2. We hypothesised that, through their feeding activity, microcrustaceans influence the structure of fungal assemblages and consequently microbially mediated litter breakdown. Litter-associated microcrustaceans were predicted to change the pathways of energy transfer in the food web according to the positive (e.g. complementarity) or negative (e.g. predation) interactions with macroinvertebrate detritivore taxa. 3. We evaluated experimentally in the laboratory, over 6 and 13 days, the potential contribution of two freshwater microcrustaceans (a cladoceran and a copepod) to litter breakdown in the presence of microfungi (aquatic hyphomycetes), with and without macroinvertebrate detritivores (a trichopteran and a gammarid amphipod). 4. The presence of microcrustaceans enhanced leaf mass loss by 62 and 22% in treatments with fungi or trichopteran alone, respectively, while no significant effect was observed for treatments with the amphipod. Microcrustaceans strongly increased the production of fine particulate organic matter, particularly in treatments with fungi alone (+637%). The leaf consumption rate by the amphipod significantly decreased ( 61%) at 13 days in the presence of microcrustaceans, likely due to predation on cladocerans. 5. Our study supports the potential role of microcrustaceans in the detrital food web of streams and rivers. Interestingly, microcrustaceans may interact with microbial and macroinvertebrate decomposers in either positive or negative ways. Therefore, microcrustaceans add complexity to detrital food webs by increasing vertical diversity and modulating biotic interactions with important consequences for carbon and energy transfers in stream ecosystems

    Transgenic nematodes as biosensors for metal stress in soil pore water samples

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    Caenorhabditis elegans strains carrying stress-reporter green fluorescent protein transgenes were used to explore patterns of response to metals. Multiple stress pathways were induced at high doses by most metals tested, including members of the heat shock, oxidative stress, metallothionein (mtl) and xenobiotic response gene families. A mathematical model (to be published separately) of the gene regulatory circuit controlling mtl production predicted that chemically similar divalent metals (classic inducers) should show additive effects on mtl gene induction, whereas chemically dissimilar metals should show interference. These predictions were verified experimentally; thus cadmium and mercury showed additive effects, whereas ferric iron (a weak inducer) significantly reduced the effect of mercury. We applied a similar battery of tests to diluted samples of soil pore water extracted centrifugally after mixing 20% w/w ultrapure water with air-dried soil from an abandoned lead/zinc mine in the Murcia region of Spain. In addition, metal contents of both soil and soil pore water were determined by ICP-MS, and simplified mixtures of soluble metal salts were tested at equivalent final concentrations. The effects of extracted soil pore water (after tenfold dilution) were closely mimicked by mixtures of its principal component ions, and even by the single most prevalent contaminant (zinc) alone, though other metals modulated its effects both positively and negatively. In general, mixtures containing similar (divalent) metal ions exhibited mainly additive effects, whereas admixture of dissimilar (e.g. trivalent) ions often resulted in interference, reducing overall levels of stress-gene induction. These findings were also consistent with model predictions

    Monophyly of clade III nematodes is not supported by phylogenetic analysis of complete mitochondrial genome sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The orders Ascaridida, Oxyurida, and Spirurida represent major components of zooparasitic nematode diversity, including many species of veterinary and medical importance. Phylum-wide nematode phylogenetic hypotheses have mainly been based on nuclear rDNA sequences, but more recently complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) gene sequences have provided another source of molecular information to evaluate relationships. Although there is much agreement between nuclear rDNA and mtDNA phylogenies, relationships among certain major clades are different. In this study we report that mtDNA sequences do not support the monophyly of Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Spirurida (clade III) in contrast to results for nuclear rDNA. Results from mtDNA genomes show promise as an additional independently evolving genome for developing phylogenetic hypotheses for nematodes, although substantially increased taxon sampling is needed for enhanced comparative value with nuclear rDNA. Ultimately, topological incongruence (and congruence) between nuclear rDNA and mtDNA phylogenetic hypotheses will need to be tested relative to additional independent loci that provide appropriate levels of resolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For this comparative phylogenetic study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of three nematode species, <it>Cucullanus robustus </it>(13,972 bp) representing Ascaridida, <it>Wellcomia </it><it>siamensis </it>(14,128 bp) representing Oxyurida, and <it>Heliconema longissimum </it>(13,610 bp) representing Spirurida. These new sequences were used along with 33 published nematode mitochondrial genomes to investigate phylogenetic relationships among chromadorean orders. Phylogenetic analyses of both nucleotide and amino acid sequence datasets support the hypothesis that Ascaridida is nested within Rhabditida. The position of Oxyurida within Chromadorea varies among analyses; in most analyses this order is sister to the Ascaridida plus Rhabditida clade, with representative Spirurida forming a distinct clade, however, in one case Oxyurida is sister to Spirurida. Ascaridida, Oxyurida, and Spirurida (the sampled clade III taxa) do not form a monophyletic group based on complete mitochondrial DNA sequences. Tree topology tests revealed that constraining clade III taxa to be monophyletic, given the mtDNA datasets analyzed, was a significantly worse result.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The phylogenetic hypotheses from comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome data (analysis of nucleotide and amino acid datasets, and nucleotide data excluding 3<sup>rd </sup>positions) indicates that nematodes representing Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Spirurida do not share an exclusive most recent common ancestor, in contrast to published results based on nuclear ribosomal DNA. Overall, mtDNA genome data provides reliable support for nematode relationships that often corroborates findings based on nuclear rDNA. It is anticipated that additional taxonomic sampling will provide a wealth of information on mitochondrial genome evolution and sequence data for developing phylogenetic hypotheses for the phylum Nematoda.</p


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    Debus R, Klein W, Traunspurger W. Ökotoxikologie. In: Kuttler W, ed. Handbuch zur Ökologie. Handbücher zur angewandten Umweltforschung. Vol 1. Berlin: Analytica; 1992: 298-305

    Öko(tox)ikologische Beurteilung von Gewässerverunreinigungen

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    Steinberg C, Brüggemann R, Traunspurger W. Öko(tox)ikologische Beurteilung von Gewässerverunreinigungen. In: Frimmel FH, ed. Wasser und Gewässer : ein Handbuch. Spektrum Umwelt. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; 1999: 447-505

    6.3 Fadenwürmer (Nematoda).

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    Seiml-Buchinger R, Traunspurger W. 6.3 Fadenwürmer (Nematoda). In: Gerecke R, Franz H, eds. Quellen im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Lebensgemeinschaften als Indikatoren des Klimawandels. Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Vol 51. Berchtesgaden: Nationalparkverwaltung; 2006: 104-113