42 research outputs found

    An internet protocol adaptation layer for underwater acoustic networks

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    International audienceThe Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is on the way. The key application areas of IoUT include ocean engineering, maritime security and environmental monitoring. To achieve interoperability between different underwater communicating systems and/or to ensure connectivity from the air to underwater (and reversely), an Internet Protocol (IP) adaptation layer is necessary. In this paper, we propose Underwater-SCHC (U-SCHC) based on the Static Context Header Compression protocol (SCHC), a standard at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for terrestrial Internet of Things. The purpose of the paper is to describe the protocol encapsulation in the context of very low bit rates and small payloads as are usually observed in underwater acoustic systems. As a result, we reach the header compression ratio of 99.74% with just a single bit allocated to the UDP/IPv6 stack

    An internet protocol adaptation layer for underwater acoustic networks

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    International audienceThe Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is on the way. The key application areas of IoUT include ocean engineering, maritime security and environmental monitoring. To achieve interoperability between different underwater communicating systems and/or to ensure connectivity from the air to underwater (and reversely), an Internet Protocol (IP) adaptation layer is necessary. In this paper, we propose Underwater-SCHC (U-SCHC) based on the Static Context Header Compression protocol (SCHC), a standard at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for terrestrial Internet of Things. The purpose of the paper is to describe the protocol encapsulation in the context of very low bit rates and small payloads as are usually observed in underwater acoustic systems. As a result, we reach the header compression ratio of 99.74% with just a single bit allocated to the UDP/IPv6 stack

    An internet protocol adaptation layer for underwater acoustic networks

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    International audienceThe Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is on the way. The key application areas of IoUT include ocean engineering, maritime security and environmental monitoring. To achieve interoperability between different underwater communicating systems and/or to ensure connectivity from the air to underwater (and reversely), an Internet Protocol (IP) adaptation layer is necessary. In this paper, we propose Underwater-SCHC (U-SCHC) based on the Static Context Header Compression protocol (SCHC), a standard at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for terrestrial Internet of Things. The purpose of the paper is to describe the protocol encapsulation in the context of very low bit rates and small payloads as are usually observed in underwater acoustic systems. As a result, we reach the header compression ratio of 99.74% with just a single bit allocated to the UDP/IPv6 stack

    Implementation of an experimental pilot reproducing the fouling of the exhaust gas recirculation system in diesel engines

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    The European emission standards EURO 5 and EURO 6 define more stringent acceptable limits for exhaust emissions of new vehicles. The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is a partial but essential solution for lowering the emission of nitrogen oxides and soot particulates. Yet, due to a more intensive use than in the past, the fouling of the EGR system is increased. Ensuring the reliability of the EGR system becomes a main challenge. In partnership with PSA Peugeot Citroën, we designed an experimental setup that mimics an operating EGR system. Its distinctive features are (1) its ability to reproduce precisely the operating conditions and (2) its ability to measure the temperature field on the heat exchanger surface with an Infra Red camera for detecting in real time the evolution of the fooling deposit based on its thermal resistance. Numerical codes are used in conjunction with this experimental setup to determine the evolution of the fouling thickness from its thermal resistance

    Implementation of an experimental pilot reproducing the fouling of the exhaust gas recirculation system in diesel engines

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    The European emission standards EURO 5 and EURO 6 define more stringent acceptable limits for exhaust emissions of new vehicles. The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is a partial but essential solution for lowering the emission of nitrogen oxides and soot particulates. Yet, due to a more intensive use than in the past, the fouling of the EGR system is increased. Ensuring the reliability of the EGR system becomes a main challenge. In partnership with PSA Peugeot Citroën, we designed an experimental setup that mimics an operating EGR system. Its distinctive features are (1) its ability to reproduce precisely the operating conditions and (2) its ability to measure the temperature field on the heat exchanger surface with an Infra Red camera for detecting in real time the evolution of the fooling deposit based on its thermal resistance. Numerical codes are used in conjunction with this experimental setup to determine the evolution of the fouling thickness from its thermal resistance

    Applicasol, un outil de partage des applications thématiques sur les sols

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    Emanant du RMT « Sols et Territoires », dans le cadre de l’axe 3 « Concevoir, partager et transférer des méthodes de traitement des données pour répondre à des problématiques connues ou émergentes », Applicasol est un outil de partage des applications thématiques utilisant des données sol, que celles-ci soient issues du programme Inventaire, Gestion et Conservation des Sols (IGCS) ou d’autres sources de données. Le développement de cet outil fait suite à trois enquêtes successives réalisées par l’Unité InfoSol de l’INRA d’Orléans en 2004, 2006 et 2008 recensant respectivement 92, 250 et plus de 800 études utilisant des données sol. Ces enquêtes ont mis en lumière à la fois la multiplicité des applications utilisant les sols, mais également la difficulté de partage de ces applications et de leurs méthodes entre les utilisateurs. Elles ont permis d’élaborer une grille d’analyse concernant les thématiques traitées en lien avec les sols, et les utilisateurs de données sol. Cette analyse a conduit à l’élaboration de la base de données Applicasol, développée selon la méthode Merise (Méthode d’analyse, de conception et de réalisation de systèmes d’informations informatisés) au sein du Système de Gestion de Base de Données Access puis portée sous Postgresql. A l’heure actuelle, 733 applications thématiques recensées ont été saisies selon quatre grands groupes thématiques : Gestion des sols, Préservation de la Ressource, Durabilité des activités et Autres, sur une période allant de 1940 à 2015. Ces applications ne reflètent cependant pas toute l’étendue des travaux récents, et l’enrichissement d’Applicasol doit se poursuivre, avecles utilisateurs, afin que les applications thématiques sur les données sol soient utilisables par tous. L’enrichissement d’Applicasol est nécessaire et possible, nous comptons sur vous !Applicasol is a tool for sharing the thematic applications using soils, developed in the framework of the axis 3 "Designing, sharing and transferring data processing methods to answer known or emerging problems" of the French RMT "Sols et Territoires". Soil data can originate either from the French IGCS program (Inventory, Management and Conservation of Soils) or from other data sources. The development of Applicasol follows on from three successive surveys carried out by the InfoSol Unit of the INRA in Orléans in 2004, 2006 and 2008 respectively, covering 92, 250 and more than 800 studies using soil data. These surveys have highlighted both the multiplicity of applications using soils, but also the difficulty of sharing these applications and their methods among users. They made it possible to develop a grid of analysis concerning the topics in relation to soil, and the users of soil data. This analysis led to the development of the Applicasol database, developed according to the Merise method (Method of analysis, design and implementation of computerized information systems) within the Access Database Management System and then Under Postgresql. At present, 733 thematic applications have been identified according to four major thematic groups: Soil Management, Resource Conservation, Sustainability and Other, over a period from 1940 to 2015. These applications do not, however, reflect all the recent work dealing with soils, and the enrichment of Applicasol should continue with the users so that thematic applications on soil data are shared among all. Enrichment is necessary and possible. We need you![br/] Key-words : [br/] Database, Soil mapping, Thematic maps, End-user, decision tool, IGCS[br/]Applicasol, un instrumento de intercambio de las aplicaciones tematicas sobre los suelos.[br/] Applicasol, que proviene de la RMT (Red Mixta Tecnológica) « Suelos y Territorios», en el cuadro del eje 3 «concebir, intercambiar y transmitir métodos de tratamiento de datos para contestar a problemáticas conocidas o emergentes», es un instrumento de intercambio de las aplicaciones temáticas que usan datos de suelos que proceden del programa Inventario, Gestión y Conservación de los Suelos (IGCS) u otras fuentes de datos. El desarrollo de este instrumento sigue tres encuestas sucesivas realizadas por la Unidad Infosol del INRA en Orleans en 2004, 2006 y 2008 que identifico respectivamente 92, 250 y más de 800 estudios que usan datos de suelos. Estas encuestas pusieron de relieve a la vez la multiplicidad de las aplicaciones que utilizan los suelos, pero igualmente la dificultad de intercambio de estas aplicaciones y de sus métodos entre los utilizadores. Permitieron elaborar un marco de análisis que concierne las temáticas tratadas en relación con los suelos y los utilizadores de datos de suelo. Este análisis llevó a la elaboración de la base de datos Applicasol, desarrollada según el método Merise ( Método de análisis, de concepción y de realización de sistemas de informaciones informatizadas) en el seno del Sistema de Gestión de Base de Datos Access luego llevado bajo Postgresql. Actualmente, se introdujo 733 aplicaciones temáticas registradas según cuatro grandes grupos temáticos: Gestión de suelos, Preservación del recurso, Sostenibilidad de las actividades y Otros, en un periodo que va de 1940 a 2015. Sin embargo estas aplicaciones no reflejan todo el alcance de los trabajos recientes, y el enriquecimiento de Applicasol debe perseguirse con los utilizadores, para que las aplicaciones temáticas sobre los datos sean usados por todos. El enriquecimiento de Applicasol es necesario y posible, contamos con Ustedes.[br/] Palabras clave : [br/] Base de datos, cartografía de suelos, aplicaciones temáticas, utilizadores, ayuda a la decisión, IGCS