46 research outputs found

    Hate crimes: incitement and hate speech (art. 510 CP)

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    Este trabajo muestra un estudio sobre los delitos de odio, más concretamente el delito de discurso del odio o delito de incitación al odio, conceptos todos ellos con un gran desarrollo histórico. Por ello, se aborda su origen en distintos ordenamientos jurídicos (como el americano, pasando por el europeo y acabando con nuestro propio sistema), lo que demuestra que estas acciones no son problema de un solo país. En el trabajo se ofrece además un análisis de los principales elementos objetivos y subjetivos de los tipos penales del Art. 510 CP y se tratará también la interesante cuestión de si y cómo su regulación choca con derechos fundamentales como el derecho a la libertad de expresión. Con el avance de las tecnologías en el mundo moderno, no es de olvidar una pequeña mención a cómo estas expresiones de incitación de odio cobran protagonismo en Internet y las redes sociales.This piece of work presents a formal study about hate crimes, specifically about incitement to hatred and hate speech crimes, concepts that have developed during long periods of time. Due to their extensive history, we will focus on a study of its origins in different legal systems (such as the American, the European and our own Spanish one), which will show that hate expression is a worldwide problem. The work also offers an analysis of the main elements of the criminal offences: mens rea and actus reus, also it will be discussed the interesting question of how hate speech is against human rights. An example of it would be the freedom of expression. Another important issue we must take into consideration is the massive increase in technology usage by society. This technological boom has made incitement to hatrred and hate expressions extremely common on the Internet and social networking sites.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    Decoupling between precipitation processes and mountain wave induced circulations observed with a vertically pointing K-Band Doppler radar

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    Recent studies reported that precipitation and mountain waves induced low tropospheric level circulations may be decoupled or masked by greater spatial scale variability despite generally there is a connection between microphysical processes of precipitation and mountain driven air flows. In this paper we analyse two periods of a winter storm in the Eastern Pyrenees mountain range (NE Spain) with different mountain wave induced circulations and low-level turbulence as revealed by Micro Rain Radar (MRR), microwave radiometer and Parsivel disdrometer data during the Cerdanya-2017 field campaign. We find that during the event studied mountain wave wind circulations and low-level turbulence do not affect neither the snow crystal riming or aggregation along the vertical column nor the surface particle size distribution of the snow. This study illustrates that precipitation profiles and mountain induced circulations may be decoupled which can be very relevant for either ground-based or spaceborne remote sensing of precipitation

    Indicadores para el análisis de la evolución del espesor del manto de nieve en las estaciones de esquí: el caso de Andorra

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]En el marco del proyecto CLIM-PY (POCTEFA 2014-2020, Ref.AUEP002-AND / 2015) se elaboró una base de datos transfronteriza entre Francia, España y Andorra de temperatura, precipitación y espesor de nieve con control de calidad y homogeneidad de la información instrumental disponible por parte de los servicios meteorológicos de cada país. En el caso de estudio del manto nivoso, las series de Andorra son de especial interés debido a su localización y calidad. Por un lado, están disponibles las estaciones de Ransol y Engolasters, ubicadas a más de 1500m de altitud con una longitud climática importante (1935-hasta la actualidad). Por otro lado, se encuentran los datos de las estaciones de esquí con altitudes por encima de los 1600m, con disponibilidad de observaciones cuando la estación está operativa. Este trabajo se focaliza en el estudio de las tendencias climáticas de nieve en las estaciones mencionadas con un mínimo de continuidad del manto nivoso, a partir de los datos diarios disponibles. Los resultados preliminares han permitido caracterizar de forma objetiva las temporadas de esquí en excedentarias, normales y deficitarias. Esta clasificación, se ha completado con un análisis de la evolución temporal de los indicadores específicos para el estudio del manto nivoso. En las estaciones más meridionales destaca una disminución del número de días de nieve con manto superior a medio metro.[EN]In the framework of the CLIM-PY project (POCTEFA 2014-2020, Ref. AUEP002- AND / 2015) a cross-border database was developed between France, Spain and Andorra for temperature, precipitation and snow depth with quality control and homogeneity of the instrumental information available from the meteorological services of each country. In the case of the study of the snowpack, the Andorran series are of special interest due to their location and quality. On the one hand, the Ransol and Engolasters stations are available, located at an altitude of more than 1500m, with no data gaps and with an important climatic length (1935-present). On the other hand, here are data from ski resorts with an altitude above 1600m but with observations only when the resort is operational. This work focuses on the study of the climatic snow trends in ski resorts with a minimum of snowpack continuity, based on the available and consolidated daily data (Engolasters has been discarded in this case). The preliminary results have made it possible to objectively characterise the ski seasons as surplus, normal and deficit. This classification has been completed with an analysis of the temporal evolution of the specific indicators for the study of the snowpack. In the most southerly resorts, there was a decrease in the number of snow days with more than half meter of snow cover.Andorra Recerca + Innovació agradece las ayudas complementarias del 2015 del Govern d’Andorra POCTEFA 2014-2020, Ref. AUEP002-AND / 2015

    Estudio de viabilidad económica de la implantación de bioceldas en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales

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    Las aguas residuales generadas en la industria de los zumos se caracterizan entre otras cosas por presentar altas concentraciones de materia orgánica, la cual es muy costosa de eliminar con los tratamientos que existen actualmente.En los últimos años están surgiendo numerosos estudios en torno al uso de celdas de combustible microbiológicas o bioceldas como método de tratamiento de aguas residuales. En este artículo se ha realizado un estudio de viabilidad económica de la implantación de 10 bioceldas para tratar las aguas residuales generadas en una industria de este tipo. Para ello, se analizaron tres posibles escenarios que podrían darse utilizando estos sistemas y se compararon los resultados obtenidos con el uso de un reactor convencional de fangos activos. Los resultados obtenidos para el VAN mostraron que la utilizaciónde bioceldas podría proporcionar un ahorro comprendido entre un 10 y 20 % aproximadamente dependiendo de si es un escenario pesimista u optimista, respectivamente, teniendo en cuenta un tiempo de vida de la planta de 15 años. El área de electrodo por celda considerada en este estudio fue de 0,36 m2, la cual dio lugar a densidades de potencia algo más altas que las encontradas en la bibliografía. Por ello, se decidió realizar un análisis de sensibilidad considerando áreas de electrodo de 0,5 m2 y 0,8 m2 en las bioceldas. Se encontró que aún utilizandoáreas de 0,5 m2 el VAN seguiría siendo positivo en todos los escenarios considerados y para el valor de 0,8 m2 se obtuvieron también resultados favorables en el escenario optimista. Estos resultados muestran que siempre que se cumplan los criterios establecidos en este estudio, la depuración mediante bioceldas en una industria de este tipo podría ser una alternativa más rentable que la depuración convencional mediante fangos activos

    Estudios de caso. El desarrollo de competencias en la formación inicial de docentes en Andalucía después de Bolonia (EEES). Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad de Córdoba)

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    Esta colección tiene una serie de informes generales y 8 estudios de casos. Este volumen es el informe del Estudio de casos desarrollado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Todos los autores y autoras de este documento autorizan a Encarnación Soto Gómez a depositarlo en RIUMA.Los hallazgos de esta investigación se recogen en diferentes informes que componen una mirada compleja y contrastada a la formación inicial de Andalucía en el Grado de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria 10 años después de la puesta en marcha del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y 30 años después de la investigación desarrollada por el mismo Grupo de investigación: (1991-1993) del Plan Nacional de Investigación “Las prácticas de enseñanza en la formación inicial en las escuelas universitarias de formación de profesorado de Andalucía” (PB90-0813). La colección se compone de: • Un informe documental de las estructuras, condiciones y planes de estudio de las 8 Facultades implicadas. • Un informe de grandes muestras recogiendo la opinión de estudiantes y profesorado implicado en cada uno de los Títulos • 8 estudios de caso, uno por cada una de las Facultades implicadas. Investigadores principales: Ángel I. Pérez y Encarna Soto Investigadores: Noelia Alcaraz; Javier Barquin; Nieves Blanco; Ester Caparrós; Soledad de la Blanca; Manuel Fernandez; Isabel Fernández; Monsalud Gallardo; Elena García; Rosario Gutíerrez; Gonzalo Maldonado; Diego Martín; Ana Márquez; Mª Jose Mayorga; Laura; Muñoz; Laura Pañagua; Noemí Peña; Laura Pérez; Cristina Rodríguez; Mª del Pilar Sepúlveda; Mª José Serván; Eduardo SierraProyecto de investigación financiado: UMA18-FEDERJA-127. El desarrollo de competencias en la formación inicial de docentes en Andalucía después de Bolonia (EEES). Un estudio comparativo 25 años después. Grupo de Investigación HUM 311. Web. http://repensarlaeducacion.e

    Inoculum and infection dynamics of Polystigma amygdalinum in almond orchards in Spain

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    Red leaf blotch (RLB) disease of almond, caused by Polystigma amygdalinum, is an important foliar disease in most production regions of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East because severe infections may cause a premature defoliation of the tree. Some key aspects on the epidemiology of P. amygdalinum were studied in multiyear trials in two almond-growing regions in Spain, which included the seasonal development of perithecia and production and germination of ascospores along with the disease incubation and plant infectivity periods. Our results showed that primary inoculum was available in extended periods (January to August). Significant differences in ascospore amounts among regions, higher in the southern Andalusia and lower in the northern Catalonia, and years of study were detected. The factors geographical location, sampling period, and evaluation year were found significant on the development of P. amygdalinum perithecia. Variable ascospore germination rates were observed from April to July: >15% but rarely exceeding 30%. The RLB infectivity period in Catalonia extended from March to mid-June, whereas in Andalusia it was from March to May. The incubation period was mainly in a range of 5 to 10 weeks in Catalonia. The environmental conditions of October to January influence the available ascospore amounts in the next season. RLB infection occurs in spring to summer when mean temperatures are in the range 10 to 20°C. These results represent the first step in developing a prediction model of the disease that might serve as a tool for the control of RLB.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Vertical structure and microphysical observations of winter precipitation in an inner valley during the Cerdanya-2017 field campaign

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    Precipitation processes at windward and leeward sides of the mountains have been object of study for many decades. Instead, inner mountain valleys, where usually most mountain population lives, have received considerably less attention. This article examines precipitation processes during a winter field campaign in an inner valley of the Pyrenees (NE Spain) using, among other instruments, a K-band vertically pointing Doppler radar (Micro Rain Radar) and a laser-based optical disdrometer (Parsivel). A decoupling is found between the stalled air of the valley and the air of the free atmosphere above the mountain crest level, evidenced by an increase of turbulence and spectral width of precipitation particles. Wind shear layer may promote riming and aggregation of the ice and snow particles. Two main rainfall regimes are found during the campaign: (1) stratiform rainfall mostly produced by water vapour deposition processes, although sometimes riming and aggregation become important, and (2) weak convection with slight dominance of collision-coalescence processes. Precipitation characteristics at the bottom of the valley show typical continental features such as low Liquid Water Content, despite the valley is only about 100 km from the sea. This study demonstrates that inner valley may present distinct precipitation features with respect to windward and leeward precipitation

    The Avalanche of Les Fonts d'Arinsal (Andorra): An Example of a Pure Powder, Dry Snow Avalanche

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    On 8th February 1996, in the north-western part of Andorra in the Pyrenees, the Les Fonts d'Arinsal (LFd'A) pure powder avalanche was triggered, descending some 1200 m to the bottom of the Arinsal valley and continuing up the opposite slope for about 200 m. This size 4-5 avalanche reached velocities of up to 80 ms−1, devastated 18 ha of forest, involved a minimum volume of up to 1.8 × 106 m−3 and caused major damage to eight buildings. Fortunately, no one was injured thanks to an evacuation, but 322 people lost their properties. This study describes the physical characteristics of the LFd'A avalanche path and provides data on earlier avalanches, the meteorological synoptic situation and snowpack conditions that generated the avalanche episode, the warning and preventive actions carried out, the effects and evidence of the large avalanche, and the defence system implemented afterwards. A discussion of the avalanche dynamics based on observations and damage, including the role of snow entrainment, the total lack of characteristic dense flow deposits, as well as the evidence of a two-phase flow (fluidisation and suspension), is presented. This case study is an example of a paradigmatic large, pure powder, dry-snow avalanche, which will be useful for model calibration

    Multi-sensor observations of an elevated rotor during a mountain wave event in the Eastern Pyrenees

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    The 15 January 2017 a strong northerly synoptic flow lead to the generation of mountain waves and heavy snowfall over the eastern Pyrenees, particularly over the Cerdanya valley near the border between France, Spain and Andorra. Measurements from several instruments deployed during the Cerdanya-2017 field campaign and satellite imagery revealed the presence of mountain waves and the formation of an associated rotor underneath the first mountain wave crest. The evolution and location of the mountain waves were studied using high temporal resolution data from a UHF wind-profiler and a vertically pointing K-band Doppler radar, separated a few kilometres in horizontal distance. A mountain wave with a wavelength about 18 km was detected in the morning and shortened slightly in the afternoon when a transient rotor, elevated approximately 140 m above the ground, was formed, disconnected from the surface flow. A strong turbulence zone was identified at the upper edge of the mountain wave, above the rotor, a feature observed in previous studies. The mountain wave and rotor induced circulation was favoured by the valley shape and the second mountain ridge location, in addition to the weak and variable winds, established during the sunset close to the valley surface.The Cerdanya-2017 field campaign is a research effort organised by the University of the Balearic Islands, the University of Barcelona, METEO-FRANCE and the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. It is funded by the Spanish projects CGL2015-65627-C3-1-R,CGL2015-65627-C3-2-R (MINECO/FEDER), CGL2016-81828-REDT and RTI2018-098693-B-C32 (AEI/FEDER)

    Observed trends and changes in Extreme Climate Indices over the Pyrenees (1959-2015)

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    Póster presentado en: EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology celebrado del 9 al 13 de septiembre de 2017 en Copenhague, Dinamarca.CLIMPY (Characterisation of the evolution of climate and provision of information for adaptation in the Pyrenees) is a transboundary project that aims to perform a detailed analysis of recent trends in temperature, precipitation and snow cover in the Pyrenees, and their future projection. As a result, changes in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration and timing of weather and climate extremes due to climate change are among the more relevant objectives.This project (EFA081/15) is under the umbrella of the Pyrenees Climate Change Observatory (OPCC-CTP), and it has a 65% funding by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Interreg Programme V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020)