18 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the physicochemical characteristics and organic and inorganic contaminants of Parkia biglobosa trunk bark powders collected in four localities (Gonse, Yako, Bobo and Nobere) of Burkina Faso. Methods: The parameters studied were the physicochemical characters, the contents of heavy metals, pesticides and the microbial quality according to the methods of the European Pharmacopoeia. Results: The study of these parameters revealed a residual moisture content of less than 10% and a uniform pH, macroscopical character and particle sizes for all raw materials. Total ash ranged from 0.09 to 0.96 for powders from Yako and Bobo, respectively. Contaminant assessment revealed that Parkia biglobosa trunk bark contains high levels of manganese (Mn) and lead (Pb). The microbial analysis shows that the trunk bark powders from Gonse, Yako and Bobo complied with the specifications of the European Pharmacopoeia. Conclusion: These quality control studies allowed the correct identification, characterization and determination of the appropriate harvesting sites for pharmaceutical production of phytomedicine


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract and fractions of the trunk bark of Acacia nilotica. Methods: A maceration of the powder of the trunks barks of the plant was realized. Then the aqueous macerate obtained was fractionated with dichloromethane, butanol and ethyl acetate successively. The phenolic compounds of the aqueous extract, butanol and ethyl acetate fractions were identified by HPLC/DAD. Lipoxygenase and phospholipase inhibition tests with the aqueous extract and the butanol and ethyl acetate fractions were carried out. The anti-inflammatory potential of the aqueous extract was assessed in vivo by the anti-edema test with carrageenan and the analgesic test with acetic acid at different doses (200 mg/ml; 400 mg/ml; 600 mg/ml). Aspirin (200 mg/ml) and paracetamol (200 mg/ml) were used as a reference. Results: The HPLC/DAD analysis of the extracts revealed that gallic acid is the most abundant phenol acid in the extracts. The aqueous extract inhibited lipoxygenase (IC50 = 18.32±1.18 μg/ml), phospholipase (11.44±0.32% per 100 μg/ml) and cyclooxygenase (56.48±0.29% for 100 μg/ml) as well as its tested fractions. It also reduced edema and pain in the mice by more than 50% from the 400 mg/ml dose. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of Acacia nilotica has anti-inflammatory properties. Hence its use in traditional medicine in the treatment of inflammation

    Production de matières premières et fabrication des médicaments à base de plantes médicinales

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    Les plantes constituent un réservoir pour les pharmacopées du monde. Plusieurs médicaments importants sont fabriqués à partir des substances actives d’origine végétales. En outre de nombreux médicaments modernes ont été fabriqués à partir de ces matières premières. Les plantes médicinales sont utilisées directement sous forme fraîche, sèche ou transformée, stabilisée, ou extrait ou formulée avec d’autres plantes ou excipients de synthèse. Dans tous les cas, la matière végétale utilisée pour fabriquer la forme posologique doit faire preuve de son efficacité, son innocuité et être de qualité conforme aux exigences de la Pharmacopée Européenne pour les phytomédicaments, garantissant ainsi sa sécurité d’emploi. Pour ce faire, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a mis à la disposition des états membres des guides et standards permettant d’harmoniser et de sécuriser leur utilisation. Ainsi de nombreux pays africains ont adopté ces outils après des modifications appropriées pour faire progresser la recherche et le développement (R&D) de médicaments à base de plante. Le but de ce travail était de faire une synthèse des différentes étapes de production, de contrôle qualité et de  standardisation des matières premières issues des plantes médicinales et des médicaments à base de plantes médicinales.Mots clés : Pharmacopée, médicaments, médecine traditionnelle, sécurité d’emploi, phytomédicaments. English title: Production of raw materials and manufacturing of drugs from medicinal plants Plants are a reservoir for the world's pharmacopoeias. Several important medicines are made from active substances of plant origin. In addition, many modern medicines have been made from these raw materials. Medicinal plants are used directly in fresh, dry or processed, stabilized, or extracted form or formulated with other plants or synthetic excipients. In all cases, the herbal material used to manufacture the dosage form must demonstrate its efficacy, safety and be of a quality that meets the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for phytomedicines, thus ensuring its safe use. To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) has made available to Member States guides and standards to harmonize and secure their use. Thus, many African countries have adopted these tools after appropriate modifications to advance research and development (R&D) of plant-based drugs. The aim of this work was to make a synthesis of the different stages of production, quality control and standardization of raw materials from medicinal plants and herbal medicines.Keywords: Pharmacopoeia, drugs, traditional medicine, safe use, phytomedicines

    Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Balanites aegyptiaca L. Delile (Balanitaceae) roots bark

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    Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del (Balanitaceae) is traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments such as syphilis, jaundice and liver disorders, epilepsy, ... This study was designed to evaluate acute toxicity and hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Balanites aegyptiaca on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats.Methods: Acute toxicity was assessed with the extract at a dose of 2000 mg / kg bw. The extract at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg / kg b.w. was orally administered respectively to CC14-induced hepatotoxicity (0.5 ml / kg) animals. Silymarin (100 mg / kg) was given as a reference. Biochemical parameters such as ALT, AST, PT, ALB and ALP were assayed as well as enzymatic antioxidant activities SOD, CAT and MDA. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) involved in inflammation was also measured.Results: Activities of liver marker enzymes, ALT, AST and ALP, total protein, albumin and showed a significant hepatoprotective effect. Regarding antioxidant enzymatic activities in vivo (SOD, CAT and MDA) of aqueous extract exhibited a significant effect showing increasing levels of SOD, CAT and reducing malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The production of NO is significantly reduced compared to the batch intoxicated by CCl4.Conclusion: Balanites aegyptiaca is endowed with hepatoprotective properties that can be attributed to antioxidant potential which could justify its use in traditional medicine in liver disorders

    Health facility-based prevalence and potential risk factors of autism spectrum disorders in Mali

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    Background: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is 1-2% worldwide, 1 in 68 in the U.S, and unknown in Africa. ASD is under-diagnosed in Mali due to stigma and the lack of appropriate human resources and infrastructure.Objective: To determine the ASD frequency and potential risk factors in Mali.Methods: We identified all the health facilities and community-based organizations involved in the ASD diagnosis and management in Bamako. We established an ASD research and awareness platform in Mali, which encompasses community-based organizations and a multidisciplinary team including psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, geneticists, and public health and social science specialists. Through this platform, we performed a survey in health facilities and organizations where patients with ASD are likely to seek care in Bamako. We reviewed the psychiatric patient registry to obtain basic epidemiological profiles of children with ASD, epilepsy and other psychiatric disorders.Results: We found a health facility-based prevalence of ASD of 4.5% (105/2,343) in Bamako. The mean age at the first outpatient visit was 7.64 ± 3.85 years old. First degree consanguinity of 29.5% (31/105) was more frequent in parents of ASD children versus age and sex matched controls OR= 4.37 [1.96-9.76] p=0.0001.Conclusion: Our data suggest that ASD is more common than expected in Mali. The established ASD awareness and research platform may improve the diagnosis and management of ASD by raising ASD awareness, training of Malian clinicians and researchers in early ASD screening and diagnosis, and strengthening research capacity in genomics of ASD and other mental disorders.Keywords: ASD, prevalence, consanguinity, health facilit

    The issue of the participation of developing countries was [sic] the WTO

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    Longtemps considérés comme les parents pauvres du système commercial international et quémandeurs de traitements préférentiels, les pays en développement (PED) représentent aujourd’hui 50% du commerce mondial. Ils sont perçus à la fois comme de gigantesques marchés potentiels ou comme de dangereux concurrents pour les entreprises des pays développés. Leur place sur la scène commerciale internationale est plus que jamais à l'ordre du jour. La meilleure preuve en est le surnom de «cycle du développement» attribué au round de négociations lancé en novembre 2001 à l'issue de la Conférence ministérielle de Doha de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce. En choisissant d’étudier la problématique de la participation des PED à l'OMC, nous nous fixons deux objectifs ; le premier consiste à mieux comprendre les enjeux de l'application des règles de l'OMC sur les PED. En examinant cette question, nous serons amenés à observer comment ces pays collaborent et contribuent d’une manière directe aux activités principales de cette organisation. Le deuxième objectif consiste à étudier la nécessité d’accorder un traitement spécial et différencié aux PED. Ainsi nous allons examiner les enjeux de la participation des PED à l'OMC (Partie I). La seconde partie (partie II) est consacrée, quant à elle, à une étude exhaustive de leur statut actuel au sein de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce. Les différentes dispositions relatives au traitement spécial et différencié en leur faveur sont mises en évidence, ainsi que leur efficacité parfois toute relativeLong time considered as weak entities of the international trading system and requesters for preferential treatment, developing countries account for 50% of global trade today. They are seen both as huge potential markets and as dangerous competitors for developed countries’ firms. Their place on the international trade scene is more than ever on the agenda. The best proof is their denomination «development round» attributed to the round of negotiations launched in November 2001 after the Doha Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization. By studying the issue of developing countries in the WTO's participation we set two goals. The first is to better understand the issues of the application of WTO rules on developing countries. When considering this question, we must bear in mind (or consider sans bear in mind) how these countries work together and contribute in a direct way to the main activities of this organization. The second purpose is to study the need for a special and differential treatment for developing countries. Thus, we examine the participation of developing countries in the WTO' issues (Part I). The second part (Part II) is devoted, in its turn, to a comprehensive study of their current status in the World Trade Organization. The various measures related to a special and differential treatment in their favor are highlighted and also their effectiveness, sometimes all link wit

    Study of Reactivity of Diazonium Salts in Arylation of Trypthophans

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    Práce je zaměřena na studium reaktivity diazoniových solí pro C-H arylace tryprofanů. Pro substituované benzendiazoniové soli byly určeny relativní hodnoty jejich disociačních energií vazeb (BDE) a ty korelovány s vypočtenými i experimentálně zjištěnými parametry, jako například vlivem substituce na polohu vibračních pásů, či Hammettovskými konstantami.This work is focused on determination of selected properties of substituted benzenediazonium salts such as relative bond dissociation energy (BDE) or vibration maxima of N three N bonds and correlations of the experimentally obtained values with calculated ones.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáStudentka prezentovala svoji bakalářskou práci a vyjádřila se k připomínkám.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Note sur la problématique d’approvisionnement des céréales au Mali

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    Food security has been a major component of the development policies in Mali since the independence in 1960. The Malian government has adopted several cereal supply strategies since 1960. First, the government tried interventionist policies from 1960 to 1980. The government set prices and provided inputs and credits to producers. The goal was to supply urban areas with cheap cereal and, at the same time, encourage producers to produce more. The Mali Agricultural Products Office (OPAM) had the official monopoly on the cereal business, as it collected cereal from producers, who were grouped into cooperatives, and distributed it throughout the country. However, this strategy turned out to be a failure, as production decreased and OPAM’s deficits grew. Producers were penalized, as prices were not high enough to cover their production costs. Hence, Mali went from being a major exporter to an importer of cereals. The government next decided to proceed with liberalizing the market, which developed into an effective strategy of cereal supply. There is now a more competitive cereal market, both in the national and regional markets. The role of the OPAM is limited to the management of the national food security stock and of food aid. The intervention of NGOs for emergency relief now focuses on buying and distributing food or organizing food-for-work programs. Now, prices are no longer stable, but depend on the supply and demand relationship in the market. In real terms, prices are lower now compared to the period prior to the liberalization (reflecting decreases in the cost of marketing). Nevertheless, recent price increases prevent some consumers from meeting their full needs, since their purchasing power is so low. Currently, access to food still remains a challenge. There are several problems: the competition in the redistribution markets between national and regional demands bids up prices for local consumers, the low buying power of consumers with low income, the bad quality of roads which makes distribution difficult to isolated areas, and the fluctuation of the supply due to weather instability. As a consequence, the government frequently has to deal with food crisis. This year’s deficit [2005] was due to a rainfall shortage and locust invasion. For the years ahead, several strategies need to be considered These include a pulling together of the different supply structures; creation of consumers’ cooperatives so as to reduce the burden of prices fluctuation; creation of cereal banks in the deficit zones, assistance to producers in managing their surpluses in years of good production; construction of roads to ease distribution; finally, boosting of irrigation and introducing techniques of water harvesting