1,497 research outputs found

    Understanding coach learning in disability sport: a Bourdieusian analysis

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    The purpose of this research was to answer longstanding calls to explore the learning and development of coaches in disability sport (DePauw, 1986; Reid & Prupas, 1998). We know very little about coaches in disability sport and although there exists a growing body of work that has explored coach learning, there is an absence of in-depth sociological research on disability coaching and coach education. In order to address this gap in the literature, this research sought to examine the nature of coach learning through analyses of coach education and coaching practice. Drawing upon a critical sociological framework, the research was conducted on the premise that understanding social practice can generate critical insights into the nature of coach learning. The research begins to answer some of the criticisms levelled at previous research by operationalising the sociological framework of Pierre Bourdieu in conjunction with disability studies, to analyse data generated through a two-year case study evaluation of an impairment-specific mode of coach education, and ethnographic data generated from eighteen-months of fieldwork in a specific disability coaching context. Altogether, data were collected through in-depth observations, interviews, focus groups and qualitative surveys to generate data that had both breadth, gathering data from large numbers of participants, and depth, by understanding in detail a particular coaching culture (Polkinghorne, 2005). The findings reveal how knowledge about disability was often marginalised in coach education, with engagement in the field functioning as principle source of knowledge about coaching in disability sport. As a result, disability-specific coach education contributed marginally to coach learning and functioned as a platform for the transmission of medical model discourses about disability, in terms of the pedagogy adopted and its effects on coaches knowledge. In the ethnographic study, analyses revealed how disability was assimilated into a high-performance coaching logic that structured coaches learning according to high-performance ideals. The process of learning was revealed to follow the logic of reproduction as alluded to by Bourdieu (1977, 1990a), and reinforced in social practice through the continual (re)adjustment of class habitus to structural conditions. The mechanisms underlying this process revealed learning to have a symbolic nature, mediated by power, resulting in the uncritical reproduction of ideology related to coaching disabled people. Thus, the research extends an understanding of coach learning, taking into consideration social structure and agency, as a basis for further critical inquiry into coaching in disability sport

    ‘Put that in your fucking research’: reflexivity, ethnography and disability sport coaching

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    Reflexivity is continually called for as a marker of quality ethnographic research. In this paper we put reflexivity to ‘work’, providing a critical commentary on data generated through ethnographic fieldwork in high-performance disability sport. Drawing on Bourdieu’s reflexive sociology, we situate the ethnographer in the field of disability sport, turning a reflexive lens onto the practices that are associated with occupying the role of coach and researcher simultaneously. We illustrate the centrality of researcher subjectivity – through the reflexive device of ‘crossing fields’ – as a productive resource for examining the social and intellectual unconscious embedded in the process of doing ethnographic research. In so doing, we provide a unique example of how reflexive practice can offer a rigorous, power-conscious reading of an ethnography of high-performance coaching in disability sport

    Technology-enhanced learning in coaching: a review of literature

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    The purpose of this review was to address the central theme of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) in coaching. “Technology-enhanced learning” (TEL), has become a widely-accepted term for describing the interface between digital technology and teaching. The aim was to consider the evidence of TEL in coach education, and where appropriate the wider educational field. The review sought to contribute to an evidence base of suggestions that can be promoted and developed inside and outside of coach development structures and interventions for TEL. In addition, the review sought to outline future areas for research, and to stimulate debate about the implementation and effectiveness of technology-enhanced coach learning. The review utilised a critical methodology, using principles of systematic review to gather evidence pertaining to TEL in coaching. From this number, and considering the inclusion criteria, 64 articles were included and reviewed in detail. The review revealed how despite the use of technology in coaching, teaching and learning the evidence of their efficacy is weak, and the use of TEL in coaching requires further longitudinal research that considers learner, pedagogy and pedagogic design in context, in order to understand its potential impact on optimising coach development pedagogies, and therefore, contributing to a discourse of effective coach learning

    A programming environment for distributed complex computing. An overview of the Framework for Interdisciplinary Design Optimization (FIDO) project. NASA Langley TOPS exhibit H120b

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    The Framework for Interdisciplinary Design Optimization (FIDO) is a general programming environment for automating the distribution of complex computing tasks over a networked system of heterogeneous computers. For example, instead of manually passing a complex design problem between its diverse specialty disciplines, the FIDO system provides for automatic interactions between the discipline tasks and facilitates their communications. The FIDO system networks all the computers involved into a distributed heterogeneous computing system, so they have access to centralized data and can work on their parts of the total computation simultaneously in parallel whenever possible. Thus, each computational task can be done by the most appropriate computer. Results can be viewed as they are produced and variables changed manually for steering the process. The software is modular in order to ease migration to new problems: different codes can be substituted for each of the current code modules with little or no effect on the others. The potential for commercial use of FIDO rests in the capability it provides for automatically coordinating diverse computations on a networked system of workstations and computers. For example, FIDO could provide the coordination required for the design of vehicles or electronics or for modeling complex systems

    Molecular systematics and evolution of the Cyanocorax jays

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    Phylogenetic relationships were studied in the genus Cyanocorax (Aves: Corvidae) and related genera, Psilorhinus and Calocitta, a diverse group of New World jays distributed from the southern United States south to Argentina. Although the ecology and behavior of some species in the group have been studied extensively, lack of a molecular phylogeny has precluded rigorous interpretations in an evolutionary framework. Given the diverse combinations of plumage coloration, size, and morphology, the taxonomy of the group has been inconsistent and understanding of biogeographic patterns problematic. Moreover, plumage similarity between two geographically disjuct species, the Tufted Jay (Cyanocorax dickeyi) from western Mexico and the White-tailed Jay (C. mystacalis) from western Ecuador and Peru, has puzzled ornithologists for decades. Here, a phylogeny of all species in the three genera is presented, based on study of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Phylogenetic trees revealed the non-monophyly of Cyanocorax, and the division of the whole assemblage in two groups: “Clade A” containing Psilorhinus morio, both species in Calocitta, Cyanocorax violaceus, C. caeruleus, C. cristatellus, and C. cyanomelas, and “Clade B” consisting of the remaining species in Cyanocorax. Relationships among species in Clade A were ambiguous and, in general, not well resolved. Within Clade B, analyses revealed the monophyly of the “Cissilopha” jays and showed no evidence for a sister relationship between C. mystacalis and C. dickeyi. The phylogenetic complexity of lineages in the group suggests several complications for the understanding biogeographic patterns, as well as for proposing a taxonomy that is consistent with morphological variation. Although multiple taxonomic arrangements are possible, recommendations are for recognizing only one genus, Cyanocorax, with Psilorhinus and Calocitta as synonyms. Se estudiaron las relaciones filogenéticas en los géneros Cyanocorax, Psilorhinus y Calocitta (Aves: Corvidae), un grupo diverso de urracas del Nuevo Mundo cuyas especies se distribuyen desde el sur de los Estados Unidos hasta Argentina. Aunque la ecología y el comportamiento de algunas especies en el grupo han sido estudiadas extensamente, la falta de una filogenia molecular ha impedido la interpretación rigurosa de estos estudios en un marco evolutivo. Dadas las diversas combinaciones de coloración de plumaje, tamaño y morfología presentes en las especies del grupo, su taxonomía ha sido inconsistente y la interpretación de sus patrones biogeográficos ha sido problemática. Mas aún, la similitud de plumaje en especies que están geográficamente distantes, como Cyanocorax dickeyi del oeste de Mexico y C. mystacalis del oeste de Ecuador y Perú, ha sido difícil de interpretar. Se presenta una filogenia para todas las especies en los tres géneros, basada en el estudio de dos genes nucleares y dos genes mitocondriales. Los árboles filogenéticos mostraron la parafilia de Cyanocorax y la división de todas las especies en dos grupos: “Clado A” en el cual se encuentran Psilorhinus morio, ambas especies Calocitta, Cyanocorax violaceus, C. caeruleus, C. cristatellus, y C. cyanomelas, y “Clado B” en el cual se encuentran el resto de las especies de Cyanocorax. Las relaciones entre especies del Clado A fueron ambiguas y, en general, poco resueltas. En el Clado B, los análisis mostraron la monofilia de las especies en “Cissilopha”, pero no indicaron la monofilia de C. mystacalis + C. dickeyi. La complejidad filogenética de los linajes en el grupo sugiere varias complicaciones en el entendimiento de su biogeografía y taxonomía. Con base en los resultados filogenéticos se reconoce un solo género, Cyanocorax, con Psilorhinus y Calocitta como sinónimos

    Radiation risk predictions for Space Station Freedom orbits

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    Risk assessment calculations are presented for the preliminary proposed solar minimum and solar maximum orbits for Space Station Freedom (SSF). Integral linear energy transfer (LET) fluence spectra are calculated for the trapped proton and GCR environments. Organ dose calculations are discussed using the computerized anatomical man model. The cellular track model of Katz is applied to calculate cell survival, transformation, and mutation rates for various aluminum shields. Comparisons between relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and quality factor (QF) values for SSF orbits are made