55 research outputs found

    Accessible versions of figures from Tratnyek et al. (2017) "In silico environmental chemical science: Properties and processes from statistical and computational modelling"

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    <p>Accessible versions of selected figures from Tratnyek et al. (2017) "In silico environmental chemical science: Properties and processes from statistical and computational modelling" Environ. Sci. Processes Impacts 19(3): 188-202. DOI: 10.1039/C7EM00053G.</p> <p>The Abstract Art figure shows a classification of variables for predictive/diagnostic models used in silico environmental chemical science, in terms of system scales and variable types. Figure 3 shows a continuum of system scales encompassing the whole scope of predictive/diagnostic modelling for in silico environmental chemical sciences, juxtaposing earth and biological scales. The published version of Figure 3 is tall, for two-column page-layouts, but a wide version of Figure 3 is provided for landscape oriented formats.</p> <p>This work is from the perspectives/review paper at the beginning of a themed issue on "Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs) and Computational Chemistry Methods in the Environmental Chemical Sciences", published in the March 2017 issue of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Environmental Sciences: Process and Impacts. The whole collection of papers can be accessed at rsc.li/qsars.</p

    Photoeffects on the Reduction of Carbon Tetrachloride by Zero-Valent Iron

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    Rapid Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo- p

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    Effects of Solution Chemistry on the Dechlorination of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane by Zero-Valent Zinc

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    The reactivity of zerovalent zinc (ZVZ) toward 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP) was evaluated under a variety of solution conditions, including deionized water, groundwater, and artificial groundwater, over a pH range of about 6.5–12. In deionized water, first-order rate constants for TCP disappearance (<i>k</i><sub>obs</sub>) exhibit a broad minimum between pH 8 and 10, with increasing <i>k</i><sub>obs</sub> observed at lower and higher pH. The similarity between this trend and zinc oxide (ZnO) solubility behavior suggests pH related changes to the ZnO surface layer strongly influence ZVZ reactivity. Values of <i>k</i><sub>obs</sub> measured in acidic groundwater are similar to those measured in DI water, whereas values measured in alkaline groundwater are much smaller (>1 order of magnitude at pH values >10). Characterization of the surfaces of ZVZ exposed to deionized water, acidic groundwater, and alkaline groundwater suggests that the slower rates obtained in alkaline groundwater are related to the presence of a morphologically distinct surface film that passivates the ZVZ surface. TCP degradation rates in artificial groundwater containing individual solutes present in groundwater suggest that silicate anions contribute to the formation of this passivating film
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