467 research outputs found

    Clinical survey of neurosensory side-effects of mandibular parasymphyseal bone harvesting

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    The aim of the present survey was to assess neurosensory disturbances and/or tooth-pulp sensitivity losses after mandibular parasymphyseal bone-harvesting procedures. Twenty-eight harvesting areas in 16 patients were surveyed. Mucosal and skin sensitivity of the chin/lower lip, divided into four regions, were determined via Pointed-Blunt and Two-Point-Discrimination Tests. Pulp sensitivity of the mandibular teeth from the left second bicuspid to the right second bicuspid was tested by cold vitality preoperatively and 12 months postoperatively. Teeth were grouped according to sensitivity alterations and distance from the harvesting defects, as measured on CT scans, and statistically significant differences sought. At 12 months, 29% of preoperatively vital cuspids overlying the harvesting defects revealed pulp-sensitivity losses; no patient reported anaesthesia or analgesia; hypoaesthesia was present in 4% (8 sites; 2 patients), hypoalgesia was present in 3% (5 sites; 2 patients) and Two-Point-Discrimination Tests yielded pathologic responses in 5% of tested areas (10 sites; 4 patients). Teeth with and without pulp sensitivity changes were statistically indistinguishable regarding distances between root apices or mental foramen and the harvesting defect. The loss of pulp sensitivity in any tooth cannot be predicted simply on the basis of the distance between its apex and the harvesting osteotomy line

    Elevated levels of procoagulant microparticles in a patient with myocardial infarction, antiphospholipid antibodies and multifocal cardiac thrombosis

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    Circulating procoagulant microparticles (MP) are pathogenic markers of enhanced coagulability associated to a variety of disorders and released from stimulated vascular cells. When derived from endothelial cells, MP were found characteristic of thrombotic propensity in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). The prothrombotic status of a patient with antiphospholipid antibodies (APL), a past history of mesenteric vein thrombosis and presenting myocardial infarction and extensive intracardiac thrombosis was examined by measurement of circulating procoagulant MP. MP of platelet and endothelial origins were highly elevated with respect to values detectable in patients with myocardial infarction and no history of APS (6- and 3-fold elevation, respectively) or in healthy volunteers (13- and 25-fold elevation, respectively). In this particular patient, with moderate APL titer, a drastic release of procoagulant MP could have contributed to thrombus growth and the development of extensive intracardiac thrombosis

    Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (Fdr), Dan Operational Efficiency Ratio (Oer) Terhadap Return on Asset (Roa) Pada Bri Syariah Tahun 2009-2014

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    This research aims to analyze the effect brought about by the variable of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) To Return On Asset (ROA) at BRI Syariah. This research use descriptive analysis method and the method or tool. Analysis of partially and simultaneous (multiple liniar regresi analysis by using its facilities program eviews version 9.5 SV). From the results of testing that has been done, the simultaneous regresion test (test F) show that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) along the same influential and significantly to the Return On Asset (ROA). partial regression test (test t) indicates that the variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car) has significant influence again Return On Asset (ROA, Non Performing Financing (NPF) variable do not effect significantly to Return On Asset (ROA), Variable Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) effect significantly to the Return On Asset (ROA), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) influential variables significantly to Return On Asset (ROA)

    Volume changes of grafted autogenous bone in sinus augmentation procedure

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    to evaluate associations between the osseous remodelling add 3-dimensional features of both the grafted bone and the recipient site as well as the density of the grafted bone,and to assess the relation between the degree of bone resorption and the type of autogenous bone.grafting procedure or the source(block or particulate bone from iliac crest or block bone from chin

    A polissemia das idéias de cidadania como intermediário para a interlocução entre referências na educação em ciências

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    O reconhecimento da relevância da Educação em Ciências na constituição da Cidadania contemporânea pode ser evidenciado pelas crescentes referências na literatura da área. Com objetivo de compreender melhor as implicações desta constituição para a Educação Científica, buscamos caracterizar elementos da temática a partir do que é destacado por pesquisadores em publicações conceituadas no campo da Educação em Ciências. Para isso foram tomadas amostras em periódicos na área de Educação em Ciências e analisados à luz de elementos de Sociologia da Ciência. Por fim argumentamos que a polissemia das idéias de Cidadania parece trazer consigo importantes elementos para o diálogo entre diferentes contextos da Educação em Ciências e com outras áreas de conhecimento, compartilhadas

    Coupled system thermal Hydraulics/CFD models: General guidelines and applications to heavy liquid metals

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    This work aims to review the general guidelines to be adopted to perform coupled System Thermal Hydraulics (STH)/CFD calculations. The coupled analysis is often required when complex phenomena characterized by different characteristic time and length scales are investigated. Indeed, by STH/CFD coupling the main drawbacks of both stand-alone codes are overcome, reducing the computational cost and providing more realistic solutions. A review of several works available in literature and involving different coupling approaches, codes, time-advancing schemes and application fields is given. Besides STH/CFD coupling techniques, spatial domains and numerical schemes are analysed in detail. A brief description of applications to heavy liquid metal systems is also reported; lessons drawn in the frame of these and other works are then considered in order to develop a set of good practice guidelines for coupled STH/CFD applications

    Risk perception and media in shaping protective behaviors: insights from the early phase of COVID-19 Italian outbreak

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    In the absence of target treatments or vaccination, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic can be impeded by effectively implementing containment measures and behaviors. This relies on individuals’ adoption of protective behaviors, their perceived risk, and the use and trust of information sources. During a health emergency, receiving timely and accurate information enables individuals to take appropriate actions to protect themselves, shaping their risk perception. Italy was the first western country plagued by COVID-19 and one of the most affected in the early phase. During this period, we surveyed 2,223 Italians before the national lockdown. A quarter of the sample perceived COVID-19 less threatening than flu and would not vaccinate, if a vaccine was available. Besides, most people perceived containment measures, based on social distancing or wearing masks, not useful. This perceived utility was related to COVID-19 threat perception and efficacy beliefs. All these measures were associated with the use of media and their truthfulness: participants declared to mainly use the Internet, while health organizations’ websites were the most trusted. Although social networks were frequently used, they were rated lower for trustfulness. Our data differ from those obtained in other community samples, suggesting the relevance to explore changes across different countries and during the different phases of the pandemic. Understanding these phenomena, and how people access the media, may contribute to improve the efficacy of containment measures, tailoring specific policies and health communications
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