21 research outputs found

    Effets du trempage des semences sur le rendement du sorgho dans les conditions du Sahel à Kolokani et Diéma au Mali.

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    Objectif : L’objectif de l’étude était d’évaluer l’effet du trempage sous différentes fertilisations sur le rendement du sorgho.Méthodologie et résultats : Des échantillons de sol ont été prélevés pour des analyses physico-chimiques au laboratoire afin de déterminer la fertilité initiale des parcelles d’expérimentations. Les essais ont été installés sur une superficie totale de 20 hectares dans les villages de Tiéneguebougou, de Farako, de Guémou et de Bignekolobougou. Le dispositif expérimental était le split plot avec 20 répétitions. Les facteurs étudiés étaient la technologie du trempage des semences conseillées par la recherche et la pratique paysanne (témoin) du trempage des semences avec 4 niveaux de fertilisation. Pour la technologie du trempage des semences, le principe consistait à faire tremper les graines dans l’eau ordinaire pendant 8 heures, suivi d’un séchage à l’ombre pendant 2 heures avant le semis. Le témoin était la pratique paysanne habituelle de la zone dont la durée du trempage était d’environ 5 heures et le séchage se faisait au soleil. Les semences ont été prétraitées à l’apron star et le semis a été réalisé en lignes sur des billons avec un écartement de 80 cm x 40 cm. La fumure organique (100g/poquet) et le NPK 17-17-17 (6g/poquet) ont été apportés en micro-dose au moment du semis. L’urée (46% N) a été enfouie en micro-dose (1 g soit une pincée à trois doigts) à côté des plants de sorgho en début de la montaison après une pluie assurant un sol humide. Les résultats des analyses ont montré que les sols présentent une texture sablo-limoneuse à limono-sableuse avec une faible fertilité, une acidité, une carence en phosphore, en azote et en potassium. Le trempage des semences a produit des rendements grain de 731 kg/ha, 1 858 kg/ha de paille, 33 342 panicules/ha, 1 051 kg/ha de poids panicules. Concernant le témoin, les rendements étaient de 202 kg/ha de grain, 482 kg/ha de paille, 15 592 panicules/ha et 313 kg/ha de poids panicules. L’apport du fumier et de l’engrais minéral en micro-dose a augmenté significativement le rendement grain de 33% et le rendement paille de 54% par rapport au témoin. Le trempage a permis d’augmenter le nombre de panicules de plus 100% ; les rendements grain, paille et poids panicules de plus 200% comparativement au témoin.Conclusion et application des résultats : Au regard des résultats probants obtenus, la technologie du trempage des semences a permis de doubler voire tripler le rendement du sorgho par rapport au témoin. La technologie du trempage des semences est applicable partout au Sahel et dans d’autres zones à écologie similaire.Mots-clés : trempage, fertilisation, rendement, Mali.English Title: Effects of seed soaking on sorghum yield in Sahelian zone of Kolokani and Diema in MaliObjective: The objective of the study was to assess the effect of seed soaking under different fertilizations on sorghum yield. Methodology and results: Soil samples were taken for physico-chemical analyzes in the laboratory to determine the initial fertility of the experimental plots. The tests were implemented on a total area of 20 hectares in the villages of Tieneguebougou, Farako, Guemou and Bignekolobougou. The experimental device was the split plot with 20 repetitions. The factors studied were the seed soaking technology recommended by research and seed soaking according to farmer practice (control) with 4 levels of fertilization. For the seed soaking technology, the principle was to soak the seeds in ordinary water for 8 hours, followed by drying in the shade for 2 hours before sowing. The control was the usual farmer practice in the area, whose soaking time was about 5 hours and seed drying had done in the sun. The seeds were pre-treated with apron star and sowing was done in rows on ridges with a spacing of 80 cm x 40 cm. Organic manure (100g/hole) and NPK 17-17-17 (6g/hole) were provided in micro-dose at the time of sowing. Urea (46% N) was brought in a micro-dose (1 g/hole either a three-finger pinch) next to sorghum seedlings at the beginning of elongation after a rainfall ensuring moist soil. Results showed that soils had sandy-loamy and sandy-loamy texture with low fertility, acidity and deficiency in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. The experiment was laid in split plot design with 20 repetitions. Seed soaking technology provided 731 kg ha-1 of grain yield, 1858 kg ha-1 of straw, 33 342 panicles ha-1, 1 051 kg ha-1 of panicle weight. For traditional practice (control), yields were 202 kg ha-1 of grain, 482 kg ha-1 of straw, 15 592 panicles ha-1 and 313 kg ha-1 of panicle weight. Micro dose application of manure and mineral fertilizer increased significantly the grain yield by 33% and straw yield by 54% compared to the control. Seed soaking increased panicle number by over 100% and more than 200% for grain, straw and panicle yields comparatively to the control. Conclusion and application of results: According to the potent results, seed soaking technology has permitted to double either triple sorghum yield comparatively to the control. Seed soaking technology could be applied as well in the Sahel as elsewhere similar to the Sahel condition.Keywords: soaking, fertilization, yield, Mali

    Pregnancy outcomes in a malaria-exposed Malian cohort of women of child-bearing age

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    In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria continues to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes including stillbirth, early neonatal death, preterm delivery, and low birth weight. Current preventive measures are insufficient and new interventions are urgently needed. However, before such interventions can be tested in pregnant women, background information on pregnancy outcomes in this target population must be collected. We conducted an observational study in Ouélessébougou, Mali, a malaria-endemic area where first antenatal visit commonly occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy, hindering calculation of miscarriage rate in the population. To accurately determine the rate of miscarriage, 799 non-pregnant women of child-bearing age were enrolled and surveyed via monthly follow up visits that included pregnancy tests. Out of 505 women that completed the study, 364 became pregnant and 358 pregnancies were analyzed: 43 (12%) resulted in miscarriage, 28 (65.1%) occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy. We also determined rates of stillbirth, neonatal death, preterm delivery, and small for gestational age. The results showed high rate of miscarriage during the first trimester and established a basis to evaluate new interventions to prevent pregnancy malaria. This survey design enabled identification of first trimester miscarriages that are often missed by studies conducted in antenatal clinics.Clinical trial registration[https://clinicaltrials.gov/], identifier [NCT0297 4608]

    Annual population dynamics of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in West Africa: Socio-economic aspects, host phenology and implications for management

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    Losses in West African commercial mango orchards due to fruit fly infestations have exceeded 50% by the middle of the crop season since 2005, resulting in considerable income loss for the growers. Materials and methods. In 2009, weekly monitoring of adult fruit fly species of economic significance was carried out in eight West African countries at 12 sites across five agro-ecological zones: (i) Humid Forest, (ii) Guinean savanna, (iii) Southern Sudan, (iv) Northern Sudan, and (v) Sahelian. Trapping was performed using methyl eugenol and terpinyl acetate in 288 Tephritraps, targeting Bactrocera invadens and Ceratitis cosyra. Results. The data showed that B. Invadens was present throughout the year in the Forest zone, abundant for 7 months, with a peak in May at the end of the mango season, C. cosyra being totally absent. In the Guinean savanna zone, B. invadens was abundant for 6-7 months, with a peak at the beginning of June coinciding with the season, with a few C. cosyra. In the Southern Sudan zone, B. invadens was abundant for 6 months, with a peak in mid-June during the season, C. cosyra peaking in April. In the Northern Sudan zone, B. invadens was abundant for 5 months, with a peak at the end of June at the end of the season, C. cosyra peaking in May. In the Sahelian zone, B. invadens was abundant for 4 months, peaking in August during the sea-son, C. cosyra peaking just before. These preliminary results showed that the exotic species, B. invadens, was present at high levels [mean peak of 378 flies per trap per day (FTD)] in all agro-eco-logical zones, while the native species, C. cosyra, preferred the drier zones of West Africa, with lower population levels (mean peak of 77 FTD).Conclusion. Detection trapping of male flies with parapheromones is a useful indicator of field population levels and could be used to deploy control measures (IPM package) in a timely manner when the Economic Injury Level is reached. Control strategies for these quarantine mango fruit fly species are discussed with respect to agro-ecological zones and the phenological stages of the mango tree. (Résumé d'auteur

    Subclinical Cardiac Dysfunction Is Associated With Extracardiac Organ Damages

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    Background: Several studies conducted in America or Europe have described major cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). We aimed at assessing cardiac involvement in SCD in sub-Saharan Africa where SCD is the most prevalent.Methods: In Cameroon, Mali and Senegal, SCD patients and healthy controls of the CADRE study underwent transthoracic echocardiography if aged ≥10 years. The comparison of clinical and echocardiographic features between patients and controls, and the associations between echocardiographic features and the vascular complications of SCD were assessed.Results: 612 SCD patients (483 SS or Sβ0, 99 SC, and 19 Sβ+) and 149 controls were included. The prevalence of dyspnea and congestive heart failure was low and did not differ significantly between patients and controls. While left ventricular ejection fraction did not differ between controls and patients, left and right cardiac chambers were homogeneously more dilated and hypertrophic in patients compared to controls and systemic vascular resistances were lower (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). Three hundred and forty nine SCD patients had extra-cardiac organ damages (stroke, leg ulcer, priapism, microalbuminuria or osteonecrosis). Increased left ventricular mass index, cardiac dilatation, cardiac output, and decreased systemic vascular resistances were associated with a history of at least one SCD-related organ damage after adjustment for confounders.Conclusions: Cardiac dilatation, cardiac output, left ventricular hypertrophy, and systemic vascular resistance are associated with extracardiac SCD complications in patients from sub-Saharan Africa despite a low prevalence of clinical heart failure. The prognostic value of cardiac subclinical involvement in SCD patients deserves further studies

    Population Enumeration and Household Utilization Survey Methods in the Enterics for Global Health (EFGH): Shigella Surveillance Study

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    Background: Accurate estimation of diarrhea incidence from facility-based surveillance requires estimating the population at risk and accounting for case patients who do not seek care. The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study will characterize population denominators and healthcare-seeking behavior proportions to calculate incidence rates of Shigella diarrhea in children aged 6–35 months across 7 sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Methods: The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study will use a hybrid surveillance design, supplementing facility-based surveillance with population-based surveys to estimate population size and the proportion of children with diarrhea brought for care at EFGH health facilities. Continuous data collection over a 24 month period captures seasonality and ensures representative sampling of the population at risk during the period of facility-based enrollments. Study catchment areas are broken into randomized clusters, each sized to be feasibly enumerated by individual field teams. Conclusions: The methods presented herein aim to minimize the challenges associated with hybrid surveillance, such as poor parity between survey area coverage and facility coverage, population fluctuations, seasonal variability, and adjustments to care-seeking behavior

    A generic learning simulation framework to assess security strategies in cyber-physical production systems

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    Connected systems through computerized networks are at the heart of the Industry of the future. As they merge physical entities with cyber spaces, they fall under the paradigm of cyber-physical production systems. Cybersecurity is a key challenge for such systems, as they are subject to daily attempts of intruders to gain unauthorized access to their internal resources or to compromise their integrity. The fast increase of new attack strategies requires the rapid design and assessment of new defense strategies. It entails a complex, error-prone and time-consuming process, including the clear specification of the attack and defense strategies involved, and the design and implementation of the simulation model allowing to evaluate the performances of the defense strategy. This work intends to make such a process transparent to cybersecurity managers by limiting their workload to the sole specification of the characteristics of the system and the logic of the attack and the defense. It provides a generic hybrid simulation framework for flexible evaluation of cybersecurity policies, which is demonstrated on a SYN flooding application. Therefore, the contribution is twofold: (1) The proposed framework offers a high-level environment allowing various experts to collaborate by graphically modeling a given attack strategy and the envisioned defense strategy, without engaging in heavy implementation efforts. Then the framework's executable infrastructure, which combines simulation with machine learning to understanding the interactions between the attackers & the defender, will allow them assessing the performances of these strategies. The proposed framework differs from state-of-the-art cybersecurity simulation environments in its uniqueness to combining the expressive power of a universal simulation modeling formalism with the user-friendliness of a visual simulation tool. Therefore, it offers at one side, a very high modeling flexibility for easy exploration of various cybersecurity strategies, and at the other side, integrated learning capabilities for allowing self-adaptive user-based cybersecurity strategy design. (2) The application demonstrating the framework focuses on the most encountered and still uncontrolled threats in cybersecurity, i.e. the SYN-Flooding based Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The application targeted is not meant to propose yet another SYN flood detection algorithm or to improve the state-of-the-art in that domain, but to prove the framework operationality. The experimental results obtained showcase the ability of the framework to support learning simulation-based SYN flood defense algorithm design and validation

    Facteurs de risques de l’hemorragie du post partum au CSREF de Niono: Postpartum hemorrhage risk factors in Niono

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    Dans le district sanitaire de Niono l’hĂ©morragie du post-partum (HPP) Ă©tait dĂ©finie comme toutes les hĂ©morragies qui surviennent immĂ©diatement après l’accouchement et dans les 42 jours du post-partum. En 2015, la frĂ©quence de l’HPP s’y Ă©levait Ă  1,34% avec un taux de dĂ©cès de 8,5% contre 1,42% avec un de dĂ©cès de 5,5% en 2016. L’objectif principal de ce thème Ă©tait d’étudier les facteurs de risque de survenue des HPP. MĂ©thode : il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  la maternitĂ© du CsrĂ©f de Niono du 1er janvier au 31 dĂ©cembre 2018. Les donnĂ©es recueillies Ă  travers l’exploitation des dossiers mĂ©dicaux et transcrites sur un questionnaire ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es sur SPSS version 20 pour dĂ©terminer les facteurs de risque d’HPP. La confidentialitĂ© et l’éthique ont Ă©tĂ© respectĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : Sur 1894 admissions, l’hĂ©morragie du postpartum avait une frĂ©quence de 2,16%. Les parturientes rĂ©sidant hors de Niono reprĂ©sentaient 82,9%, non scolarisĂ©es Ă  82,9%, rĂ©fĂ©rĂ©es par Cscom Ă  46,3%. Chez nos patientes 78,1% avaient bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une dĂ©livrance active. Au total 68,3% avait une rĂ©tention placentaire, 75,6% une inertie utĂ©rine, prises en charge par la Gestion Active de la Troisième Phase de l’Accouchement (GATPA). Le pronostic maternel Ă©tait bon dans 97,6% des cas. Il s’agissait d’une hĂ©morragie immĂ©diate pour 92,7%. Conclusion : L’HPP est une urgence obstĂ©tricale frĂ©quente et un accent particulier doit ĂŞtre mis sur la prĂ©vention en maĂ®trisant les facteurs de risques obstĂ©tricaux et en appliquant la GATPA. ABSTRACT: Introduction: In the Niono Health District, postpartum hemorrhage was defined as all hemorrhages that occur immediately after delivery and within 42 days postpartum. In 2015, the frequency of postpartum hemorrhage was 1.34% with a death rate of 8.5%, compared to 1.42% with a death rate of 5.5% in 2016. The main objective of this theme was to study the risk factors for the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage. Method: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at the maternity ward of the CsrĂ©f de Niono from 1 January to 31 December 2018. Data collected through the use of medical records and transcribed to a questionnaire were analyzed on SPSS version 20 to determine risk factors for PPH. Results: Out of 1894 admissions, postpartum hemorrhage had a frequency of 2.16%. Patients residing outside Niono accounted for 82.9%, 82.9% were out of school and 46.3% were referred by Cscom. In our patients 78.1% had been actively delivered. A total of 68.3% had placental retention, 75.6% had uterine inertia, which was managed by Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor. The maternal prognosis was good in 97.6% of cases. It was an immediate hemorrhage for 92.7%. Conclusion: PPH is a frequent obstetric emergency and special emphasis must be placed on prevention by controlling obstetric risk factors and applying AMTSL

    Reduced ex vivo susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum after oral artemether–lumefantrine treatment in Mali

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    International audienceBackground: Artemisinin-based combination therapy is the recommended first-line treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria worldwide. However, recent studies conducted in Mali showed an increased frequency of recurrent parasitaemia following artemether-lumefantrine (AL) treatment. Methods: Study samples were collected during a large WANECAM study. Ex-vivo Plasmodium falciparum sensitivity to artemether and lumefantrine was assessed using the tritiated hypoxanthine-based assay. The prevalence of molecular markers of anti-malarial drug resistance (pfcrt K76T, pfmdr1 N86Y and K13-propeller) were measured by PCR and/or sequencing. Results: Overall 61 samples were successfully analysed in ex vivo studies. Mean IC 50 s increased significantly between baseline and recurrent parasites for both artemether (1.6 nM vs 3.2 nM, p < 0.001) and lumefantrine (1.4 nM vs 3.4 nM, p = 0.004). Wild type Pfmdr1 N86 allele was selected after treatment (71 vs 91%, 112 of 158 vs 95 of 105, p < 0.001) but not the wild type pfcrt K76 variant (23.5 vs 24.8%, 40 of 170 vs 26 of 105, p = 0.9). Three non-synonymous K13-propeller SNPs (A522C, A578S, and G638R) were found with allele frequencies <2%. Conclusion: Malian postAL P. falciparum isolates were less susceptible to artemether and lumefantrine than baseline isolates

    Outils technologiques de gestion dans les officines de Bamako au Mali

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    La pharmacie joue un rôle important dans la continuité de la prise en charge des patients. Elle développe des stratégies d’optimisation de son travail avec des logiciels de gestion. L’objectif de cette recherche était d’étudier les outils technologiques de gestion pharmaceutique dans les officines de Bamako. Notre étude était transversale descriptive auprès de 93 officines tirés au sort. Les pharmaciens ou assistant –pharmaciens ont été interrogés pour collecter les informations sur les logiciels utilisés, leurs fonctionnalités et le niveau de satisfaction des utilisateurs. Nous avons utilisé un questionnaire pour collecter les données. La saisie et l’analyse ont été faites sur le logiciel SPSS18. Le score des fonctionnalités était le rapport du nombre de fonctionnalités disponibles sur le total identifiées. L’échantillon comportait 62,4% d’hommes et 50,5% de pharmaciens. Les logiciels recensés étaient au nombre de neuf. WIN PHARMA était utilisé par 77,4% des officines. Il avait un score de fonctionnalité de 0,9 sur 1. La satisfaction moyenne globale des utilisateurs était d’environ 37%. L’approvisionnement (53%) et la clôture de la session (62%) étaient les fonctionnalités beaucoup appréciées. WIN PHARMA était le logiciel le plus utilisé. Il avait un bon score de fonctionnalités et une satisfaction d’environ deux fois le niveau moyen.Mots-clés: Logiciel de gestion, officines, Bamako, MaliEnglish Title: Pharmacies management technology tools in Bamako in MaliEnglish AbstractPharmacy plays an important role in the continuity of patient care. It develops strategies to optimize its work with management software. The objective of this study was to assess the technological tools of pharmaceutical management in the pharmacies in Bamako. A descriptive cross sectional survey involving 93 randomly selected pharmacies was carried out in Bamako, Mali. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data entry and analysis were done using SPSS (version 18) software. The functionality score was calculated as the ratio of the number of available functionalities to the total number of functionalities identified. The sample interviewed was 62.4% male and 50.5% were pharmacists. A total of nine software was identified. WIN PHARMA was used by 77.4% of pharmacies. Its functionality score was 0.9 for a maximum of 1. Overall average user satisfaction was about 37%. Supplying (53%) and closing of the session (62%) were the most appreciated features. WIN PHARMA was the software the most commonly used. It had a good score and approximately twice the average level of satisfaction.Keywords: Management software, pharmacies, Bamako, Mal

    Etude epidemio-clinique des traumatismes lies aux accidents de la voie publique a l’Hopital de Niono : Epidemiological and clinical study of injuries related to road traffic accidents at Niono Hospital

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    Introduction : L’accident de la voie publique (AVP), est une collusion non désirée, mal anticipée sur le réseau public entre un engin et tout autre chose ou personne, fixe ou mobile engendrant des blessures humaines et/ou des dégâts matériels. Selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) les AVP entrainent plus de 1,25 millions de décès chaque année et 20 à 50 millions de blessés. Au Mali, en 2013, 6059 cas d’AVP dont 529 tués et 8286 blessés ont été enregistrés. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier les aspects épidémio-cliniques des traumatismes liés aux accidents de la voie publique à l’hôpital de Niono. Matériel et méthodes : il s’agissait d’une étude transversale à l’hôpital de Niono du 01 avril au 30 septembre 2019. Les données ont été saisies et analysées sur PAWS Statistics. Le respect de la confidentialité était de rigueur et aucune information n’a été divulguée. Résultats : La fréquence des AVP était de 3,14% parmi les 4705 consultations. Le sexe masculin dominait (74,1%) et le sex-ratio était de 2,86. Les jeunes de 15 à 30 ans étaient les plus touchés (42,2%). Les plaies étaient les plus rencontrées (47,6%). L’évolution a été favorable chez 69,4 % et 8,8% ont été évacués, 2% d’amputation et 3,4% de décès. Conclusion : les AVP étaient assez fréquents et provoquaient de graves traumatismes avec des handicaps et la mort, d’où l’importance de la sensibilisation et de l’obligation du permis de conduire. Introduction: A road accident is an unwanted, poorly anticipated collusion on the public network between a vehicle and any other thing or person, fixed or mobile, causing human injury and/or property damage. According to Word Health Organization (WHO), road accidents cause more than 1.25 million deaths each year and 20 to 50 million injuries. In Mali, in 2013, 6059 cases of MVA including 529 killed and 8286 injured were recorded. The objective was to study the epidemiological and clinical aspects of injuries related to road traffic accidents at Niono hospital. Material and methods: It was a cross-sectional study in the Niono hospital from April 1 to September 30, 2019. The data was captured and analyzed on PAWS Statistics. Confidentiality was respected and no information was disclosed. Results: Frequency 3.14%, male dominated (74.1%) and the sex ratio of 2.86. Youth aged 15 to 30 were the most affected (42.2%). Wounds were the most common (47.6%). The evolution was favorable in 69.4% and 8.8% were referred, 2% amputation and 3.4% death. Conclusion: Road accident were quite frequent and caused severe trauma with disabilities and death, hence the importance of sensitization and the requirement of a driver's license