13 research outputs found

    Mediating teacher professional identity : The emergence of humanness and ethical identity

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    Over the past couple of years, international vocational education and training has been much debated at the nexus of the commercialisation of vocational education and social justice for international students. This nexus has significantly affected the professional identity and responsibilities of teachers who are directly involved in providing vocational education and training for international students. Drawing on a research project funded by the Australian Research Council, this paper offers an alternative lens on vocational teachers\u27 process of mediating professional identity in response to the flow of international students and the commercialisation of vocational education. It employs the logic of relationality as a conceptual framework to interpret teachers\u27 journey of identity re-construction. The humanness and ethical dimensions of identity have been at the heart of the teachers\u27 negotiation over the kind of teachers they are and to which they aspire. The teachers in this research draw on humanness and ethical dimensions to engage in critical reflection of their own teaching practices, their interaction with international students and the socio-political context shaping international vocational education and training. They perceive their professional responsibility not only in relation to the facilitation of students\u27 development of vocational skills and knowledge, but also the provision of pastoral care for international students and the advocating for social justice for this student cohort

    New Data on the Dissemination of the Nipah Virus (<i>Henipavirus. Paramyxoviridae</i>) and Methods of its Indication and Identification

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    Nipah virus (Nipah virus, NiV) is a representative of the genus Henipavirus of the Paramyxoviridae family, the causative agent of a dangerous infectious disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations – from an asymptomatic (subclinical) form to severe encephalitis with fatal outcome. Despite the fact that the disease caused by this virus is registered only in the countries of Southeast Asia, the possibility of importing the pathogen to non-endemic territories is not excluded. Also, this pathogen is able to infect not only a large number of people, but also animals, causing serious diseases and significant economic damage, posing both, a medical and veterinary problem. This review presents the data available in the modern press on the structure and classification of the Nipah virus, possible cycles of its transmission, spread, methods of indication and identification in clinical and biological material, as well as the effectiveness of their use depending on the timing of the onset of the disease and available commercial diagnostic and preventive drugs

    The structure of ESKAPE pathogens isolated from patients of the neonatal intensive care unit at the National Hospital of Pediatrics in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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    Introduction. The incidence of healthcare-associated infections is a major public health problem worldwide, affecting all countries regardless of their economic status. The main agents of these infections are pathogens belonging to the ESKAPE group. The aim of the study was to explore the structure, molecular and antigenic characteristics of the ESKAPE pathogens isolated from oral and anal mucosa of patients of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and to assess their etiological significance in occurrence of healthcare-associated infections. Materials and methods. Samples from a total of 49 children were tested, including 40 newborns patients of NICU at the National Hospital of Pediatrics in Hanoi. Collection and processing of biomaterial (oropharyngeal swabs, rectal swabs) and isolation of bacterial cultures were performed using conventional bacteriological methods. Mass spectrometry was used for identification of isolates. Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were analyzed using the whole-genome sequencing method. Results. The group of gram-positive ESKAPE pathogens identified in oral mucosa was represented by isolates Enterococcus faecium and Staphylococcus aureus. The isolates of the family Enterobacteriaceae included K. pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae; the group of nonfermenting gram-negative bacteria was represented by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii. The structure of ESKAPE pathogens persistent in anal mucosa was characterized by dominance of Enterococcus spp., E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa bacteria. The whole-genome sequencing of K. pneumoniae isolates revealed 7 clusters and 8 sequence types. ST14 and ST1741 prevailed, accounting for 25%, respectively, of the total number of the studied strains. The molecular serotyping showed that by the O antigen, strains belonged mainly to serotypes O1v1, O1/ O2v2, O5; by the presence of the capsular antigen to serotypes KL2, KL104, KL60. Conclusion. The analysis of the structure of the ESKAPE pathogens isolated from the oral and anal mucosa of patients of NICU at the National Hospital of Pediatrics in Hanoi identified etiologically significant agents of bacterial infections: S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, E. coli, E. cloacae, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii. The molecular and genetic analysis of K. pneumoniae strains co-circulating in mucous membranes of several patients of the unit revealed their homology, thus confirming healthcare-associated contamination of children with nosocomial strains

    Effects of water scarcity awareness and climate change belief on recycled water usage willingness: Evidence from New Mexico, United States

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    The global water crisis is being exacerbated by climate change, even in the United States. Recycled water is a feasible alternative to alleviate the water shortage, but it is constrained by humans’ perceptions. The current study examines how residents’ water scarcity awareness and climate change belief influence their willingness to use recycled water directly and indirectly. Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics was employed on a dataset of 1831 residents in Albuquerque, New Mexico, an arid inland region in the US. We discovered that residents’ willingness to use direct recycled potable water is positively affected by their awareness of water scarcity, but the effect is conditional on their belief in the impacts of climate change on the water cycle. Meanwhile, the willingness to use indirect recycled potable water is influenced by water scarcity awareness, and the belief in climate change further enhances this effect. These findings implicate that fighting climate change denialism and informing the public of the water scarcity situation in the region can contribute to the effectiveness and sustainability of long-term water conservation and climate change alleviation efforts

    Re-imagining teachers’ identity and professionalism under the condition of international education

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    Around the world, 4.3 million students are engaged in international education each year. However, there is a paucity in theory and empirical research on teachers&rsquo; professionalism in international education. This paper aims to fill out this gap and contribute to our understanding of teachers&rsquo; changing roles and identity due to the impact of internationalisation and the growth of international students. Drawing on positioning theory as a conceptual framework to understand teachers&rsquo; roles and identity, this paper shows the emergence of teacher sub-identities as a reciprocal intercultural learner and an adaptive agent. It argues that these sub-identities are central to teachers&rsquo; development of cosmopolitan qualities in the contemporary context of international education

    Environmental outlook of ASEAN-5 through the lens of green bonds, environmental technologies and financialization

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    Sustainable development goals call for urgent action with an aim to spur socio-economic growth along with the protection of the environment and resources. However, these goals are difficult to be achieved when finances are not mobilized to mitigate harmful resources. In return, numerous green bond manifestations appeared in the market, which are viewed as a bridge to have successful implementation of sustainable development goals. Therefore, the study is aimed to explore the relevance of green bonds, financialization, and sustainable environmental change mitigation technologies for environmental change in ASEAN economies. The initial outcomes confirm the long-run cointegration association between study variables and also explore the slope heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependencies. To explore the causal connections between the study variables, the current study employs CS-ARDL technique. The study finds significant contributions of sustainable environmental change mitigation technologies and green bonds in the reduction of pollution, hence improving climate quality. The short-run infers similar results with relatively lower magnitudes of coefficients as compared to the long-run. Negative error correction terms are used to confirm the stability of the model, which implies sustained convergence towards “steady-state equilibrium” in case of expected deviations. The results offer practical implications and recommendations