82 research outputs found

    The factors that affect plasma homocysteine levels, pulse wave velocity and their relationship with cardiovascular disease indicators in peritoneal dialysis patients

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    Objective The incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is high in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) population and hyperhomocysteinemia is an important CVD risk factor. The aims of this study are to asses the incidence of hyperhomocysteinemia and the factors that affect the homocysteine (Hcy) levels in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, and to analyze the relationships between Hcy levels and clinical and echocardiographic CVD, and the pulse wave velocity (PWV). Study design Sixty ESRD patients undergoing PD for at least 6 months were included in the study. Biochemical parameters, echocardiography, and PWV were analysed for every subject. Results Mean Hcy level was 27.2 ± 15.7 lmol/L and was high in 53 patients (88.3%). Fibrinogen, dialysate/plasma creatinine ratio and folic acid were found to be the independent predictors of Hcy level (P\0.001; P\0.01; P\0.05, respectively). Patients with atherosclerosis had significantly higher plasma Hcy levels (P\0.05). No significant relationship was found between plasma Hcy levels and echocardiographic findings and PWV. Conclusion Hyperhomocysteinemia incidence seems high among PD patients and despite significant relationship between fibrinogen and Hcy in our study, it is essential to evaluate the link between Hcy levels and inflammation. Folic acid replacement even in normal folic acid levels, enough elimination of volume and solutesmay be beneficial to control Hcy levels, whereas PWV was found to be related with comorbidities and and dialysate kinetics

    Can Propranolol be used as the first line treatment in infantile hemangioma?

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    Hemangiomas are the most common tumors of infancy. Most of them require no treatment, but treatment is needed if dramatic aesthetic, and/or functional impairment as visual or airway obstruction or ulceration arises. We reported a 6-month-old infant presented with a 6-week history of a rapidly growing cutaneus hemangioma on the right eyelid and caused visual impairment. The patient was successfully treated with the use of oral propranolol therapy. We suggest that propranolol can be considered as a first line treatment in a patient with infantil hemangioma

    Investigation of drought tolerance mechanism in melon genetic resources by molecular and physiological methods.

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    TEZ12862Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 189-217) var.XIX, 219s. :_res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ;_29 cm.Küresel iklim değişikliğiyle birlikte oluşan kuraklık gibi çevresel etmenler son yıllarda kavunda da verimliliği sınırlandırmaktadır. Türkiye’nin konumu ve sahip olunan genetik zenginlik içerisinde kuraklığa toleransı yüksek materyalin bulunması kuvvetle muhtemeldir. Araştırmada, Türkiye’nin değişik yörelerinden toplanan ve yabani türlerin ise yabancı ülkelerden tedarik edildiği, Ç.Ü. Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümüne ait kabakgil genetik kaynak koleksiyonundan, 192 adet kavun genotipi kullanılmıştır. İklim kontrollü seralarda ve iklim odalarında iki farklı tarama yapılmış, kavun genotiplerinin kurağa tolerans seviyeleri belirlenmiş ve kuraklığa en tolerant genotip olarak Kav-248, en hassas genotip olarak da Kav-20 seçilmiştir. Seçilen genotiplerle kurulan denemede, kontrol grubundan ve kuraklık stresi uygulanan gruptan, 0, 4. 8. 12. 24. 48. ve 72. saatlerde yaprak ve kök örnekleri alınmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılacak genotiplere ait örneklenen köklerden ve yapraklardan RNA izolasyonu ve izolasyonu gerçekleştirilen total RNA’lardan mRNA izolasyonu yapılmış ve sonrasında cDNA sentezi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kuraklık stresi durumunda ifadeleri gerçekleşen genler cDNA-AFLP yöntemiyle tespit edilmiştir. Önamplifikasyon sonrasında ise toplam olarak 77 adet AFLP primer kombinasyonu kullanılarak seçici-PCR reaksiyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmamız kapsamında gerçekleştirilen cDNA-AFLP analizleri sonucunda 24 adet DNA bant profilinin DNA dizileme işlemleri yaptırılmıştır. DNA dizilerin BLAST analizleri sonucunda; 10 tane DNA dizisi kavun genomu ile homoloji göstermiştir. Belirlenen genlerin hangi yolaklarda görev aldığını belirlemek amacıyla KEGG veri bankası kullanılarak dört gende ilgili yolaklar tespit edilmiştir. Real time PCR analizleri yapılarak elde edilen verilerin doğrulaması sağlanmıştır.In recent years beside global climate change, environmental factors such as drought are limiting the efficiency of melon yield. Finding material having high drought tolerance is proboble in Turkey due to its position and having rich genetic diversity. In this research a total of 192 melon genotypes which belong to the Cucurbitacea genetic resources of Cukurova University Department of Horticulture, collected from different regions of Turkey and wild species obtained from foreign countries were used.Two differnt screening were done in climate controlled greenhouse and in climate controlled growth chamber, the tolerance level of melon genotypes were determined, and Kav 248 was selected as the most tolerant and Kav 20 was selected as most susceptible. Leaf and root samples were taken at 0, 4. 8. 12. 24. 48. and 72 hours from the control group and the drought stressed group in the experiment with selected genotypes. RNA was isolated from leaves and roots of genotypes, mRNA was isolated from total RNA and after cDNA synthesis was realized. Expressed genes were identified by cDNAAFLP method in case of drought stress. Selective PCR reactions were realized using a total of 77 AFLP primar combinations after preamplification. As a result of the cDNA-AFLP analyzes carried out within the scope of our research, 24 DNA strand profiles were DNA sequenced. As a result of BLAST analysis of the DNA sequences, 10 DNA sequences showed homology with the melon genome. Four pathways were identified using the KEGG database in order to determine the pathways of the identified genes. Validation of the obtained data was performed by real-time PCR analysis.Bu Çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje no: ZF2014D3

    Submanifolds of Almost-Complex Metallic Manifolds

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    Our paper aims to study the geometry of submanifolds of an almost-complex metallic manifold. We give an example of this type of manifold, and reveal the fundamental properties of structure induced on submanifolds. We establish subsets of submanifolds in almost-complex metallic manifolds, such as invariant, anti-invariant, and slant submanifolds

    Comparison of Engine Performance and Emission Values of Biodiesel Obtained from Waste Pumpkin Seeds with Machine Learning

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    This study was primarily conducted to investigate the potential use of pumpkin seed oil in biodiesel production. Initially, the fatty acid composition of oils extracted from discarded pumpkin seeds was determined. Then, biodiesel produced from discarded pumpkin seed oil was tested in an engine test setup. The performance and emission values of a four-cylinder diesel engine fueled with diesel (D100), biodiesel (PB100), and blended fuels (PB2D98, PB5D95, and PB20D80) were determined. Furthermore, three distinctive machine learning algorithms (artificial neural networks, XGBoost, and random forest) were employed to model engine performance and emission parameters. Models were generated based on the data from the PB100, PB2D98, and PB5D95 fuels, and model performance was assessed through the R2, RMSE, and MAPE metrics. The highest torque value (333.15 Nm) was obtained from 1200 rpm of D100 fuel. PB2D98 (2% biodiesel–98% diesel) had the lowest specific fuel consumption (194.33 g HPh−1) at 1600 rpm. The highest BTE (break thermal efficiency) value (30.92%) was obtained from diesel fuel at 1400 rpm. Regarding the blended fuels, PB2D98 exhibited the most fuel-efficient performance. Overall, in terms of engine performance and emission values, PB2M98 showed the closest results to diesel fuel. A comparison of machine learning algorithms revealed that artificial neural networks (ANNs) generally performed the best. However, the XGBoost algorithm proved to be more successful than other algorithms at predicting the performance and emissions of PB20D80 fuel. The present findings demonstrated that the XGBoost algorithm could be a more reliable option for predicting engine performance and emissions, especially for data-deficient fuels such as PB20D80

    Geopolitical Visions in Turkish Foreign Policy

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    In the last two decades, Turkish foreign policy has undergone a remarkable transformation and Eurasianism, with its anti-Western and pro-Russian rhetoric, has become more visible in the foreign policy practices/activities of the JDP (Justice and Development Party) government. This article identifies Europeanization/de-Europeanization, Neo-Ottomanism and Eurasianism as geopolitical visions that have shaped Turkish foreign policy goals and instruments during the JDP government era. The article argues that Eurasianism is a result of necessity as Europeanization is off the agenda and neo-Ottomanism is not producing positive results. Overall, however, the evolution of geopolitical visions can be accounted for not only by foreign policy concerns. Domestic political goals and economic interests also matter

    Grupta kaynaşma, psikolojik güvenlik, iş üzerindeki kontrol ve rekabetçi iş ortamının örgütsel sessizlik ile ilişkisi: sessizliğe yol açan güdülerin aracı rolü

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    Morrison and Milliken (2000) defined organizational silence as “a collective phenomenon where employees withhold their opinions and concerns about potential organizational problems” (p.1364) and mainly focused on silence behavior as a response to fear and stated that if employees perceive their managers are not tolerant of hearing the truth, they are likely to keep away from sharing their opinions due to a fear of negative responses. The basic research problem that this study seeks to address is the following: (a) what are the antecedents of organizational silence? (b) what types of motives produce employee silence behavior? (c) do motives of silence mediate the relationship between the antecedents and organizational silence? Data were collected through convenience sampling method from 210 employees working in organizations functioning in the public/private sectors. Results of the study revealed that generally group cohesiveness, psychological safety, and control over work have significant negative; competitive work environment has significant positive contributions on organizational silence. Also, the motive of helplessness-based silence was found to mediate the relationship between group cohesiveness and organizational silence.Morrison ve Milliken (2000) tarafından “çalışanların işle ilgili konular ve sorunlar hakkındaki bilgilerini, görüşlerini ve kaygılarını bilinçli olarak yönetimle paylaşmamaları, kendilerine saklamaları” (p.1364) olarak ifade edilen örgütsel sessizlik, çalışanların işle ilgili konulardaki fikirlerini paylaşmaları durumunda karşılaşabilecekleri olumsuz yönetici tutumlarıyla ilgili endişelerinden kaynaklanan kolektif bir davranış kalıbı olarak görülmektedir. Bu araştırma kapsamında yanıt aranan sorular; (a) örgütsel sessizliğin öncelleri nelerdir? (b) çalışanların sessizlik davranışlarının ortaya çıkmasına yol açan temel güdüler neler olabilir? (c) sessizliğe ilişkin güdülerin önceller ile örgütsel sessizlik arasında aracı rolü bulunmakta mıdır? şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklem grubunda kamu/özel sektör çalışanı olan 210 kişi yer almıştır. Araştırma örnekleminin tespitinde kolayda örneklem yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, grupta sargınlık, psikolojik güvenlik ve iş üzerindeki kontrol ile örgütsel sessizlik arasında anlamlı ve negatif yönlü; rekabetçi iş ortamı ile örgütsel sessizlik arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir ilişki ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, çaresizlik temelli sessizlik güdüsünün, grupta sargınlık ve örgütsel sessizlik arasında aracı rol oynadığı bulunmuştur