7 research outputs found
Spatial patterns of social vulnerability in relation to wildfire risk and wildland-urban interface presence
Wildfires have greater impacts on socially vulnerable communities. Identifying these vulnerable communities and enhancing understanding of what influences their susceptibility to wildfires can guide the design of spatially targeted strategies in preparedness, mitigation plans, and adaptation strategies. This paper investigates the heterogeneous spatial coincidence of social vulnerability and wildfire risk in Galicia (Spain) at the municipality level. Results show that socioeconomic status, rates of dependence on social programs, and household unit characteristics are factors that contribute the most to social vulnerability. In general, municipalities with the highest proportion of their area in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) have the lowest social vulnerability. Within Galicia, locations with high social vulnerability and high wildfire risk are spatially concentrated in the south and tend to be low-population density communities, often in remote locations and with relatively high percentages of elderly people. Our findings provide an empirical foundation for wildfire management planning that accounts for the spatial distribution of vulnerable communitiesThis research was supported by project ECO2017-89274-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE)S
Interacting effects of topography, vegetation, human activities and wildland-urban interfaces on wildfire ignition risk
Effective fire prevention requires a better understanding of the patterns and causes of fire ignition. In this study, we focus on the interacting factors known to influence fire ignition risk, such as the type of veg- etation, topographical features and the wildland-urban interface (WUI; i.e. where urban development meet or intermingle with wildland). We also analyze the human activities and motivations related to fires and whether they differ depending on the type of vegetation and the location within/outside WUI. There were significant interactions between topography, type of vegetation and location within/outside WUI. The risk of ignition was in general higher at lower elevations, and this tendency was more marked in forested land covers (all plantations and open woodlands), with the noticeable exception of native for- ests. North-facing sites had lower fire ignition risk outside the WUI, especially in native forests, while southern aspects showed higher fire ignition risk, especially in open shrublands. However, this effect of the aspect was only significant outside WUI areas. In relation to causes, there were also interactions between human activities/motivations related to fires, the type of vegetation and the location within/out- side WUI. All forestry plantations appeared clustered in relation to fire causes, especially in the WUI, with high incidence of deliberately caused fires related to violent or mentally ill people and rekindle fires. In contrast, native forests, despite structural similarities with forestry plantations, showed more similarity with agricultural areas and open woodlands in relation to fire causes. In shrublands, there was a relatively high incidence of fires related to ranching, especially outside the WUI. This pattern of interactions depicts a complex scenario in relation to fire ignition risk and prompts to the importance of taking this complex- ity into account in order to adjust fire management measures for improved effectiveness
Estimación dos custos das operacións de extinción de incendios forestais: estudo de caso no distrito forestal da Limia
Os incendios forestais producidos en Galicia, na meirande parte dos casos intencionadamente, arrasan miles de hectáreas de superficie forestal cada ano. Neste traballo realizamos un estudo descritivo dos incendios rexistrados durante o perÃodo 1999-2008 no Distrito XV-A Limia, asà como unha estimación económica dos custos derivados das operacións de extinción. Para isto empregamos os partes de incendio dos 6.383 incendios forestais ocorridos neste distrito, e deseñamos dous escenarios de valoración para a estimación do valor dos medios humanos e materiais empregados nos lumes do distrito. As nosas estima-cións amosan un custo anual medio de extinción por hectárea de superficie forestal que varÃa entre os 5,3 euros e os 6,4 euros.Los incendios forestales producidos en Galicia, en la mayor parte de los casos intencionadamente, arrasan miles de hectáreas de superficie forestal cada año. En este trabajo realizamos un estudio descriptivo de los incendios registrados durante el perÃodo 1999-2008 en el Distrito XV-A Limia, asà como una estimación económica de los costes derivados de las operaciones de extinción. Para ello empleamos los partes de incendio de los 6.383 incendios forestales ocurridos en este distrito, y diseñamos dos escenarios de valoración para la estimación del valor de los medios humanos y materiales empleados en los incendios del distrito. Nuestras estimaciones muestran un coste anual medio de extinción por hectárea de superficie forestal que varÃa entre 5,3 euros y 6,4 euros.In Galicia, wildfires destroy thousands of hectares of forest each year, and most of them are set intentionally. This paper develops a descriptive study of the fires during the period 1999-2008 in the District XV-A Limia, and estimates the economic costs of extinction operations. Data is derived from wildfire reports corresponding to the 6.383 fires that occurred in this district during the studied period. Two assessment scenarios were designed to estimate the value of human and materials resources to fight against fires. Our estimates show an average annual cost of extinction per hectare of forest land ranging between € 5.3 and € 6.4
Estimación dos custos das operacións de extinción de incendios forestais: estudo de caso no distrito forestal de A Limia
In Galicia, wildfires destroy thousands of hectares of forest each year, and most of them are set intentionally. This paper develops a descriptive study of the fires during the period 1999-2008 in the District XV-A Limia, and estimates the economic costs of extinction operations. Data is derived from wildfire reports corresponding to the 6.383 fires that occurred in this district during the studied period. Two assessment scenarios were designed to estimate the value of human and materials resources to fight against fires. Our estimates show an average annual cost of extinction per hectare of forest land ranging between € 5.3 and € 6.4.Los incendios forestales producidos en Galicia, en la mayor parte de los casos intencionadamente, arrasan miles de hectáreas de superficie forestal cada año. En este trabajo realizamos un estudio descriptivo de los incendios registrados durante el perÃodo 1999-2008 en el Distrito XV-A Limia, asà como una estimación económica de los costes derivados de las operaciones de extinción. Para ello empleamos los partes de incendio de los 6.383 incendios forestales ocurridos en este distrito, y diseñamos dos escenarios de valoración para la estimación del valor de los medios humanos y materiales empleados en los incendiosdel distrito. Nuestras estimaciones muestran un coste anual medio de extinción por hectárea de superficieforestal que varÃa entre 5,3 euros y 6,4 eurosOs incendios forestais producidos en Galicia, na meirande parte dos casos intencionadamente, arrasan miles de hectáreas de superficie forestal cada ano. Neste traballo realizamos un estudo descritivo dos incendios rexistrados durante o perÃodo 1999-2008 no Distrito XV-A Limia, asà como unha estimación económica dos custos derivados das operacións de extinción. Para isto empregamos os partes de incendio dos 6.383 incendios forestais ocorridos neste distrito, e deseñamos dous escenarios de valoración para a estimación do valor dos medios humanos e materiais empregados nos lumes do distrito. As nosas estima-cións amosan un custo anual medio de extinción por hectárea de superficie forestal que varÃa entre os 5,3 euros e os 6,4 euros.
Avaliación socioeconómica da xestión sostible de especies invasoras: unha revisión
As especies invasoras son un dos factores máis importantes no cambio medioambiental global, e están consideradas unha das causas máis importantes de perda de biodiversidade (Walker e Steffen, 1997; Wilcove et al., 1998). A xestión desta problemática só é posible de entendermos os factores biolóxicos e socioeconómicos que explican a introdución, establecemento, dispersión e impactos destas especies (Perrings et al. 2000; McNeely et al. 2001; Perrings et al. 2010). As especies invasoras son a miúdo introducidas de forma accidental a consecuencia de actividades económicas tales coma uso ornamental, agrÃcola ou forestal (ex. Levine e D’Antonio 2003; RuÃz e Carlton 2003; Semmens et al. 2004; Duggan et al. 2006; Dehnen-Schmutz et al. 2007a, 2007b). Polo que a análise das percepcións, actitudes e concienciación social é un tema de grande interese para o desenvolvemento de estratexias de control. Neste traballo examinamos os estudos realizados para comprender os factores sociais que afectan á participación activa dos diferentes grupos de interese (sector comercial, xestores, cientÃficos, ONGs, etc) no desenvolvemento dunha xestión sostible de especies invasoras. Ademais, preséntanse algúns resultados preliminares dun estudo das percepcións sociais sobre plantas invasoras en Galiza
Avaliación socioeconómica da xestión sostible de especies invasoras: unha revisión
As especies invasoras son un dos factores máis importantes no cambio medioambiental global, e están consideradas unha das causas máis importantes de perda de biodiversidade (Walker e Steffen, 1997; Wilcove et al., 1998). A xestión desta problemática só é posible de entendermos os factores biolóxicos e socioeconómicos que explican a introdución, establecemento, dispersión e impactos destas especies (Perrings et al. 2000; McNeely et al. 2001; Perrings et al. 2010). As especies invasoras son a miúdo introducidas de forma accidental a consecuencia de actividades económicas tales coma uso ornamental, agrÃcola ou forestal (ex. Levine e D’Antonio 2003; RuÃz e Carlton 2003; Semmens et al. 2004; Duggan et al. 2006; Dehnen-Schmutz et al. 2007a, 2007b). Polo que a análise das percepcións, actitudes e concienciación social é un tema de grande interese para o desenvolvemento de estratexias de control. Neste traballo examinamos os estudos realizados para comprender os factores sociais que afectan á participación activa dos diferentes grupos de interese (sector comercial, xestores, cientÃficos, ONGs, etc) no desenvolvemento dunha xestión sostible de especies invasoras. Ademais, preséntanse algúns resultados preliminares dun estudo das percepcións sociais sobre plantas invasoras en Galiza
Oso, Osito ¿A Qué VenÃs? : Andean bear conflict, conservation, and campesinos in the Colombian Páramos
This article proposes a historical, multispecies, and ontological approach to human-wildlife conflict (HWC) in the Colombian paramos. Focusing on the paramos surrounding the capital city of Bogota, we reconstruct the historically changing relationship between cattle-farming campesino communities and the Andean bear, Tremarctos ornatus. Using ethnographic and historical research methods, we conceptualise this relationship as embedded in localised landscapes and multispecies assemblages, in which scientists, conservation practitioners, water infrastructures, public environmental agencies, and cows participate as well. This article demonstrates that insufficient attention to the practices and relationships of historically marginalised humans and non-humans in the management of HWCs contributes to new dynamics of exclusion and friction, and can reduce the effectiveness of conservation programmes. We conclude that opening up conservation to the interests and knowledges of local communities is imperative in moving towards more historically informed, pluralistic and effective conservation strategies