33 research outputs found

    Auto-Luminescent Genetically-Encoded Ratiometric Indicator for Real-Time Ca2+ Imaging at the Single Cell Level

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    Background: Efficient bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) from a bioluminescent protein to a fluorescent protein with high fluorescent quantum yield has been utilized to enhance luminescence intensity, allowing single-cell imaging in near real time without external light illumination. Methodology/Principal Findings: We applied BRET to develop an autoluminescent Ca2+ indicator, BRAC, which is composed of Ca^[2+]-binding protein, calmodulin, and its target peptide, M13, sandwiched between a yellow fluorescent protein variant, Venus, and an enhanced Renilla luciferase, RLuc8. Adjusting the relative dipole orientation of the luminescent protein's chromophores improved the dynamic range of BRET signal change in BRAC up to 60%, which is the largest dynamic range among BRET-based indicators reported so far. Using BRAC, we demonstrated successful visualization of Ca2+ dynamics at the single-cell level with temporal resolution at 1 Hz. Moreover, BRAC signals were acquired by ratiometric imaging capable of canceling out Ca^[2+]-independent signal drifts due to change in cell shape, focus shift, etc. Conclusions/Significance: The brightness and large dynamic range of BRAC should facilitate high-sensitive Ca2+ imaging not only in single live cells but also in small living subjects

    Dual-FRET imaging of IP3 and Ca2+ revealed Ca2+-induced IP3 production maintains long lasting Ca2+ oscillations in fertilized mouse eggs

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    In most species, fertilization induces Ca(2+) transients in the egg. In mammals, the Ca(2+) rises are triggered by phospholipase Czeta (PLCzeta) released from the sperm; IP3 generated by PLCzeta induces Ca(2+) release from the intracellular Ca(2+) store through IP3 receptor, termed IP3-induced Ca(2+) release. Here, we developed new fluorescent IP3 sensors (IRIS-2s) with the wider dynamic range and higher sensitivity (Kd = 0.047-1.7 muM) than that we developed previously. IRIS-2s employed green fluorescent protein and Halo-protein conjugated with the tetramethylrhodamine ligand as fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) donor and acceptor, respectively. For simultaneous imaging of Ca(2+) and IP3, using IRIS-2s as the IP3 sensor, we developed a new single fluorophore Ca(2+) sensor protein, DYC3.60. With IRIS-2s and DYC3.60, we found that, right after fertilization, IP3 concentration ([IP3]) starts to increase before the onset of the first Ca(2+) wave. [IP3] stayed at the elevated level with small peaks followed after Ca(2+) spikes through Ca(2+) oscillations. We detected delays in the peak of [IP3] compared to the peak of each Ca(2+) spike, suggesting that Ca(2+)-induced regenerative IP3 production through PLC produces small [IP3] rises to maintain [IP3] over the basal level, which results in long lasting Ca(2+) oscillations in fertilized eggs

    Identification of the C-terminal activation domain of the NeuroD-related factor (NDRF)

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    NeuroD-related factor(NDRF)is a basic helix-loop-helix(bHLH)protein whose expresslon is restricted to the central nervous system,and is considered to be responsible for maintenance of differentiated neurons as well as neurogenesis...

    Phospholipase C-β1 and β4 contribute to non-genetic cell-to-cell variability in histamine-induced calcium signals in HeLa cells.

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    A uniform extracellular stimulus triggers cell-specific patterns of Ca(2+) signals, even in genetically identical cell populations. However, the underlying mechanism that generates the cell-to-cell variability remains unknown. We monitored cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) concentration changes using a fluorescent IP3 sensor in single HeLa cells showing different patterns of histamine-induced Ca(2+) oscillations in terms of the time constant of Ca(2+) spike amplitude decay and the Ca(2+) oscillation frequency. HeLa cells stimulated with histamine exhibited a considerable variation in the temporal pattern of Ca(2+) signals and we found that there were cell-specific IP3 dynamics depending on the patterns of Ca(2+) signals. RT-PCR and western blot analyses showed that phospholipase C (PLC)-β1, -β3, -β4, -γ1, -δ3 and -ε were expressed at relatively high levels in HeLa cells. Small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of PLC isozymes revealed that PLC-β1 and PLC-β4 were specifically involved in the histamine-induced IP3 increases in HeLa cells. Modulation of IP3 dynamics by knockdown or overexpression of the isozymes PLC-β1 and PLC-β4 resulted in specific changes in the characteristics of Ca(2+) oscillations, such as the time constant of the temporal changes in the Ca(2+) spike amplitude and the Ca(2+) oscillation frequency, within the range of the cell-to-cell variability found in wild-type cell populations. These findings indicate that the heterogeneity in the process of IP3 production, rather than IP3-induced Ca(2+) release, can cause cell-to-cell variability in the patterns of Ca(2+) signals and that PLC-β1 and PLC-β4 contribute to generate cell-specific Ca(2+) signals evoked by G protein-coupled receptor stimulation

    Morphological basis of the lung adenocarcinoma subtypes

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    Summary: Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), which accounts for a large proportion of lung cancers, is divided into five major subtypes based on histologic characteristics. The clinical characteristics, prognosis, and responses to treatments vary among subtypes. Here, we demonstrate that the variations of cell-cell contact energy result in the LUAD subtype-specific morphogenesis. We reproduced the morphologies of the papillary LUAD subtypes with the cellular Potts Model (CPM). Simulations and experimental validations revealed modifications of cell-cell contact energy changed the morphology from a papillary-like structure to micropapillary or solid subtype-like structures. Remarkably, differential gene expression analysis revealed subtype-specific expressions of genes relating to cell adhesion. Knockdown experiments of the micropapillary upregulated ITGA11 gene resulted in the morphological changes of the spheroids produced from an LUAD cell line PC9. This work shows the consequences of gene mutations and gene expressions on patient prognosis through differences in tissue composing physical forces among LUAD subtypes

    Additional file1: of Efficient gene editing in Neurospora crassa with CRISPR technology

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    Figure S1. Full plasmid sequences of the Cas9, gRNA, and donor vectors. Green, orange, blue, red, light blue, gray letters indicate the promoter, coding sequence, terminator, gRNA, homologous region, and bar gene cassette, respectively. 20-bp target sequences in gRNA are underlined