759 research outputs found

    Dilaton Domain Walls and Dynamical Systems

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    Domain wall solutions of dd-dimensional gravity coupled to a dilaton field σ\sigma with an exponential potential Λeλσ\Lambda e^{-\lambda\sigma} are shown to be governed by an autonomous dynamical system, with a transcritical bifurcation as a function of the parameter λ\lambda when Λ<0\Lambda<0. All phase-plane trajectories are found exactly for λ=0\lambda=0, including separatrices corresponding to walls that interpolate between adSdadS_d and adS_{d-1} \times\bR, and the exact solution is found for d=3d=3. Janus-type solutions are interpreted as marginal bound states of these ``separatrix walls''. All flat domain wall solutions, which are given exactly for any λ\lambda, are shown to be supersymmetric for some superpotential WW, determined by the solution.Comment: 30 pp, 11 figs, significant revision of original. Minor additional corrections in version to appear in journa

    Staying true with the help of others: doxastic self-control through interpersonal commitment

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    I explore the possibility and rationality of interpersonal mechanisms of doxastic self-control, that is, ways in which individuals can make use of other people in order to get themselves to stick to their beliefs. I look, in particular, at two ways in which people can make interpersonal epistemic commitments, and thereby willingly undertake accountability to others, in order to get themselves to maintain their beliefs in the face of anticipated “epistemic temptations”. The first way is through the avowal of belief, and the second is through the establishment of collective belief. I argue that both of these forms of interpersonal epistemic commitment can function as effective tools for doxastic self-control, and, moreover, that the control they facilitate should not be dismissed as irrational from an epistemic perspective

    From Wave Geometry to Fake Supergravity

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    The `Wave Geometry' equation of the pre-WWII Hiroshima program is also the key equation of the current `fake supergravity' program. I review the status of (fake) supersymmetric domain walls and (fake) pseudo-supersymmetric cosmologies. An extension of the domain-wall/cosmology correspondence to a triple correspondence with instantons shows that `pseudo-supersymmetry' has another interpretation as Euclidean supersymmetry.Comment: 14 pages. Minor Revisions to original. To appear in proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS5), Vallodolid, July 2007. in version

    On Critical Massive (Super)Gravity in adS3

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    We review the status of three-dimensional "general massive gravity" (GMG) in its linearization about an anti-de Sitter (adS) vacuum, focusing on critical points in parameter space that yield generalizations of "chiral gravity". We then show how these results extend to N=1 super-GMG, expanded about a supersymmetric adS vacuum, and also to the most general `curvature-squared' N=1 supergravity model.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of ERE 2010, Granada, 6-10 september 2010; reference adde

    Cosmology as Geodesic Motion

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    For gravity coupled to N scalar fields with arbitrary potential V, it is shown that all flat (homogeneous and isotropic) cosmologies correspond to geodesics in an (N+1)-dimensional `augmented' target space of Lorentzian signature (1,N), timelike if V>0, null if V=0 and spacelike if V<0. Accelerating cosmologies correspond to timelike geodesics that lie within an `acceleration subcone' of the `lightcone'. Non-flat (k=-1,+1) cosmologies are shown to evolve as projections of geodesic motion in a space of dimension (N+2), of signature (1,N+1) for k=-1 and signature (2,N) for k=+1. This formalism is illustrated by cosmological solutions of models with an exponential potential, which are comprehensively analysed; the late-time behviour for other potentials of current interest is deduced by comparison.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, journal version with additional reference

    A spin-4 analog of 3D massive gravity

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    A 6th-order, but ghost-free, gauge-invariant action is found for a 4th-rank symmetric tensor potential in a three-dimensional (3D) Minkowski spacetime. It propagates two massive modes of spin 4 that are interchanged by parity, and is thus a spin-4 analog of linearized "new massive gravity". Also found are ghost-free spin-4 analogs of linearized "topologically massive gravity" and "new topologically massive gravity", of 5th- and 8th-order respectively.Comment: 16 pages, v2 : version published in Class. Quant. Gra

    On Maximal Massive 3D Supergravity

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    We construct, at the linearized level, the three-dimensional (3D) N = 4 supersymmetric "general massive supergravity" and the maximally supersymmetric N = 8 "new massive supergravity". We also construct the maximally supersymmetric linearized N = 7 topologically massive supergravity, although we expect N = 6 to be maximal at the non-linear level.Comment: 33 page

    Interwell relaxation times in p-Si/SiGe asymmetric quantum well structures: the role of interface roughness

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    We report the direct determination of nonradiative lifetimes in Si∕SiGe asymmetric quantum well structures designed to access spatially indirect (diagonal) interwell transitions between heavy-hole ground states, at photon energies below the optical phonon energy. We show both experimentally and theoretically, using a six-band k∙p model and a time-domain rate equation scheme, that, for the interface quality currently achievable experimentally (with an average step height ⩾1 Å), interface roughness will dominate all other scattering processes up to about 200 K. By comparing our results obtained for two different structures we deduce that in this regime both barrier and well widths play an important role in the determination of the carrier lifetime. Comparison with recently published experimental and theoretical data obtained for mid-infrared GaAs∕AlxGa1−xAs multiple quantum well systems leads us to the conclusion that the dominant role of interface roughness scattering at low temperature is a general feature of a wide range of semiconductor heterostructures not limited to IV-IV material

    More on Massive 3D Supergravity

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    Completing earlier work on three dimensional (3D) N=1 supergravity with curvature-squared terms, we construct the general supergravity extension of cosmological massive gravity theories. We expand about supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua, finding the conditions for bulk unitarity and the critical points in parameter space at which the spectrum changes. We discuss implications for the dual conformal field theory.Comment: v1 : 53 pages, 1 figure; v2 : significantly shortened, 42 p., version published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Dual equivalence in models with higher-order derivatives

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    We introduce a class of higher-order derivative models in (2,1) space-time dimensions. The models are described by a vector field, and contain a Proca-like mass term which prevents gauge invariance. We use the gauge embedding procedure to generate another class of higher-order derivative models, gauge-invariant and dual to the former class. We show that the results are valid in arbitrary (d,1) space-time dimensions when one discards the Chern-Simons and Chern-Simons-like terms. We also investigate duality at the quantum level, and we show that it is preserved in the quantum scenario. Other results include investigations concerning the gauge embedding approach when the vector field couples with fermionic matter, and when one adds nonlinearity.Comment: RevTex4, 14 pages; new version includes duality at the quantum level, and new references. To be published in J. Phys.